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| [[File:柴达木黄耆1.jpg|缩略图|居中|250px|[http://2019.cvh.ac.cn/spm/PE/00279690 原图链接] [http://2019.cvh.ac.cn/spm/PE/00279690 来自植物标本馆]]]
[[File:柴达木黄耆2.jpg|缩略图|左|200px|[http://2019img.cvh.ac.cn/imgcvh/l/PE/00279212.jpg 原图链接] [http://2019.cvh.ac.cn/spm/PE/00279212 来自植物标本馆]]]
总状花序生3-8花,排列稍密集成伞房状,后渐伸长;总花梗比叶长1.5-2倍,长7-15厘米;苞片披针形,较花梗长,被黑白色混生毛;花萼管状,长3-10毫米,被黑白色混生毛,有时仅在萼齿上有黑色毛,萼齿狭线形,长约为萼筒的1/3;  [[File:柴达木黄耆3.jpg|缩略图|左|200px|[http://2019img.cvh.ac.cn/imgcvh/l/PE/00184914.jpg 原图链接] [http://2019.cvh.ac.cn/spm/PE/00279214 来自植物标本馆]]]  花冠蓝紫色,旗瓣长16-20毫米,瓣片菱状长圆形,先端微缺,中部微缢缩,有极短的瓣柄,翼瓣长13-17毫米,瓣片长圆形,先端2裂,瓣柄与瓣片等长,龙骨瓣较翼瓣短,先端微尖,瓣片与瓣柄等长;子房近无柄,被微毛。
花期7月。<ref>《中国植物志》 第42(1)卷 (1993) >> 268页 PDF >> 柴达木黄耆 Astragalus kronenburgii var. chaidamuensis </ref> var. chaidamuensis S. B. Ho in Bull. Bot. Res 3 (1): 42. f. 1. 1983. Astragalus kronenburgii B. Fedtschenko var. chaidamuen-sis S. B. Ho, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 3(1): 42. 1983. Plants ca. 18 cm tall, nearly acaulescent, caespitose, vege-tative parts covered with medifixed, appressed, white hairs 0.3-1 mm. Stems branched at base, parts of current year, if developed, up to 0.5 cm, densely hairy. Leaves of sterile shoots 1-2 cm; stipules ca. 2 mm, densely hairy; petiole 0.5-1 cm, with 1 or 2 pairs of small leaflets 2-3 mm. Leaves of flowering shoots 3-7 cm; petiole 1-2 cm, like rachis densely hairy; leaf-lets in (2 or)3 or 4 pairs, linear, 10-15 × 1-1.5 mm, both sur-faces ± densely hairy, apex acute. Racemes subumbellate, 3-7-flowered; peduncle 5-14 cm, loosely to rather densely white hairy; bracts 1-2 mm, sparsely furnished with mostly basifixed white and black hairs. Calyx ca. 10 mm, loosely to rather densely covered with medifixed, appressed, white hairs 0.5-1 mm and mostly slightly shorter black hairs; teeth 2.2-3 mm. Petals probably yellow; standard elliptic, 15-17 × 6-7 mm, apex emarginate; wings ca. 15 mm, limbs deeply incised; keel ca. 12 mm. Ovary with a stipe ca. 2 mm, linear, white hairy. Legumes unknown. ● 3000-3300 m. Gansu, Qinghai, ?Xinjiang. The Chinese record of Astragalus nematodes Bunge ex Boissier from Xinjiang (FRPS 42(1): 264. 1993) is possibly based on a misiden-tification of A. chaidamuensis. Astragalus nematodes is not known to occur in China.The Chinese record of Astragalus nematodes Bunge ex Boissier from Xinjiang (FRPS 42(1): 264. 1993) is possibly based on a misiden-tification of A. chaidamuensis. Astragalus nematodes is not known to occur in China.
主要生长在海拔3000米的冲积扇地及河滩石隙中。 <ref>柴达木黄耆(变种)  .中国植物物种信息数据库[引用日期2013-01-10] </ref>
主要生长在甘肃西部(阿克塞)、青海(德令哈、大柴旦)。模式标本采自青海海西德令哈。<ref>[http://www.zhiwutong.com/latin/Leguminosae/Astragalus-kronenburgii-B-Fedtsch-ex-Kneuck-var-chaidamuensis-SBHo.htm 柴达木黄耆Astragalus kronenburgii B. Fedtsch. ex Kneuck. var...] 种中文名:柴达木黄耆种拉丁名:Astragalus kronenburgii B. Fedtsch. ex Kneuck. var. chaidamuensis S.B.Ho科中文名:豆科科拉丁名:Leguminosae... </ref>