{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin: -10px 0px 10px 20px; text-align:left"|<center>'''乙鱷龍屬'''<br><img src="https://images.dinosaurpictures.org/Betasuchus/betasuchus_by_cisiopurple_daq1a9i-fullview_bbea.jpg" width="280"></center><small>[https://dinosaurpictures.org/Betasuchus-pictures 圖片來自dinosaurpictures]</small> |} '''乙鱷龍屬'''([[學名]]:''Betasuchus'',意為「β鱷魚」)是[[獸腳亞目]][[恐龍]]的一屬,生存於[[白堊紀]]末期的[[歐洲]]。<ref>[https://blog.xuite.net/ninayang6666/twblog/157703107 中生代 白堊紀],xuite</ref>
到目前為止,乙鱷龍、[[正骨龍]]是少數發現於荷蘭的恐龍化石,乙鱷龍也是[[馬斯垂克地層]](Maastrichtian Beds)的唯一獸腳類化石。
== 參考文獻 ==* Seeley (1883). "On the dinosaurs from the Maastricht beds." ''Q. J. Geol. Soc. London'', '''39''' * Huene (1932). "Die fossile Reptile-Ordnung Saurischia, ihre Entwicklung und Geschichte." ''Monogr. Geol. Palaeontol.'' (Pt. I and II, Ser. I) '''4''' *Ubaghs, C. 1892. "Sur l'origine des vallées du Limbourg hollandais". ''Extract Mém. Soc. belge Géol.'' VI *C. Ubaghs, "Le ''Megalosaurus'' dans la craie supérieure du Limbourg", ''Bull. Soc. belge Géol. Paléont. Hydrol.'' '''6''' *Von Huene, F. (1926). "The carnivorous Saurischia in the Jura and Cretaceous formations, principally in Europe". ''Revista del Museo de La Plata'' '''29''' *Russell, D.A. (1972). "Ostrich dinosaurs from the Late Cretaceous of western Canada". ''Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences'' '''9''' *Norman, D.B., Problematic Theropoda: "Coelurosaurs" in D.B. Weishampel, P. Dodson, H. Osmólska (eds), ''The Dinosauria'', University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 1990,*Jean le Loeuff and Eric Buffetaut (1991). "''Tarascosaurus salluvicus'' nov. gen., nov. sp.,dinosaure théropode du Crétacé supérieur du Sud de la France". ''Geobios'', Volume 24, Issue 5, 1991, *J. le Loeuff, "Les vertébrés continentaux du Crétacé supérieur d’Europe: paléoécologie, biostratigraphie et paléobiogéographie", ''Mém. Sci. Terre'', Paris '''92''' (3) (1992) *K. Carpenter, D. Russell, D. Baird, R. Denton, "Redescription of the holotype of ''Dryptosaurus aquilungis'' (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous of New Jersey", ''J. Vertebr. Paleontol''. '''17''' (1997) *D.B. Weishampel, E.W.A. Mulder, R.W. Dortangs, J.W.M. Jagt, C.-M. Jianu, M.M.M. Kuypers, H.H.G. Peeters, A.S. Schulp, "Dinosaur remains from the type Maastrichtian: an update", ''Geol. Mijnb.'' '''75''' (1999) *John W.M. Jagt, Eric W.A. Mulder, Anne S. Schulp, Rudi W. Dortangs, René H.B. Fraaije, 2003, "Dinosaurs from the Maastrichtian-type area (southeastern Netherlands, northeastern Belgium)", ''Palevol'' '''2''' (2003) *Tykoski, R.S. and Rowe, T., (2004), "Ceratosauria". In: D.B. Weishampel, P. Dodson, and H. Osmólska (eds.), ''The Dinosauria'', second edition, pp. 47–70, University of California Press, Berkeley ==外部連結==[https://web.archive.org/web/20070327215438/http://www.dinoruss.com/de_4/5a7f385.htm DinoRuss on ''Betasuchus''] [https://web.archive.org/web/20070330005843/http://staff.washington.edu/eoraptor/Ceratosauria.htm#Betasuchusbredai ''Betasuchus'' from The Theropod Database]{{reflist}}[[Category:380 動物學總論]]