

前往: 導覽搜尋


增加 27,086 位元組, 6 年前
{{Infobox person
| name = 保罗·迪·雷斯塔<br />Paul di Resta
| image =<img src="影像網址" width="220" ><br><small>[影像網址 原圖鏈結]、[來源網站 圖片來自]</small>
| caption =
| birth_date = {{birth date and age|1986|04|16|df=y}}
| birth_place = [[英國]][[蘇格蘭]][[西洛錫安]]{{le|阿普霍爾|Uphall}}
| current series = [[德國房車大師賽]]
| first year = 2007
| current team = [[HWA車隊|梅賽德斯-AMG賽車SILBERPFEIL能量車隊]]
| car number = 3
| former teams = {{le|佩爾森車隊|Persson Motorsport}}
| championships = 1(2010年)
| starts = 98
| wins = 8
| podiums = 29
| poles = 6
| fastest laps = 9
| last finish = 第5(116分)
| module =
{{Infobox F1 driver|embed=yes
| nationality = {{flagicon|GBR}} 英國
| 2017 Team = [[威廉斯車隊|威廉斯]]-[[梅賽德斯車隊|梅賽德斯]]
| Car number = 40
| Races = {{F1數據|DIR|entries}}({{F1數據|DIR|starts}}次起步)
| Championships = 0
| Wins = 0
| Podiums = {{F1數據|DIR|podiums}}
| Points = {{F1數據|DIR|careerpoints}}
| Poles = {{F1數據|DIR|poles}}
| Fastest laps = {{F1數據|DIR|fastestlaps}}
| First race = [[2011年澳大利亞大獎賽]]
| First win =
| Last win =
| Last race = [[2017年匈牙利大獎賽]]
'''保羅·迪·雷斯塔'''(Paul di Resta;{{bd|1986年|4月16日||}}),[[英國]][[蘇格蘭]][[西洛錫安]]人,職業[[賽車手]]。為知名賽車手[[達里奧·法蘭基蒂]](Dario Franchitti)、[[馬利諾·法蘭基蒂]](Marino Franchitti)之堂弟。於2010年2月接手其家族於[[西洛錫安]]所經營之休閒企業主任<ref>{{cite news |last=McPherson |first=Lynn |title=Racing driver takes over family's property empire |location=[[Scotland]] |publisher=Trinity Mirror |work=Daily Record |url=http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/2010/02/07/racing-driver-takes-over-family-s-property-empire-86908-22025292/|date=2010-02-07|accessdate=2010-02-08}}</ref>。2011年~2013年曾效力於[[一級方程式賽車]][[印度力量车队]],担任主力车手,目前效力于[[德國房車大師賽]],效力於梅賽德斯-賓士車隊。
== 經歷 ==
=== 卡丁車 ===
=== 三級方程式賽車 ===
保羅在2005年以 Manor Motorsport 的隊員身份參加[[三級方程式賽車]]([[:en:Formula Three Euroseries|Formula Three Euroseries]]),贏得聲望極高的[[邁凱輪汽車運動BRDC年度青年車手獎]]([[:en:McLaren Autosport BRDC Award|McLaren Autosport BRDC Young Driver of The Year Award]]),1992年他的表兄弟[[達里奧·弗朗奇蒂]]([[:en:Dario Franchitti|Dario Franchitti]])也曾得過此獎。隔年更擊敗當時的隊友。現為[[紅牛車隊]]的[[賽巴斯蒂安·維泰爾]]並奪冠,迪雷斯塔亦贏得2006年在[[薩德霍特公園賽道]]([[:en:Circuit Park Zandvoort|Circuit Park Zandvoort]])進行的[[F3大師賽]]([[:en:Masters of Formula 3|Masters of Formula 3]])。
=== 德國房車賽 ===
2007年他為梅塞德斯參加[[德國房車賽]]。在比賽中他獲得第五名,前四名分別為[[馬蒂亞斯·埃克斯托姆]](Mattias Ekstrom,他贏得他第二個德國房車賽冠軍)、[[邦羅·史賓格拿]](Bruno Spengler)、[[馬田·湯姆齊克]](Martin Tomczyk)和[[詹米·格林]](Jamie Green)。他是開非2007年車款的車手中最快的。他的表現讓他贏得了2008年的[[奔馳C級]](Mercedes C Klasse),這是給他在德國房車賽中傑出的初出場賽季的獎賞。迪·雷斯塔比了一場絕好的錦標賽,贏了兩場比賽並在分數上得第二,只比奧迪的冠軍[[提摩·舒尼達]](Timo Scheider)差四分。
([[:Template:F1 driver results legend|图例]])'''粗體'''為桿位出賽,''斜體''為最快圈速
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; font-size:95%"
! 赛季
! 車隊
! 底盤
! 引擎
! 1
! 2
! 3
! 4
! 5
! 6
! 7
! 8
! 9
! 10
! 11
! 12
! 13
! 14
! 15
! 16
! 17
! 18
! 19
! 20
! 名次
! 积分
| [[2010年世界一级方程式锦标赛|2010年]]
| [[印度力量車隊]]
! [[印度力量車隊]][[印度力量VJM03|VJM03]]
! [[梅塞德斯]]FO 108Y 2.4 [[V8引擎|V8]]
||[[2010年巴林大奖赛|巴林]]<br /><small></small>
|bgcolor="#F1F8FF"|[[2010年澳大利亚大奖赛|澳]]<br /><small>TD</small>
|bgcolor="#F1F8FF"|[[2010年马来西亞大奖赛|馬]]<br /><small>TD</small>
|bgcolor="#F1F8FF"|[[2010年中国大奖赛|中]]<br /><small>TD</small>
|bgcolor="#F1F8FF"|[[2010年西班牙大奖赛|西]]<br /><small>TD</small>
||[[2010年摩纳哥大奖赛|摩]]<br /><small></small>
||[[2010年土耳其大奖赛|土]]<br /><small></small>
||[[2010年加拿大大奖赛|加]]<br /><small></small>
|bgcolor="#F1F8FF"|[[2010年欧洲大奖赛|欧]]<br /><small>TD</small>
|bgcolor="#F1F8FF"|[[2010年英国大奖赛|英]]<br /><small>TD</small>
||[[2010年德国大奖赛|德]]<br /><small></small>
|bgcolor="#F1F8FF"|[[2010年匈牙利大奖赛|匈]]<br /><small>TD</small>
||[[2010年比利时大奖赛|比]]<br /><small></small>
|bgcolor="#F1F8FF"|[[2010年意大利大奖赛|-{zh-hans:意; zh-tw:義; zh-hk:意;}-]]<br /><small>TD</small>
||[[2010年新加坡大奖赛|新]]<br /><small></small>
||[[2010年日本大奖赛|日]]<br /><small></small>
||[[2010年韩国大奖赛|韩]]<br /><small></small>
||[[2010年巴西大奖赛|巴西]]<br /><small></small>
||[[2010年阿布扎比大奖赛|阿]]<br /><small></small>
| [[2011年世界一级方程式锦标赛|2011年]]
| [[印度力量車隊]]
! [[印度力量車隊]][[印度力量VJM04|VJM04]]
! [[梅塞德斯]]FO 108Y 2.4 [[V8引擎|V8]]
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"|[[2011年澳大利亚大奖赛|澳]]<br /><small>10</small>
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"|[[2011年马来西亞大奖赛|馬]]<br /><small>10</small>
|bgcolor="#CFCFFF"|[[2011年中国大奖赛|中]]<br />11<small></small>
|bgcolor="#efcfff"|[[2011年土耳其大奖赛|土]]<br /><small>Ret</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2011年西班牙大奖赛|西]]<br /><small>12</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2011年摩纳哥大奖赛|摩]]<br /><small>12</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2011年加拿大大奖赛|加]]<br /><small>18</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2011年欧洲大奖赛|欧]]<br /><small>14</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2011年英国大奖赛|英]]<br /><small>15</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2011年德国大奖赛|德]]<br /><small>13</small>
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"|[[2011年匈牙利大奖赛|匈]]<br /><small>7</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2011年比利时大奖赛|比]]<br /><small>11</small>
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"|[[2011年意大利大奖赛|-{zh-hans:意;zh-hk:意;zh-tw:義;}-]]<br /><small>8</small>
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"|[[2011年新加坡大奖赛|新]]<br /><small>6</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2011年日本大奖赛|日]]<br /><small>12</small>
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"|[[2011年韩国大奖赛|韩]]<br /><small>10</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2011年印度大奖赛|印]]<br /><small>13</small>
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"|[[2011年阿布扎比大奖赛|阿]]<br /><small>9</small>
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"|[[2011年巴西大奖赛|巴西]]<br /><small>8</small>
! 第13
! 27
| [[2012年世界一级方程式锦标赛|2012年]]
| [[印度力量車隊]]
! [[印度力量車隊]][[印度力量VJM05|VJM05]]
! [[梅塞德斯]]FO 108Y 2.4 [[V8引擎|V8]]
|bgcolor="#dfffdf"|[[2012年澳大利亚大奖赛|澳]]<br /><small>10</small>
|bgcolor="#dfffdf"|[[2012年马来西亞大奖赛|馬]]<br /><small>7</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2012年中国大奖赛|中]]<br /><small>12</small>
|bgcolor="#dfffdf"|[[2012年巴林大奖赛|巴林]]<br /><small>6</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2012年西班牙大奖赛|西]]<br /><small>14</small>
|bgcolor="#dfffdf"|[[2012年摩纳哥大奖赛|摩]]<br /><small>7</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2012年加拿大大奖赛|加]]<br /><small>11</small>
|bgcolor="#dfffdf"|[[2012年欧洲大奖赛|欧]]<br /><small>7</small>
|bgcolor="#efcfff"|[[2012年英国大奖赛|英]]<br /><small>Ret</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2012年德国大奖赛|德]]<br /><small>11</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2012年匈牙利大奖赛|匈]]<br /><small>12</small>
|bgcolor="#dfffdf"|[[2012年比利时大奖赛|比]]<br /><small>10</small>
|bgcolor="#dfffdf"|[[2012年意大利大奖赛|-{zh-hans:意;zh-hk:意;zh-tw:義;}-]]<br /><small>8</small>
|bgcolor="#dfffdf"|[[2012年新加坡大奖赛|新]]<br /><small>4</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2012年日本大奖赛|日]]<br /><small>12</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2012年韩国大奖赛|韩]]<br /><small>12</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2012年印度大奖赛|印]]<br /><small>12</small>
|bgcolor="#dfffdf"|[[2012年阿布扎比大奖赛|阿]]<br /><small>9</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2012年美国大奖赛|美]]<br /><small>15</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2012年巴西大奖赛|巴]]<br /><small>19†</small>
! 第14
! 46
| [[2013年世界一级方程式锦标赛|2013年]]
| [[印度力量車隊]]
! [[印度力量車隊]][[印度力量VJM06|VJM06]]
! [[梅塞德斯]]FO 108Z 2.4 [[V8引擎|V8]]
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"|[[2013年澳大利亚大奖赛|澳]]<br /><small>8</small>
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"|[[2013年马来西亚大奖赛|马]]<br /><small>Ret</small>
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"|[[2013年中国大奖赛|中]]<br /><small>8</small>
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"|[[2013年巴林大奖赛|巴林]]<br /><small>4</small>
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"|[[2013年西班牙大奖赛|西]]<br /><small>7</small>
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"|[[2013年摩纳哥大奖赛|摩]]<br /><small>9</small>
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"|[[2013年加拿大大奖赛|加]]<br /><small>7</small>
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"|[[2013年英国大奖赛|英]]<br /><small>9</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2013年德国大奖赛|德]]<br /><small>11</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2013年匈牙利大奖赛|匈]]<br /><small>18†</small>
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"|[[2013年比利时大奖赛|比]]<br /><small>Ret</small>
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"|[[2013年意大利大奖赛|-{zh-hans:意;zh-hk:意;zh-tw:義;}-]]<br /><small>Ret</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2013年新加坡大奖赛|新]]<br /><small>20†</small>
|bgcolor="#EFCFFF"|[[2013年韩国大奖赛|韩]]<br /><small>Ret</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2013年日本大奖赛|日]]<br /><small>11</small>
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"|[[2013年印度大奖赛|印]]<br /><small>8</small>
|bgcolor="#DFFFDF"|[[2013年阿布扎比大奖赛|阿]]<br /><small>6</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2013年美国大奖赛|美]]<br /><small>15</small>
|bgcolor="#cfcfff"|[[2013年巴西大奖赛|巴西]]<br /><small>11</small>
! 第<!--
下列数据已更新至 2013年巴西大奖赛:
- entries, starts, poles, wins, podiums, fastestlaps, careerpoints, seasonpoints, seasonposition
- 无
-->{{#switch: DIR
| UPTO = 2013年巴西大奖赛
| ALO = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 217
| starts = 216
| poles = 22
| wins = 32
| podiums = 95
| fastestlaps = 21
| careerpoints = 1606
| seasonpoints = 242
| seasonposition = 2
| BIA = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 19
| starts = 19
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 0
| careerpoints = 0
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = 19
| BOT = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 19
| starts = 19
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 0
| careerpoints = 4
| seasonpoints = 4
| seasonposition = 17
| BUT = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 249
| starts = 247
| poles = 8
| wins = 15
| podiums = 49
| fastestlaps = 8
| careerpoints = 1072
| seasonpoints = 73
| seasonposition = 9
| CHI = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 19
| starts = 19
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 0
| careerpoints = 0
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = 23
| DIR = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 58
| starts = 58
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 0
| careerpoints = 121
| seasonpoints = 48
| seasonposition = 12
| GRO = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 45
| starts = 45
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 9
| fastestlaps = 1
| careerpoints = 228
| seasonpoints = 132
| seasonposition = 7
| GUT = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 19
| starts = 19
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 1
| careerpoints = 6
| seasonpoints = 6
| seasonposition = 16
| HAM = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 129
| starts = 129
| poles = 31
| wins = 22
| podiums = 54
| fastestlaps = 13
| careerpoints = 1102
| seasonpoints = 189
| seasonposition = 4
| HUL = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 58
| starts = 57
| poles = 1
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 1
| careerpoints = 136
| seasonpoints = 51
| seasonposition = 10
| KOV = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 112
| starts = 111
| poles = 1
| wins = 1
| podiums = 4
| fastestlaps = 2
| careerpoints = 105
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = 21
| MAL = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 58
| starts = 58
| poles = 1
| wins = 1
| podiums = 1
| fastestlaps = 0
| careerpoints = 47
| seasonpoints = 1
| seasonposition = 18
| MAS = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 193
| starts = 191
| poles = 15
| wins = 11
| podiums = 36
| fastestlaps = 14
| careerpoints = 816
| seasonpoints = 112
| seasonposition = 8
| PER = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 58
| starts = 56
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 3
| fastestlaps = 2
| careerpoints = 129
| seasonpoints = 49
| seasonposition = 11
| PIC = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 39
| starts = 39
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 0
| careerpoints = 0
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = 20
| RAI = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 194
| starts = 193
| poles = 16
| wins = 20
| podiums = 77
| fastestlaps = 39
| careerpoints = 969
| seasonpoints = 183
| seasonposition = 5
| RIC = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 50
| starts = 50
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 0
| careerpoints = 30
| seasonpoints = 20
| seasonposition = 14
| ROS = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 147
| starts = 147
| poles = 4
| wins = 3
| podiums = 11
| fastestlaps = 4
| careerpoints = 570.5
| seasonpoints = 171
| seasonposition = 6
| SUT = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 109
| starts = 109
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 1
| careerpoints = 124
| seasonpoints = 29
| seasonposition = 13
| VDG = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 19
| starts = 19
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 0
| careerpoints = 0
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = 22
| VER = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 39
| starts = 39
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 0
| careerpoints = 29
| seasonpoints = 13
| seasonposition = 15
| VET = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 120
| starts = 120
| poles = 45
| wins = 39
| podiums = 62
| fastestlaps = 22
| careerpoints = 1451
| seasonpoints = 397
| seasonposition = 1
| WEB = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 217
| starts = 215
| poles = 13
| wins = 9
| podiums = 42
| fastestlaps = 19
| careerpoints = 1047.5
| seasonpoints = 199
| seasonposition = 3
| DAM = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 20
| starts = 20
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 0
| careerpoints = 0
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = -
| DLR = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 107
| starts = 106
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 1
| fastestlaps = 1
| careerpoints = 35
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = -
| GLO = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 95
| starts = 91
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 3
| fastestlaps = 1
| careerpoints = 51
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = -
| KAR = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 48
| starts = 46
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 0
| careerpoints = 5
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = -
| KOB = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 60
| starts = 60
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 1
| fastestlaps = 1
| careerpoints = 125
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = -
| KOV = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 110
| starts = 109
| poles = 1
| wins = 1
| podiums = 4
| fastestlaps = 2
| careerpoints = 105
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = -
| PET = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 58
| starts = 57
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 1
| fastestlaps = 1
| careerpoints = 64
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = -
| MSC = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 308
| starts = 307
| poles = 68
| wins = 91
| podiums = 155
| fastestlaps = 77
| careerpoints = 1,566
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = -
| SEN = {{#switch: seasonposition
| entries = 46
| starts = 46
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 1
| careerpoints = 33
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = -
! <!--
下列数据已更新至 2013年巴西大奖赛:
- entries, starts, poles, wins, podiums, fastestlaps, careerpoints, seasonpoints, seasonposition
- 无
-->{{#switch: DIR
| UPTO = 2013年巴西大奖赛
| ALO = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 217
| starts = 216
| poles = 22
| wins = 32
| podiums = 95
| fastestlaps = 21
| careerpoints = 1606
| seasonpoints = 242
| seasonposition = 2
| BIA = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 19
| starts = 19
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 0
| careerpoints = 0
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = 19
| BOT = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 19
| starts = 19
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 0
| careerpoints = 4
| seasonpoints = 4
| seasonposition = 17
| BUT = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 249
| starts = 247
| poles = 8
| wins = 15
| podiums = 49
| fastestlaps = 8
| careerpoints = 1072
| seasonpoints = 73
| seasonposition = 9
| CHI = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 19
| starts = 19
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 0
| careerpoints = 0
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = 23
| DIR = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 58
| starts = 58
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 0
| careerpoints = 121
| seasonpoints = 48
| seasonposition = 12
| GRO = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 45
| starts = 45
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 9
| fastestlaps = 1
| careerpoints = 228
| seasonpoints = 132
| seasonposition = 7
| GUT = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 19
| starts = 19
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 1
| careerpoints = 6
| seasonpoints = 6
| seasonposition = 16
| HAM = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 129
| starts = 129
| poles = 31
| wins = 22
| podiums = 54
| fastestlaps = 13
| careerpoints = 1102
| seasonpoints = 189
| seasonposition = 4
| HUL = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 58
| starts = 57
| poles = 1
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 1
| careerpoints = 136
| seasonpoints = 51
| seasonposition = 10
| KOV = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 112
| starts = 111
| poles = 1
| wins = 1
| podiums = 4
| fastestlaps = 2
| careerpoints = 105
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = 21
| MAL = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 58
| starts = 58
| poles = 1
| wins = 1
| podiums = 1
| fastestlaps = 0
| careerpoints = 47
| seasonpoints = 1
| seasonposition = 18
| MAS = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 193
| starts = 191
| poles = 15
| wins = 11
| podiums = 36
| fastestlaps = 14
| careerpoints = 816
| seasonpoints = 112
| seasonposition = 8
| PER = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 58
| starts = 56
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 3
| fastestlaps = 2
| careerpoints = 129
| seasonpoints = 49
| seasonposition = 11
| PIC = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 39
| starts = 39
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 0
| careerpoints = 0
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = 20
| RAI = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 194
| starts = 193
| poles = 16
| wins = 20
| podiums = 77
| fastestlaps = 39
| careerpoints = 969
| seasonpoints = 183
| seasonposition = 5
| RIC = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 50
| starts = 50
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 0
| careerpoints = 30
| seasonpoints = 20
| seasonposition = 14
| ROS = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 147
| starts = 147
| poles = 4
| wins = 3
| podiums = 11
| fastestlaps = 4
| careerpoints = 570.5
| seasonpoints = 171
| seasonposition = 6
| SUT = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 109
| starts = 109
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 1
| careerpoints = 124
| seasonpoints = 29
| seasonposition = 13
| VDG = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 19
| starts = 19
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 0
| careerpoints = 0
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = 22
| VER = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 39
| starts = 39
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 0
| careerpoints = 29
| seasonpoints = 13
| seasonposition = 15
| VET = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 120
| starts = 120
| poles = 45
| wins = 39
| podiums = 62
| fastestlaps = 22
| careerpoints = 1451
| seasonpoints = 397
| seasonposition = 1
| WEB = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 217
| starts = 215
| poles = 13
| wins = 9
| podiums = 42
| fastestlaps = 19
| careerpoints = 1047.5
| seasonpoints = 199
| seasonposition = 3
| DAM = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 20
| starts = 20
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 0
| careerpoints = 0
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = -
| DLR = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 107
| starts = 106
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 1
| fastestlaps = 1
| careerpoints = 35
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = -
| GLO = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 95
| starts = 91
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 3
| fastestlaps = 1
| careerpoints = 51
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = -
| KAR = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 48
| starts = 46
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 0
| careerpoints = 5
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = -
| KOB = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 60
| starts = 60
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 1
| fastestlaps = 1
| careerpoints = 125
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = -
| KOV = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 110
| starts = 109
| poles = 1
| wins = 1
| podiums = 4
| fastestlaps = 2
| careerpoints = 105
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = -
| PET = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 58
| starts = 57
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 1
| fastestlaps = 1
| careerpoints = 64
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = -
| MSC = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 308
| starts = 307
| poles = 68
| wins = 91
| podiums = 155
| fastestlaps = 77
| careerpoints = 1,566
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = -
| SEN = {{#switch: seasonpoints
| entries = 46
| starts = 46
| poles = 0
| wins = 0
| podiums = 0
| fastestlaps = 1
| careerpoints = 33
| seasonpoints = 0
| seasonposition = -
== 參考來源 ==
== 外部連結 ==
*{{en}}[http://www.driverdb.com/racingdriver887.html Paul di Resta career statistics]
*{{en}}[https://web.archive.org/web/20110824035101/http://pauldiresta.com/home Official website]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Resta, Paul de}}