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{{Infobox language family|name = 阿尔泰语系|acceptance=controversial|region = [[东亚]]、[[北亚]]、[[中亚]]、[[西亚]]和[[东欧]]|familycolor = Altaic|family = 曾被认为是世界主要语系之一,现被认为属于[[语言联盟]] |child1=[[突厥语族]] |child2=[[蒙古语族]] |child3=[[满-通古斯语族]] |child4=[[日本-琉球语系]] (有争议,见[[#日本语、朝鲜语、琉球语的归属争议(阿尔泰超语系假说)]]) |child5=[[朝鲜语|朝鲜语族]] (有争议,见[[#日本语、朝鲜语、琉球语的归属争议(阿尔泰超语系假说)]]) |child6 = [[阿依努语族]](有争议,一般视为孤立语言)|iso2 = tut|iso5 = tut|glotto = none|map = Lenguas altaicas v 2 (2017).png|mapcaption = {{Legend|#00008B|突厥语族}}{{Legend|#32CD32|蒙古语族}}{{Legend|#FF0000|满-通古斯语族}}}}'''阿尔泰语系'''({{lang-en|Altaic language}},{{IPAc-en|æ|l|ˈ|t|eɪ|ɨ|k}} ),别译'''阿勒泰语系''',是19至20世纪一些[[语言学家]]按照[[语言系属分类]]方法所划分的一组[[语群]],现如今普遍认为该分类并不成立<ref>"While 'Altaic' is repeated in encyclopedias and handbooks most specialists in these languages no longer believe that the three traditional supposed Altaic groups, Turkic, Mongolian and Tungusic, are related." Lyle Campbell & Mauricio J. Mixco, A Glossary of Historical Linguistics (2007, University of Utah Press), pg. 7.</ref><ref>"When cognates proved not to be valid, Altaic was abandoned, and the received view now is that Turkic, Mongolian, and Tungusic are unrelated." Johanna Nichols, Linguistic Diversity in Space and Time (1992, Chicago), pg. 4.</ref><ref>"Careful examination indicates that the established families, Turkic, Mongolian, and Tungusic, form a linguistic area (called Altaic)...Sufficient criteria have not been given that would justify talking of a genetic relationship here." R.M.W. Dixon, The Rise and Fall of Languages (1997, Cambridge), pg. 32.</ref><ref>"...[T]his selection of features does not provide good evidence for common descent" and "we can observe convergence rather than divergence between Turkic and Mongolic languages--a pattern than is easily explainable by borrowing and diffusion rather than common descent", Asya Pereltsvaig, Languages of the World, An Introduction (2012, Cambridge) has a good discussion of the Altaic hypothesis (pp. 211-216).</ref>。
该分类主要将[[突厥语族]]、[[蒙古语族]]和[[通古斯语族]]划为一个语系,有时一些语言学家也将朝鲜语、日语包括其中。此外,也曾有语言学家将其和[[乌拉尔语系]]划分为一组语群即[[乌拉尔-阿尔泰语系]]。该分类方法包括的语言主要集中于[[中亚]]及其临近地区,包括60多种[[语言]]。该分类方法曾流行于二十世纪六十年代前,但在当今语言学专家中已几乎没有支持者<ref>[http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract;jsessionid=A7D36A55C4A29AEB34AA39715F46F706.tomcat1?fromPage=online&aid=17033 Georg ''et al.'' 1999:] 73–74</ref>。
== 外部链接 ==
* {{en}}[http://www.ethnologue.com/show_family.asp?subid=7-16 Ethnologue - Language family trees] {{-}}{{Altaic languages}}{{ *[[ 东北亚语言}}]]{{ *[[ 中国语言}}]]{{*[[Language family}}]] {{*[[Authority control}}]]*[[Category: 语系]]*[[Category: 阿尔泰语系| ]]