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== 早年生活 ==
阿尔伯特·本杰明·钱德勒于1898年在[[肯塔基州]][[科里登 (肯塔基州)|科里登]]的农村出生<ref name="congbio">{{cite web | title = Chandler, Albert Benjamin (Happy) | url = http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=C000290 | work = Biographical Directory of the United States Congress | accessdate = 2014-10-14 | archivedate = 2014-09-20 | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20140920032542/http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=C000290 | deadurl = no}}</ref>,他的父亲叫约瑟夫·赛法斯·钱德勒,母亲叫凯丽·钱德勒,桑德斯({{lang|en|Saunders}})则是母亲的[[女性人名|娘家姓]]<ref name="kye179">{{cite book | last = Harrison | first = Lowell H. | chapter = Chandler, Albert Benjamin | editor = John E. Kleber | others = Associate editors: Thomas D. Clark, Lowell H. Harrison, and James C. Klotter | title = The Kentucky Encyclopedia | year = 1992 | publisher = The University Press of Kentucky | location = Lexington, Kentucky | isbn = 0-8131-1772-0 | url = http://www.kyenc.org/entry/c/CHAND01.html | accessdate = 2014-10-14 | page = 179}}</ref>。据称,约瑟夫从孤儿院中救出凯丽,两人在女方仅15岁时成婚,但未能找到双方的任何结婚纪录<ref name="boyett">{{cite news | last = Boyett | first = Frank | title = Yesterday's News: Happy reunion | newspaper = The Gleaner | date = 2008-11-09}}</ref>。阿尔伯特是家中长子,他的弟弟罗伯特({{lang|en|Robert}})于1899年降世。两年后,他们还只有十几岁的母亲无法适应抚养两个孩子的压力而抛弃了家庭,她离开肯塔基州,把孩子留给了他们的父亲<ref name="boyett" />。钱德勒在自传中表示,母亲的离去是自己记得最早的一件事<ref name="boyett" />。多年后,他在[[佛罗里达州]]的[[杰克逊维尔 (佛罗里达州)|杰克逊维尔]]找到了母亲,她已经再婚并且又生了3个孩子<ref name="boyett" />。罗伯特·钱德勒13岁那年从樱桃树上摔下来导致伤重不治<ref name="flaherty">{{cite journal | last = Flaherty | first = Vincent X. | editor = J. G. Taylor Spink | title = The Life Story of Albert B. "Happy" Chandler | magazine = Baseball Guide and Record Book | year = 1946 | url = http://www.archive.org/details/baseballguiderec1946stlo | publisher = Charles C. Spink and Son | location = St. Louis, Missouri}}</ref>{{rp|113}}。
== 參考文獻 ==