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| style="background: #E6E8FA" align= center| '''<big>扁果绞股蓝</big> '''
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<small>[https://www.cvh.ac.cn/spms/detail.php?id=c27da423 来自 植物智 的图片]</small>
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中文学名: 扁果绞股蓝
拉丁学名:Gynostemma compressum
X. X. Chen et D. R. Liang
门: 被子植物门
纲: 双子叶植物纲
目: [[葫芦目]]
科: [[葫芦科]]
属: [[绞股蓝属]]
'''扁果绞股蓝'''(biǎn guǒ jiǎo gǔ lán) ,学名 Gynostemma compressum X. X. Chen & D. R. Liang,草质攀援藤本。属[[葫芦科]]的一种植物。 多年生攀援草本。叶子互生,常5~7小叶,呈鸟趾状复叶;中央一枚较大,先端渐尖,叶缘有锯齿。夏季开黄白色花,圆锥花序腋生,雌雄异株。圆形浆果;种子如豌豆大,熟时为黑紫色。 茎无毛或疏被柔毛。鸟足状复叶,具(3-)5-7(-9)小叶,叶柄长3-7厘米;小叶膜质或纸质,卵状长圆形或披针形,中央小叶长3-12厘米,宽1.5-4厘米,具波状齿或圆齿状牙齿,两面疏被硬毛,侧脉7-8对;小叶柄略叉开,长1-5毫米,卷须2歧,稀单一。雌雄异株;雄花:圆锥花序长10-15(-30)厘米,被柔毛;花梗长1-4毫米,具钻状小苞片;花萼5裂,裂片三角形;花冠淡绿或白色,5深裂,裂片卵状披针形,具缘毛状小齿;雄蕊5,花丝短而合生。雌圆锥花序较小;子房球形;退化雄蕊5。果球形,径5-6毫米,成熟后黑色,无毛。种子2,卵状心形,两面具乳突。花期3-11月,果期4-12月。
<ref>[http://www.iplant.cn/info/Gynostemma%20compressum?t=foc 扁果绞股蓝 ], 植物智,引用日期 2018-12-10</ref>
Stems slender, sulcate, glabrous. Tendrils filiform, apex usually bifid. Leaves pedate, with 7 leaflets; petiole 5-12 cm, glabrous; leaflets abaxially gray-green, adaxially green, elliptic or elliptic-ovate, membranous, base cuneate, margin crenulate, apex acuminate or acute, abaxially sparsely puberulent along midrib and lateral veins, adaxially sparsely pilose, middle leaflets 3.6-6.5 × 2-2.25 cm, lateral leaflets smaller, outside oblique; petiolule 3-5 mm.
Plants dioecious. Male flowers in panicles, axillary, 2-5 cm; peduncle filiform, 8-16 mm, glabrous; bracteoles subulate, ca. 1.5 mm; pedicels 2-5 mm; flowers greenish, ca. 1.5 mm in diam.; calyx segments triangular, ca. 0.8 × 0.5 mm; filaments very short, connate; anthers ovoid.
Female flowers solitary or paired, axillary; peduncle filiform, 5-9 mm, glabrous; pedicels 5-10 mm; calyx segments ca. 1.3 × 0.4 mm; corolla segments linear-lanceolate, 2-3 × ca. 0.4 mm, apex caudate-acuminate; ovary 2-locular, each locule with 1 ovule; styles 2, free; stigmas bifid.
Fruit baccate, compressed, obtriangular, 5-8 × 5-7 mm, glabrous, apex with persistent perianth and styles; fruit stalk filiform, 1.3-2.5 cm.
Seeds brownish, obtriangular, ca. 3 mm, apex ca. 3.5 mm in diam., both surfaces tuberculate, margin crenate and sulcate. Fl. Mar-Apr, fr. Mar-May.
● Forests, moist limestone foothills; below 400 m. Guangxi (Longzhou).
This species is used in Chinese herbal medicine by the people of Guangxi.This species is used in Chinese herbal medicine by the people of Guangxi.
学名 Gynostemma compressum X. X. Chen et D. R. Liang
中文名 扁果绞股蓝
鉴定人 张桂才
鉴定时间 19990000
采集人 李治基
采集号 3333
采集时间 19561008
采集地 中国 广西壮族自治区
海拔 540
物候期 无花有果
[[Category:370 植物学总论]]
[[Category:375 植物分類學]]
| style="background: #E6E8FA" align= center| '''<big>扁果绞股蓝</big> '''
|<center><img src=https://www.cvh.ac.cn/cvhpic/spm-l/IBSC/0207809.jpg width="250"></center>
<small>[https://www.cvh.ac.cn/spms/detail.php?id=c27da423 来自 植物智 的图片]</small>
| style="background: #C0C0C0" align= center|
| align= light|
中文学名: 扁果绞股蓝
拉丁学名:Gynostemma compressum
X. X. Chen et D. R. Liang
门: 被子植物门
纲: 双子叶植物纲
目: [[葫芦目]]
科: [[葫芦科]]
属: [[绞股蓝属]]
'''扁果绞股蓝'''(biǎn guǒ jiǎo gǔ lán) ,学名 Gynostemma compressum X. X. Chen & D. R. Liang,草质攀援藤本。属[[葫芦科]]的一种植物。 多年生攀援草本。叶子互生,常5~7小叶,呈鸟趾状复叶;中央一枚较大,先端渐尖,叶缘有锯齿。夏季开黄白色花,圆锥花序腋生,雌雄异株。圆形浆果;种子如豌豆大,熟时为黑紫色。 茎无毛或疏被柔毛。鸟足状复叶,具(3-)5-7(-9)小叶,叶柄长3-7厘米;小叶膜质或纸质,卵状长圆形或披针形,中央小叶长3-12厘米,宽1.5-4厘米,具波状齿或圆齿状牙齿,两面疏被硬毛,侧脉7-8对;小叶柄略叉开,长1-5毫米,卷须2歧,稀单一。雌雄异株;雄花:圆锥花序长10-15(-30)厘米,被柔毛;花梗长1-4毫米,具钻状小苞片;花萼5裂,裂片三角形;花冠淡绿或白色,5深裂,裂片卵状披针形,具缘毛状小齿;雄蕊5,花丝短而合生。雌圆锥花序较小;子房球形;退化雄蕊5。果球形,径5-6毫米,成熟后黑色,无毛。种子2,卵状心形,两面具乳突。花期3-11月,果期4-12月。
<ref>[http://www.iplant.cn/info/Gynostemma%20compressum?t=foc 扁果绞股蓝 ], 植物智,引用日期 2018-12-10</ref>
Stems slender, sulcate, glabrous. Tendrils filiform, apex usually bifid. Leaves pedate, with 7 leaflets; petiole 5-12 cm, glabrous; leaflets abaxially gray-green, adaxially green, elliptic or elliptic-ovate, membranous, base cuneate, margin crenulate, apex acuminate or acute, abaxially sparsely puberulent along midrib and lateral veins, adaxially sparsely pilose, middle leaflets 3.6-6.5 × 2-2.25 cm, lateral leaflets smaller, outside oblique; petiolule 3-5 mm.
Plants dioecious. Male flowers in panicles, axillary, 2-5 cm; peduncle filiform, 8-16 mm, glabrous; bracteoles subulate, ca. 1.5 mm; pedicels 2-5 mm; flowers greenish, ca. 1.5 mm in diam.; calyx segments triangular, ca. 0.8 × 0.5 mm; filaments very short, connate; anthers ovoid.
Female flowers solitary or paired, axillary; peduncle filiform, 5-9 mm, glabrous; pedicels 5-10 mm; calyx segments ca. 1.3 × 0.4 mm; corolla segments linear-lanceolate, 2-3 × ca. 0.4 mm, apex caudate-acuminate; ovary 2-locular, each locule with 1 ovule; styles 2, free; stigmas bifid.
Fruit baccate, compressed, obtriangular, 5-8 × 5-7 mm, glabrous, apex with persistent perianth and styles; fruit stalk filiform, 1.3-2.5 cm.
Seeds brownish, obtriangular, ca. 3 mm, apex ca. 3.5 mm in diam., both surfaces tuberculate, margin crenate and sulcate. Fl. Mar-Apr, fr. Mar-May.
● Forests, moist limestone foothills; below 400 m. Guangxi (Longzhou).
This species is used in Chinese herbal medicine by the people of Guangxi.This species is used in Chinese herbal medicine by the people of Guangxi.
学名 Gynostemma compressum X. X. Chen et D. R. Liang
中文名 扁果绞股蓝
鉴定人 张桂才
鉴定时间 19990000
采集人 李治基
采集号 3333
采集时间 19561008
采集地 中国 广西壮族自治区
海拔 540
物候期 无花有果
[[Category:370 植物学总论]]
[[Category:375 植物分類學]]