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中文名: 梨俱吠陀


全 名:《梨俱吠陀本集》


类 型:诗歌集














== 参见 ==

* editio princeps: [[Friedrich Max Müller]], ''The Hymns of the Rigveda, with [[Sayana]]'s commentary'', London, 1849–75, 6 vols., 2nd ed. 4 vols., Oxford, 1890–92.
* [[Theodor Aufrecht]], 2nd ed., Bonn, 1877.
* {{Cite book | others =Sāyanachārya (commentary) | last=Sontakke | first =N. S. | year =1933 | title ={{IAST|Rgveda-Samhitā: Śrimat-Sāyanāchārya virachita-bhāṣya-sametā}} | edition =First | publisher ={{IAST|Vaidika Samśodhana Maṇḍala}}| editor3-last=Rājvade | editor3-first=V. K. | postscript =<!--None-->}}. The Editorial Board for the First Edition included N. S. Sontakke (Managing Editor), V. K. {{IAST|Rājvade}}, M. M. {{IAST|Vāsudevaśāstri}}, and T. S. {{IAST|Varadarājaśarmā}}.
* B. van Nooten und G. Holland, ''Rig Veda, a metrically restored text'', Department of Sanskrit and Indian Studies, Harvard University, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England, 1994.
* Rgveda-Samhita, Text in Devanagari, English translation Notes and indices by H. H. Wilson, Ed. W.F. Webster, originally in 1888, Published Nag Publishers 1990, 11A/U.A. Jawaharnagar,Delhi-7.

* [[Sayana]] (14th century)
** ed. Müller 1849–75 (German translation);
** ed. Müller (original commentary of Sāyana in Sanskrit based on 24 manuscripts).
** ed. Sontakke et al., published by Vaidika Samsodhana Mandala, Pune (2nd ed. 1972) in 5 volumes.
* Rgveda-Samhitā Srimat-sāyanāchārya virachita-{{IAST|bhāṣya}}-sametā, ed. by Sontakke et al., published by Vaidika Samśodhana Mandala,Pune-9,1972, in 5 volumes (It is original commentary of Sāyana in Sanskrit based on over 60 manuscripts).
* [[Sri Aurobindo]], ''Hymns to the Mystic Fire'' (Commentary on the Rig Veda), Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin ISBN 0-914955-22-5 [http://www.mountainman.com.au/rghmf_00.html] {{Wayback|url=http://www.mountainman.com.au/rghmf_00.html |date=20160406165021 }}
* Raimundo Pannikar (1972), ''The Vedic Experience'', University of California Press

* Vashishtha Narayan Jha, ''A Linguistic Analysis of the Rgveda-Padapatha'' Sri Satguru Publications, Delhi (1992).
* Bjorn Merker, [https://web.archive.org/web/20070930024500/http://www.positiveatheism.org/india/s1990c12.htm Rig Veda Riddles In Nomad Perspective], Mongolian Studies, Journal of the Mongolian Society XI, 1988.
* Thomas Oberlies, ''Die Religion des Rgveda'', Wien 1998.
* {{cite book|first= Hermann|last= Oldenberg|year=1894|title= ''Hymnen des Rigveda. 1. Teil: Metrische und textgeschichtliche Prolegomena.'' Berlin 1888|publisher=(please add), Wiesbaden 1982|ref=harv}}
*—''Die Religion des Veda''. Berlin 1894; Stuttgart 1917; Stuttgart 1927; Darmstadt 1977
*—''Vedic Hymns'', The [[Sacred Books of the East]] vo, l. 46 ed. [[Friedrich Max Müller]], Oxford 1897
* Adolf Kaegi, ''The Rigveda: The Oldest Literature of the Indians'' (trans. R. Arrowsmith), Boston, Ginn and Co. (1886), 2004 reprint: ISBN 978-1-4179-8205-9.
*{{Cite journal| last = Mallory | first = J. P. et al | title = Indo-Iranian Languages in [[Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture]] | publisher = Fitzroy Dearborn | publication-date = 1997 | year=1989| ref = harv }}

* {{Citation | last =Anthony | first =David W. | year =2007 | title =The Horse The Wheel And Language. How Bronze-Age Riders From the Eurasian Steppes Shaped The Modern World | publisher =Princeton University Press}}
* {{citation |last=Avari |first=Burjor |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=India: The Ancient Past|year=2007 |publisher=Routledge|location=London |isbn= 978-0-415-35616-9}}
* {{Cite book|last=Bryant|first=Edwin|author-link=Edwin Bryant (author)|title=The Quest for the Origins of Vedic Culture: The Indo-Aryan Migration Debate|publisher=Oxford University Press|place=Oxford|year=2001|isbn=0-19-513777-9|ref=harv|postscript=<!--None-->}}
* {{Citation | last =Flood | first =Gavin D. | authorlink = Gavin Flood | year =1996 | title =An Introduction to Hinduism | publisher =Cambridge University Press}}
* Lal, B.B. 2005. The Homeland of the Aryans. Evidence of Rigvedic Flora and Fauna & Archaeology, New Delhi, Aryan Books International.
* [[Shrikant G. Talageri|Talageri, Shrikant]]: [[The Rigveda: A Historical Analysis]], 2000. ISBN 81-7742-010-0
* {{Citation|last=Witzel |first=Michael |year=1995 |title=Early Sanskritization: Origin and Development of the Kuru state |journal=EJVS vol. 1 no. 4 (1995) |url=http://www.ejvs.laurasianacademy.com/ejvs0104/ejvs0104article.pdf |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20120220153727/http://www.ejvs.laurasianacademy.com/ejvs0104/ejvs0104article.pdf |archivedate=20 February 2012 }}
* {{citation |last=Witzel |first=Michael (ed.)| authorlink = Michael Witzel|title=Inside the Texts, Beyond the Texts. New Approaches to the Study of the Vedas |year=1997 |series=Harvard Oriental Series, Opera Minora vol. 2|publisher=Harvard University Press|location = Cambridge}}

* [http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/rvsan/index.htm Devanagari and transliteration] {{Wayback|url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/rvsan/index.htm |date=20160507154044 }} experimental online text at: sacred-texts.com
* [http://www.detlef108.de/Rigveda.htm ITRANS, Devanagari, transliteration] {{Wayback|url=http://www.detlef108.de/Rigveda.htm |date=20160331214348 }} online text and PDF, several versions prepared by Detlef Eichler
* [http://www.utexas.edu/cola/centers/lrc/RV/index.html Transliteration, metrically restored] {{Wayback|url=http://www.utexas.edu/cola/centers/lrc/RV/index.html |date=20160304124610 }} online text, at: Linguistics Research Center, Univ. of Texas
* [http://keithbriggs.info/documents/rv.pdf Transliteration with tone accents] {{Wayback|url=http://keithbriggs.info/documents/rv.pdf |date=20170316171707 }} PDF prepared by Keith Briggs
* ''[http://www.wilbourhall.org/index.html#veda The Hymns of the Rigveda] {{Wayback|url=http://www.wilbourhall.org/index.html#veda |date=20110716101515 }}'', Editio Princeps by [[Friedrich Max Müller]] (large PDF files of book scans). Two editions: London, 1877 (Samhita and Pada texts) and Oxford, 1890–92, with Sayana's commentary.
* {{Internet Archive author |sname=Rigveda}}

; Audio
* [https://archive.is/20140907202747/http://iishdownloads.info/rig-veda/ Audio download (MP3)] by Indian Institute of Scientific Heritage (IISH)
* [http://www.gatewayforindia.com/vedas/rigveda.html Audio download (MP3)] {{Wayback|url=http://www.gatewayforindia.com/vedas/rigveda.html |date=20160516030922 }}. Live recording by Varanasi-based scholars; chanted in North Indian style, i.e. without tones (yeha swara)
* [http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/18195792 Choral Hymns from the Rig Veda, Op.26], Gustav Holtz, 14 pieces in 4 groups, Piano with Violins, Romantic Movements, [https://urresearch.rochester.edu/institutionalPublicationPublicView.action;jsessionid=5D762A8F787F4E6A6052D24FF5A5460E?institutionalItemVersionId=21426 Vocal Scores] {{Wayback|url=https://urresearch.rochester.edu/institutionalPublicationPublicView.action;jsessionid=5D762A8F787F4E6A6052D24FF5A5460E?institutionalItemVersionId=21426 |date=20170331175147 }}, University of Rochester

; Translations
* [[wikisource:The Rig Veda|English translation by Ralph T. H. Griffith]] on Wikisource
* For links to other translations, see [[#Translations|Translations]] section above.

; Other
* [http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en/files/22246/1148911056158_India_Rigveda.doc/58+India+Rigveda.doc Nomination of Rigveda] {{Webarchive|url=https://wayback.archive-it.org/all/20070926082043/http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en/files/22246/1148911056158_India_Rigveda.doc/58+India+Rigveda.doc |date=2007-09-26 }} (.doc format) submitted by India in 2006–2007 for inclusion in the [[Memory of the World Register]].
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20160305143956/http://rigveda.us/b1/undediphered.pdf A Still Undeciphered Text: How the scientific approach to the Rigveda would open up Indo-European Studies], Karen Thomson (2009), The Journal of Indo-European Studies, Volume 37, Number 1 & 2, pages 1–47 (a review of various attempts to translate Rigveda and the issues with current translations)
*季羡林:〈[http://www.nssd.org/articles/article_read.aspx?id=1002915788 《梨俱吠陀》几首哲学赞歌新解] {{Wayback|url=http://www.nssd.org/articles/article_read.aspx?id=1002915788 |date=20180303225406 }}〉。

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