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睿陵 (金)

移除 6 位元組, 3 年前
'''睿陵(金)'''是[[中国]][[金朝]]开国皇帝金太祖[[完颜阿骨打]]的陵墓,位於[[阿城市]][[上京會寧府]]遺址西側約300米處<ref>Herbert Franke, 1997 (I): "Chinese Texts on the Jurchen (I): a Translation of the Jurchen in the San ch'ao pei-meng hui-pien. Originally published in Zantralasiatische Studien 9. Wiesbaden, 1975. Reprinted in: Herbert Franke and Hok-lam Chan, "Studies on the Jurchens and the Chin Dynasty", Variorum Collected Series Studies: CS591, Ashgate, 1997. ISBN 0-86078-645-5. (The work whose name is transcribed in Wade-Giles as San ch'ao pei-meng hui-pien is Xu Mengxin's (徐夢莘) "Collected Accounts of the Treaties with the North under Three Reigns" (三朝北盟会编, pinyin: San chao beimeng huibian). Franke translates and comments on Chapter 3 of this collection, which deals with the history and customs of the Jurchen people)</ref>, 位于[[北京市]][[房山区]][[周口店]]镇龙门口村北[[九龙山]]下,建有[[玉带桥]]、[[门殿]]、[[阙楼]]、[[石象生]]、[[石五供]]、[[陵台]]、[[宁神殿]]等建筑,[[明朝]]末年曾被破坏,后修复,今辟为公园。
<ref>[http://www.16261.net/lidaidiwanglingmu/13.html 金朝皇陵],論劍歷史网</ref>