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[[File:Seed Collection Beaty.jpg|thumb|left|部分种子标本]]植物标本馆是不列颠哥伦比亚大学历史最久的的标本馆之一,建于1912年,由时任不列颠哥伦比亚省首席植物专家{{link-en| 约翰·戴维森|John Davidson (botanist)}} 创办。当时收藏的标本主要为[[维管植物]]标本,放置于温哥华市中心的植物办公室内,1925年,改存放于不列颠哥伦比亚大学内。与此相独立,大学多次得到大规模的种子标本捐赠,建立了种子标本馆。在1952年之前,大学建立[[藻类植物]]标本馆,并且从一个规模很小的标本馆,很快发展到收藏有67000余项标本的规模较大的标本馆。1949年,大学建立[[苔藓植物]]植物标本馆,该馆在1960年后的几年,规模得到很大扩展。以上这些标本馆在1973年合并为植物标本馆,存放于大学的植物系,在贝蒂生物多样性博物馆完工之后怡入该博物馆。<ref name=herb>{{cite web|url=http://www.beatymuseum.ubc.ca/collections/herbarium|accessdate=21 November 2013|publisher=UBC|title=Herbarium|archive-date=2013-12-04|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131204035735/http://www.beatymuseum.ubc.ca/collections/herbarium|dead-url=no}}</ref>
The Herbarium is among the oldest collections at UBC. It was established in 1912 by John Davidson, who was at that time the BC provincial botanist. His collection of mostly [[vascular plant]]s was housed in downtown Vancouver at the Botanical Offices on West Pender Street. In 1925, it was relocated to the university campus. A seed collection arose independently via donations of large collections, particularly those of A.J. Hill, Eli Wilson, W. Taylor and A.E. Baggs. An algal collection also appeared prior to 1952, based on a donation by Mirian Armstead; although it was initially quite small, under the curatorship of Robert Scagel it expanded rapidly to a 67,000-item scope. The Bryological Collection was begun by V.J. Krajina in 1949; in 1960, Dr. W.B. Schofield became the "first bryologist to be hired by a Canadian university", and he curated and expanded the collection over several years. All of these disparate collections were consolidated into the Herbarium, then hosted by the university's biology department, in 1973, and the entire collection was ported into the Beaty Biodiversity Museum upon its completion.<ref name=herb>{{cite web|url=http://www.beatymuseum.ubc.ca/collections/herbarium|accessdate=21 November 2013|publisher=UBC|title=Herbarium}}</ref>