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=== 论文 ===
*"The Spread of Rice Cultivation and Rice Technology into the Hebei Region in the Ming and Qing." In ''Explorations in the History of Science and Technology in China'', ed. Li Guohao et al., pp. 659–90. Shanghai: Classics Publishing House, 1982.
:*{{cn icon}} "Ming-Qing liangdai Hebei diqu tuiguang zhongdao he zhongdao jishu de qingkuang." In ''Zhongguo keji shi tansuo'', pp. 633-56. Shanghai: Guji chubanshe, 1986.
*"Family Continuity and Cultural Hegemony: The Gentry of Ningbo, 1368-1911." In ''Chinese Local Elites and Patterns of Dominance'', ed. Joseph Esherick and Mary Rankin, pp. 27–50. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990.
*"Toward Independence: Christianity in ''China under Japanese Occupation, 1937-1945." Christian-ity and China: From the Eighteenth Century to the Present'', ed. Daniel Bays, pp. 317–37. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996.