'''阮榕生''' 南昌大学长江学者特聘教授。聘任岗位:食品科学。博士生导师。==简介==阮榕生,男,1963年生。教育部"长江学者奖励计划"食品科学的特聘教授,博士生导师,江西省生物质转化工程技术研究中心主任。1991年在美国Illinois State University农业工程系食品工程系获工学博士学位,1991.9-1993.12美国Illinois State University和Minnesota University 博士后研究。1994.1-2002.9 美国明尼达大学生物系统与农业工程系,助教、副教授、教授。2002年10月被教育部聘为南昌大学"长江学者"特聘教授,食品科学学科带头人。人物履历1983年获中国农业大学农业机械工程学士, 1988年获美国Oklahoma State University生物系统与农业工程硕士, 1991年获美国依利诺伊大学农业工程系博士, 1991-1993年为美国依利诺伊大学农业工程系博士后、明尼达大学食品科学与营养学系、Pillsbury公司技术中心副研究员, 1994-2002年为美国明尼达大学生物系统与农业工程系副教授、教授,本科教育部主任, 2002年至今为南昌大学"长江学者"特聘教授,食品科学学科带头人.[1]长江学者工作会议验收总结长江学者工作会议验收总结 2015年担任江西南大硒谷农业科技有限公司首席科学家[2] 折叠编辑本段人物事迹折叠一、为人师表,深得学生爱戴阮榕生,教授,博士生导师,美国农业与生物工程学会院士,教育部长江学者南昌大学特聘教授,2010年中组部千人计划海外高层次创新人才。现任南昌大学食品科学与工程国家重点实验室创新团队首席科学家,生物质转化教育部工程研究中心荣誉主任。美国明尼苏达大学生物产品与生物系统工程系终身教授、食品科学与营养系教授、明尼苏达大学生物精炼中心主任。他还担任江西省生物质转化工程技术研究中心主任,美国农业部食品工程专业委员会委员,联合国发展计划委员会农副产品加工项目中国首席技术专家,美国谷物化学学会委员、美国食品工程师协会委员、美国农业工程学会技术性论文奖励委员会主席、美国《农业应用工程学》和《农业工程论文集》刊物编委。 阮榕生教授不论工作多么繁忙,他都要挤出时间与学生谈心,了解他们的科研进展和思想动态,从日常点滴中潜移默化地引导学生。作为南昌大学食品学科的领军人物,始终坚持育人先正己的思想,在要求学生的同时,他更是严格要求自己,严谨治学,实事求是,踏踏实实做人做学问,为人胸怀坦荡从不计个人得失,在日常的教学和生活中深深影响着每一位学生和青年教师,成为师德风尚的典范。 折叠二、追求真理,潜心科学研究阮榕生教授的研究领域涵盖可再生生物质能源和农林生物质的增值加工食品工程学等领域。主要从事核磁共振及其成像技术、食品聚合物理论与核磁共振食品聚合物状态图技术、超高压技术、等离子杀菌技术和神经网络技术在食品加工与保藏、食品质量管理中的应用等方面的研究工作,同时在生物资源的综合开发利用上开创一条新的研究领域,在他的倡导下成立了江西省生物质转化工程技术研究中心,特别是利用可再生的农林生物质资源转化燃料、化学品和新材料;开展生物质基高分子材料制造工艺创新研究;开发延长食品货架期和确保食品质量以及保障食品安全的高新技术;开发先进的非热等离子及高压电场技术在生物制品和食品加工中的应用。近10年来阮榕生博士在美国期间曾先后承担美国国防部、农业部等有关食品及农副产品加工的科研项150多项,共计研究经费3000多万美元,先后在国际权威杂志上发表文章300多篇,其中SCI、EI收录200多篇。14部专著或合著,并参加国际会议并作大会报告200多次,国际会议文章300多篇,国内外发明专利24项。并获得40多项国际奖项。由于他的勤奋工作和突出业绩,阮教授多次获得明尼苏达大学迈克耐特杰出大学教授提名。作为美国有影响的生物质精炼领域专家,参予制定了美国能源部的"微藻生物质能源发展路线图"的制定工作。 此外,阮榕生教授受聘教育部长江学者南昌大学特聘教授以来,引进国外先进理念,先后主持长江学者创新团队奖励计划项目-食品质量与安全项目,国家自然科学基金项目、国家863项目等项目30余项,研究经费3000多万元。申请中国发明专利25项,已授权20项。有8项研究成果已通过省科技厅主持的科技成果鉴定,6项达到国际先进水平,2项为国内领先水平。2014年食品科学与工程专业创新人才培养体系的构建与实践获得国家教学成果奖二等奖;2015年获得江西省国际合作奖。在南昌大学食品科学与工程国家一级学科建设,食品科学与工程国家重点实验室筹建,生物质转化教育部工程研究中心等科研平台建设方面做出了突出贡献。先后培为南昌大学养高级访问学者和博士共计15名,已经在江西大型养殖企业建立了沼液养殖能源微藻大型产业化示范工程。目前正在积极筹划组建南昌大学国家级生物质转化工程技术研究中心,为更好地服务于江西发展做出新贡献。 折叠编辑本段在研项目1.微波辅助催化木素溶剂解聚的化学反应机理(21466022);国家自然基金;2013-2016; 2.微藻规模化培养及炼制关键技术联合研究(2014DFA61040);科技部国际合作与交流专项;2014-2016; 3.微波辐射极化脂肪酸盐羧基端脱羧成烃的机理(21266022);国家自然基金;2012-2015; 4.生物质残渣微波裂解关键技术及工艺优化研究(2012AA101800-03);国家863计划子项目;2012-2015; 5.畜禽业沼液深度处理及资源化利用技术研究与装备开发示范(20124ABG04103);江西省重大专项;2012-2015; 6.国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)"化学品生物转化过程与装备",项目编号2012AA021205,项目执行时间2012.1-2015.12; 7.国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)"特殊生物藻种资源利用关键技术及产品开发",项目编号2012AA021704,项目执行时间2012.1-2015.12; 8.国家自然科学基金"毛竹半纤维素组成与结构特点研究",项目执行时间2010.01-2012.12,项目编号30960304。[7] 折叠编辑本段荣誉奖项1.2015ASABEFellow.TheSociety'shighesthonor. 2015ASABE(美国农业与生物工程师协会)会士荣誉,社会最高荣誉。 2.2015 Bioresource Technology Best Paper Award. For "A review of catalytic hydrodeoxygenation of lignin-derived phenols from biomass pyrolysis." 2015生物资源技术最佳论文奖。"木质素的生物质热解苯酚催化加氢脱氧的审查"。 (Bu, Quan; Lei, Hanwu; Zacher, Alan H.; Wang, Lu; Ren, Shoujie; Liang, Jing; Wei, Yi; Liu, Yupeng; Tang, Juming; Zhang, Qin; Ruan, Roger(阮榕生). 3.2015CertificateofRecognition.TIBDistinguishedLecturer.ChineseAcademyofSciences. 2015荣获TIB(计算机科学技术)认可证书,且为中国科学院特聘讲师。[3] 4.2015ElsevierReviewerRecognitionAward.ReviewerrecognizedforAppliedSurfaceSciencejournal. 2015爱思唯尔(世界领先的科技及医学出版公司)评论家奖,应用表面科学杂志的审稿人。 5.2015JiangxiInternationalCooperationAward.Recognitiononjointbiomassenergyandgreenfoodsresearchanddevelopmenteffort. 2015江西国际合作奖,联合生物量能源与绿色食品研发工作的认识。[4] 6.2015OutstandingReviewerAward.ElsevierReviewerRecognitionforAlgaeResearchjournal. 2015优秀评审奖,藻类研究期刊审稿的识别。 7.2013UniversityInnovationAward.UniversityofMinnesota2013InventorRecognitionCeremony. 2013大学创新奖,明尼苏达大学2013发明人表彰仪式。 8.2013CertificateofExcellenceinReviewing.InrecognitionofoutstandingcontributiontothequalityofthejournalofAlgalResearch,PresentedbyElsevier. 2013在爱思唯尔对藻类研究杂志的质量做突出贡献,获审查合格证书。 9.2012UniversityInnovationAward.UniversityofMinnesota2012InventorRecognitionCeremony. 2012大学创新奖。明尼苏达大学2012发明人表彰仪式。 10.2012CertificationofAppreciation.InrecognitionofoutstandingserviceasanAssociateEditorfortheFood&ProcessEngineeringDivision,PresentedbyASABE. 2012由ASABE认证为优秀的食品工程部副主编,且获认证书。 11.2012NationalAgriculturalBiotechnologyCouncilMeeting1stPlacePosterAward.For"Wettorrefactionasapretreatmentforpyrolyticbio-oilproductionfrommicroalgae."(Z.Du,P.Chen,andR.Ruan阮榕生). 2012届全国农业生物技术委员会会议第一名地方海报奖。"湿干燥为热解生物油生产微藻处理。" 12.2011UniversityInnovationAward.UniversityofMinnesota2011InventorRecognitionCeremony. 2011大学创新奖。明尼苏达大学2011发明人表彰仪式。 13.2011CertificateofAppreciation.ForthevaluablecontributionanddedicatedserviceinthepeerreviewofmanuscriptssubmittedtoACSJournals. 2011对价值的贡献和热忱的服务提交ACS期刊稿件的同行评审,并获得升值证明书。 14.2010DistinguishedMcKnightUniversityProfessorshipNominee,UniversityofMinnesota. 2010明尼苏达大学杰出McKnight大学教授候选人。 15.2010MOOThousandTalentPlanExpert,NanchangUniversity,JiangxiProvince,China,2010-2013. 2010中国江西,南昌大学2012-2013计算机科学技术MOO语言千人计划专家[5] 16.2009MidwestAlgaeWorkshop1stPlacePosterAward.For"Effectofvariouspretreatmentonalgallipidextraction."(Y.Li,M.Min,L.Wang,Y.Cheng.B.Martinez,P.Chen,andR.Ruan). 2009有关"各种预处理对藻类脂质提取的影响"获中西部藻类车间第一名地方海报奖。[6] 17.2009MidwestAlgaeWorkshop2ndPlacePosterAward.For"UsingWastewaterforMassMicroalgaeProductionasanEnergyCrop."(M.Min,Q.Kong,Y.Li,Y.Chen,L.Wang,P.Chen,A.Sealock,R.Polta,andR.Ruan). 2009关于"使用大规模微藻生产废水作为能源作物"获中西部藻类车间第二名地方海报奖。 18.2009DistinguishedMcKnightUniversityProfessorshipNominee,UniversityofMinnesota. 2009明尼苏达大学杰出McKnight大学教授候选人。 19.2009CertificationofAppreciationAwardbyUSDAforexceptionaleffortswhileservingasaPanelistin2009fortheBiomassResearchandDevelopmentInitiative. 2009由美国农业部嘉奖的小组成员,2009年的生物量的研究和发展的主动权获得增值认证。 20.2008SecondPlacein"AACCinternationalproteindivision'sbeststudentpaperinAACCInternationalConference2008(Y.LiandR.Ruan,etc.) 2008在AACC(美国自动控制委员会)国际会议中,获"AACC国际蛋白分"最佳学生论文第二名 21.2008BestStudentPosterAwardcompetitioninAACCAnnualInternationalConference2008(Y.LiandR.Ruan,etc.) 2008在AACC年国际会议获最佳学生竞争奖 22.2008UniversityInnovationAward.UniversityofMinnesota2008InventorRecognitionCeremony. 2008大学创新奖。明尼苏达大学2008发明人表彰仪式。 23.2007E3People'sChoicePosterAwardfor"Comparativeenvironmentalandeconomicsystemsanalysisofcornstoverlogisticsoptionsforcellulosicethanolproduction"(SangwonSuhandRogerRuan)byUniversityofMinnesotaIREE. 2007由联合国明尼苏达自由大学关于"比较环境经济系统分析玉米秸秆纤维素乙醇生产物流方案"获E3(计算机科学技术E3通信线路)人民选择奖。 24.2006Leaders,Innovators,Pioneers,BioscienceCompaniesandInstitutes,CenterforBiorefiningbeenselectedasoneoftheLeaders,Innovators,andPioneersofthebiosciencecompaniesandinstitutesbytheMinnesotaBiosciences,asupplementtoTwinCitiesBusiness. 2006由明尼苏达生物科学,在双子城业务的补充。是生物科技公司和科研机构,中心生物炼制被选中的领导者,创新者,开拓者,以及生物科学公司和研究机构的先驱。 25.2006LeadershipServiceAward,inrecognitionofleadershipserviceasPresidentofMNSectionASABEfrom2003to2006. 2006从2003到2006年,在ASABE总部Mn部获领导服务奖。 26.2005JiangxiExcellentGraduateFaculty,inrecognitionofexcellenceingraduateteachingandadvisingasaguestprofessoratNanchangUniversity. 2005江西优秀研究生,在南昌大学的研究生教学中卓越,并为客座教授。 27.2005CSAESuperiorPaperAward,inrecognitionofauthorshipofacontributiontoagriculturalengineeringliteratureofexceptionalmerit,aspublishedbytheChineseSocietyofAgriculturalEngineering. 2005农业工程学报论文奖,特殊的功绩农业工程文献著作权的确认,由中国农业工程学会出版。 28.2005ASABEHonorableMentionPaperAward,inrecognitionofauthorshipofacontributiontoagriculturalengineeringliteratureofexceptionalmerit,aspublishedbythesociety. 2005ASABE论文优秀奖,以特殊的功绩农业工程文学作品的作者身份在社会发表。 29.2005UniversityInnovationAward,UniversityofMinnesota2005InventorRecognitionCeremony. 2005大学创新奖,明尼苏达大学2005发明人表彰仪式。 30.2005AOCPaperAward,ThirdPlace,forASABEpapernumber056113,inrecognitionoftopAOCresearchpapersofengineeringmerit. 2005AOC(计算机科学技术,自动化操作/输出控制)论文奖第三名,工程价值顶级AOC研究论文识别为ASABE论文编号056113。 31.2005CIFTSuperiorPaperAward,SecondPrize.inrecognitionofauthorshipofacontributiontofoodscienceliteratureofexceptionalmerit. 2005甘菊ClFT优异论文奖,二等奖。一种特殊价值的食品科学文献的著作权的确认。 32.2005CIFTSuperiorPaperAward,ThirdPrize.inrecognitionofauthorshipofacontributiontofoodscienceliteratureofexceptionalmerit. 2005甘菊ClFT优良论文奖,第三等奖。一种特殊价值的食品科学文献的著作权的确认。 33.2003ChiefTechnologyAdvisorforAgriculturalProcessingIndustryinChina,UnitedNationsDevelopmentProgram(UNDP). 2003联合国开发计划,中国农业加工工业总技术顾问。 34.2003InvitedChairProfessor,CollegeofEngineering,ChinaAgriculturalUniversity,Beijing,China. 2003北京大学,农业工程学院主教授 35.2002MedalofRecognitioninrecognitionfortheexcellentcontributiontotheSecondInternationalConferenceonGrain,FlourandBreadQualityinMoscowbytheRussiaUnionofFlourMillsandCerealPlantsandtheInternationalIndustrialAcademyinRussia. 2003中国农业大学工程学院,2002届国际粮食、面粉和面包质量第二次国际会议表彰表彰大会,在俄罗斯米尔斯和谷物联合会俄罗斯的植物与国际工业学院进行表彰。 36.2002MOEYangtzeScholarDistinguishedGuestProfessor,NanchangUniversity,Nanchang,China,2002-2007. 2002南昌大学2002-2007年教育部长江学者杰出客座教授。 37.2002Who'sWhoinInternationalCerealCongress 2002入国际谷物大会名人录 38.2001CertificateofRecognitioninrecognitionfortheexcellentcontributiontotheSecondInternationalWheatQualityConferenceinManhattan,KansasbyICC. 2001获国际刑事法院对曼哈顿第二国际小麦质量会议的杰出贡献表彰证书。 39.2001Who'sWhoinInternationalCerealCongress 2001入国际谷物大会名人录 40.2000ASABESuperiorPaperAwardinrecognitionoftopresearchpapersofengineeringmerit. 2000论文在ASABE工程价值研究获得优异论文奖。 41.1997CertificateofAppreciationforoutstandingcontributiontothe1997NationalImagingTechnologyConferencepresentedbytheCenterforImageProcessinginEducation,Tucson,AZ. 1997对1997届全国会议的成像技术,在教育图像处理中心颁发突出贡献证书。 42.1997CertificateofAppreciationforserviceandleadershipintheCOAFESthroughcampusinvolvement. 1997通过校园参与COAFES的服务,获得荣誉证书。 43.1997CertificateofAppreciationforserviceasanadvisortoprospectivestudentsfromCOAFES. 1997作为一个学生顾问,获得COAFES荣誉证书 44.1997McKnightLand-GrantProfessorNominee.UniversityofMinnesota. 1997明尼苏达大学,授予McKnight教授提名。 45.1995CertificateofAppreciationforserviceasanadvisortoprospectivestudentsfromCOAFES. 1995学生顾问,获得COAFES荣誉证书。 46.1995BushExcellenceinTeachingAwardinrecognitionofcontributionstoandparticipationintheBushFacultyDevelopmentProgramforTeachingExcellenceandDiversity. 1995参与教师的教学发展计划,在教学上多样化得到认可并作出卓越的贡献且得到认可。 47.1990ASABESuperiorPaperAwardinrecognitionoftopresearchpapersofengineeringmerit. 1990ASABE优异论文奖在工程价值最高的研究论文识别。 48.1990GraduateCollegeConferenceTravelAwardinrecognitionofoutstandingresearch. 1990杰出研究得到认可且获大学毕业生旅游奖。 49.1986ExcellentYoungScholarin1986(China). 1986优秀青年学者1986(中国)。 50.1981,1982,and1983ExcellentStudentAwardforexcellenceinAcademicLevel,MoralQualities,andPhysicalFitness,atChinaAgriculturalUniversity. 1981、1982、1983在中国农业大学获优秀学生奖,在学术上认真优秀道德品质良好 51.1982SecondPlaceinUniversity'sAdvancedMathematicsCompetition.ChinaAgriculturalUniversity. 1982中国农业大学大学高等数学竞赛第二名。 折叠编辑本段代表性专著、论文及专利1. Zhou, W, Chen, P Min, M., Peng P, Fida H, Chen P, Liu Y, Ruan, R. 2014. Biological mitigation of carbon dioxide via microalgae: recent development and future direction. Bioresour Technol. (In Review). 2. Hussain, F, Zhou, W, Fu Z, Liu Y, Min, M., Cheng Y, Li Y, Liu Y, Chen, P and Ruan, R. 2014. Isolation and selection of microalgae tolerant of CO2 rich flue gas. Bioresour Technol. (In Review). 3. Qinglong Xie, Peng Peng, Shiyu Liu, Min Min, Yanling Cheng, Yiqin Wan, Yun Li, Xiangyang Lin, Yuhuan Liu, Paul Chen, and Roger Ruan. 2014. Fast microwave-assisted catalytic pyrolysis of sewage sludge for bio-oil production. Bioresour Technol. 172 (2014): 162–168. 4. Dongyan Mu, Min Min, Brian Krohn, Kimberley A. Mullins, Roger Ruan, and Jason Hill. 2014. Life cycle environmental impacts of wastewater-based algal biofuels. Environmental Science & Technology. Accepted. 5. Xiaochen Ma, Hongli Zheng, He Huang, Yuhuan Liu, Roger Ruan. 2014. Effects of Temperature and Substrate Concentration on Lipid Production by Chlorella vulgaris from Enzymatic Hydrolysates of Lipid-Extracted Microalgal Biomass Residues (LMBRs). Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. Accepted. 6. Ma, X.C., Zhou, W.G., Fu, Z.Q., Cheng, Y.L., Min M., Liu Y.H., Chen, P., Ruan, R. 2014. Effect of Wastewater-borne Bacteria on Algal Growth and Nutrients Removal in Wastewater-based Algae Cultivation System. Bioresour Technol. 167: 8-13. 7. Fernanda Cabral Borges, Qinglong Xie, Min Min, Luis Antônio Rezende Muniz, Marcelo Farenzena, Jorge Otávio Trierweiler, Paul Chen, Roger Ruan. 2014. Fast microwave-assisted pyrolysis of microalgae using microwave absorbent and HZSM-5 catalyst. Bioresource Technology 166 (2014) 518–526. 8. Wenguang Zhou, Paul Chen, Min Min, Xiaochen Ma, Jinghan Wang, Zongqiang Fu, Richard Griffith, Fida Hussain, Pu Peng, Qinglong Xie, Yun Li, Jian Shi, Roger Ruan. 2014. Environment-enhancing Algal Biofuel Production Using Wastewaters. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 36 (2014): 256–269. 9. Fernanda Cabral Borges, Zhenyi Du, Qinglong Xie, Jorge Otávio Trierweiler, Yanling Cheng, Yiqin Wan, Yuhuan Liu, Rongbi Zhu, Xiangyang Lin, Paul Chen, Roger Ruan. 2014. Fast microwave assisted pyrolysis of biomass using microwave absorbent. Bioresource Technology 156: 267-274. 10. Qinglong Xie, Fernanda Cabral Borges, Yanling Cheng, Yiqin Wan, Yun Li, Xiangyang Lin, Yuhuan Liu, Fida Hussain, Paul Chen, Roger Ruan. 2014. Fast microwave-assisted catalytic gasification of biomass for syngas production and tar removal. Bioresource Technology 156:291-296. 11. Hong, P., Luo, Q., Ruan, R., Zhang, J., and Liu, Y. 2014. "Structural features of lignin and lignin-carbohydrate complexes from bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens Mazel)," BioRes. 9(1):1276-1289. 12. Zhou, W, and Ruan, R. 2014. Biological mitigation of carbon dioxide via microalgae: recent development and future direction. Scientia Sinca Chimica. 44(1): 63-78. 13. 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Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 86(1):161-167. 117. Zhu, J., Y. Li, X. Wu, C. Miller, P. Chen, and R. Ruan. 2009. Swine manure fermentation for hydrogen production. Bioresource Technology 100: 5472–5477. 118. Wu, J., Y. Wang, Y. Wan, H. Kei, F. Yu, Y. Liu, P. Chen, L. Yang, R. Ruan. 2009. Processing and properties of rigid polyurethane foams based on bio-oils from microwave-assisted pyrolysis of corn stover. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 2(1): 40-50. 119. Gao, Y., W. Chen, H. Lei, Y. Liu, X. Lin, R. Ruan. 2009. Optimization of esterification conditions for the production of biodiesel from Chinese tallow kernel oil with surfactant-coated lipase using surface response methodology. Biomass and Bioenergy 33(2):277-282. 120. Wan, Y., X. Lin, Y. Liu, C. Yang, B. Zhang, P Chen, H. Lei, and R. Ruan. 2009. Microwave assisted pyrolysis of corn stover pellets with catalysts for bio-oil production. Transaction of CSAE 25(4):190-195. 121. Yu, F., Z. Le, P. Chen, Y. Liu, X. Lin, R. Ruan. 2008. Atmospheric pressure liquefaction of dried distillers grains (DDG) and making polyurethane foams from liquefied DDG. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 148(1-3):235-243. 122. Yu, F., Y., R. Ruan, P. Steele. 2008. Consecutive reaction model for the pyrolysis of corn cob. Transactions of ASABE 51(3): 1023-1028. 123. Lei, H. R. Ruan, R. Fulcher, and B. van Lengerich. 2008. Color development in an extrusion-cooked model system. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 1(2): 55-63. 124. Zhang J., X. Lin, R. Ruan, P. Chen. 2008. Effects of NMR state transition on Maillard reaction rate in model food storage systems. Transactions of the CSAE 24 (2): 214-220. 125. Zhang, J., N. Wang, X. Lin, R. Ruan. 2008. Nuclear magnetic resonance technique application in evaluating the quality of navel orange during storage, Food Research and Development 29 (06):126-129. 126. Ruan, R., P. Chen, R. Hemmingsen, V. Morey, and D. Tiffany. 2008. Size Matters: Small Distributed Biomass Energy Production Systems for Economic Viability. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 1(1): 64-68. 127. Liu, Y., R. Ruan. 2008. Application of biotechnology in brown rice processing. Food Science 2008(8):640-642. 128. Qian, F., J. Zhang, Z. Jin, Y. Liu, X. Lin, R. Ruan. 2008. Study of glass transition process in foods by NMR. Food Science 2008(8):666-669 129. Jin, Z, J. Zhang, Y. Liu, X. Lin, R. Ruan, N. Wang. 2008. Study of aging process of egg using NMR and MRI, Science and Technology of Food Industry 2008(8):112-114 130. Wang, J., X. Lin, R. Ruan, Y. Liu, C. Xu. 2008. Preservation of fresh-cut cauliflower using high concentration ozonated water. Food Science 2008(8):607-611 131. Jin, Z., J. Zhang, F. Qian, Y. Liu, X. Lin, R. Ruan. 2008. Study of changes in grains during storage using NMR. Food Science 2008(9):66-69. 132. Zhou, H., Y. Liu, R. Li, D. Han, F. Qian, S. Jiao, R. Ruan. 2008. Study of Alkylresorcinols in Wheat and Rye Brans. Food Science 2008(8):680-684. 133. Liu, Y., Y. Wan., H. Lei, R. Ruan, C. Liu, X. Lin, M. Xie, H. Peng, D. Zheng. 2008. Starch based polyester type water resistant wood adhesive. Transactions of CSAE, 24(9): 309-312. 134. Li, Y. K., Szlachetke, P. Chen, X. Lin, R. Ruan. 2008. Ingredient characterization and hardening of high-protein food bars: an NMR state diagram approach. Cereal Chemistry 85(6):780-786. 135. Mok, C., J. Qi, P. Chen, and R. Ruan. 2008. NMR relaxometry of water in set yogurt during fermentation. Food Science and Biotechnology 17(5):895-898.. 136. Zhu, J., Wu, X., Miller, C., Yu, F., Chen, P., R., Ruan. 2007. Biohydrogen production through fermentation using liquid swine manure as substrate. Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes 42(4):393 – 401. 137. Lei, H., R. Fulcher, R. Ruan, B. van Lengerich. 2007. Empirical modeling of mean residence time in a co-rotating twin-screw extruder with rice flour. Cereal Chemistry 85(2):230-237. 138. Zhang, J., X. Lin, R. Ruan. 2007. Application of NMR state diagram in studying the maillard reaction in model food storage systems. Transactions of CSAE. Accepted. 139. Li, C., Y. Liu, R. Ruan, A. Luo, L. Gao, J. Lu, and Y. Wan. 2007. Development of a two-step process for making biodiesel from waste restraurant oil. Transactions of CSAE. Accepted. 140. Yu, F., S. Deng, P. Chen, Y. Liu, Y. Wang, A. Olsen, D. Kittelson, R. Ruan. 2007. Physical and chemical properties of bio-oils from microwave pyrolysis of corn stovers. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 136-140:957-970. 141. Luo, A., Y. Chen, Y. Liu, L. Gao, R. Ruan, X. Lin. 2007. Study on clarification of persimmon wine. Food Science 28(10):304-308. 142. Yu, F., R. Ruan, P. Chen, S. Deng, Y. Liu, X. Lin. 2007. Liquefaction of Corn Cobs with Supercritical Water Treatment. Transactions of ASABE 50(1):175-180. 143. Li, C., Y. Liu, R. Ruan. 2007. Refined salad oil from Cornus wilsoniana wanger. Grain and Oilseed Processing 11:76-78. 144. Wang, N., X. Lin, R. Ruan, J. Zhang, W. Chen, Z. Jin. 2007. Study on Navel orange processing with NMR. Food Science 22(2):237-239, 222. 145. Lei, H., R. Fulcher, R. Ruan, B. van Lengerich. 2007. Assessment of color development due to twin-screw extrusion of rice-glucose-lysine blend using image analysis. J. of Food Science and Technology (L.W.T.) 40(7):1224-1231. 146. Luo, J., Y. Liu, A. Luo, L. Gao, R. Ruan. 2007. Effect of lipids of sapium sebiferum Roxb on growth of lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler. Food Science 28(9):422-429. 147. Jin, Z., J. Zhang, X. Lin, R. Ruan, N. Wang, W. Chen. 2007. Study on the spoilage of strawberry by NMR and MRI. Food Science 28(8):108-111. 148. Liu, Y., R. Ruan, H. Ouyang, L. Chen, Y. Wan, A. Luo, Y. Gao, C. Liu. 2007. Study on the basic oil supply for the commercial biodiesel manufacturing. Renewable Energy Resources 25 (2):26-29. 149. Deng, S., R. Ruan, C. Mok, G. Huang, X. Lin, P. Chen. 2007. Inactivation of Escherichia coli on almonds using nonthermal plasma. J. Food Science. 72(2):M62-M66. 150. Lin, X., R. Ruan, R. Zhu, S. Deng, L. Chen, and P. Rao. 2006. Development of nonthermal plasma technology for nonthermal pasteurization of liquid foods. Food Science 27(2):57-61. 151. Lin, X., R. Ruan, P. Chen, M. Chung, X. Ye, T. Yang, C. Doona, and T. Wagner. 2006. NMR State Diagram Concept. J. of Food Science. 71(9):R136-R145. 152. Chen, W., Y. Gao, X. Lin, D. Xia, R. Ruan, S. Bai. 2006. Development of biodiesel byproduct glycerol refining technology. China Oils and Fats 31(5):62-64. 153. Ye, X., S. Wang, R. Ruan, J. Qi, C. Doona. 2006. Water mobility and mold susceptibility engineered wood products. Transactions of ASABE 49(4): 1159-1165. 154. Wang, N., W. Chen, X. Lin, C. He, R. Ruan, and J. Zhang. 2006. Applications of basic NMR/MRI pulse sequences in food research. Academic Periodical of Farm Products Processing 67:11-14, 22. 155. Chen, W., X. Lin, R. Ruan, X. He, R. Zhu, Y. Liu. 2006. Nondestructive evaluation of water in foods using NMR techniques. Food Research and Development 27(4):125-127. 156. Ouyang, H., X. Lin, R. Ruan, W. Chen, Q. Jiang, S. Bai, C. Li. 2006. Research progress in microemulsion of fuel oil. Renewable Energy 127:55-59. 157. Jiang, Q., Y. Liu, Z. Li, R. Ruan, A. Luo, X. Lin. 2006. Taxus bark atmospheric pressure rapid liquefaction process optimization using uniform design. J. Fujian Forestory Science and Technology 33(1):80-82. 158. Tu, Z., W. Ren, R. Ruan, C. Liu, M. Li. 2006. Effect of instaneous high pressure treatment on physical properties of rice starch. Food Industry Science and Technology 27(5):103-105. 159. Tu, Z., J. Chen, C. Liu, W. Ren, R. Ruan. 2006. Rheological properties of homogenized carrot juice. Food Science 27(3):52-55. 160. Wang, J., C. Liu, H. Xiong, R. Ruan. 2006. Extraction of alkali-insoluable –glucans from yeast. Academic Periodical of Farm Products Processing 58:24-26. 161. Li, C. R. Ruan, X. Lin, W. Chen, A. Luo, J. Chen. 2006. Properties and applications of rhodotorula. Academic Periodical of Farm Products Processing 64:20-22, 25. 162. Li, D., C. Liu, W. Liu, R. Ruan. 2006. Use of cellular level pulverizing in Chinese medician processing. Academic Periodical of Farm Products Processing 58:46-48. 163. Lin, X. C. He, W. Chen, R. Ruan, J. Zhang. 2006. Study of effect of sucrose on molecular mobility of dough using NMR techniques. J. Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology 6(1):30-34. 164. Tu, Z., Q. Wang, R. Ruan, M. Li. 2006. Effect of instaneous high pressure treatment on the functional characteristics of soy protein. Science and Technology of Food Industry 2006(1):66-67. 165. Chen, C., J. Zhang, R. Ruan, C. He, X. Lin. 2006. Application of MRI in pork quality evaluation. Meat Industry 297:11-14. 166. Tu, Z., J. Li, R. Ruan, C. Liu, H. Wang, X. Zhang. 2006. Development of high bioavailable dietary fiber from soybean meals. Food Science 27(7):144-147. 167. Ouyang, H. R. Ruan, X. Lin, Y. Liu, W. Chen., Q. Jiang. 2006. Review of the use of GI and RAG in healthy food evaluation. Modern Food Science and Technology 22(2):237-239, 222. 168. Mok, C. K. Song, Y. Park, R. Ruan, P. Chen. 2006. High hydrostatic pressure pasteurization of red wine. J. of Food Science 71(8):265-269. 169. Liu, C., Y. Zhong, W. Liu, R. Ruan, Y. Peng. 2006. RSM model development on effort of instantaneous high pressure on subtilis spore inactivation. Food Science 27(7):96-99. 170. Ruan, R. S. Bai, X. Lin, Y. Liu, S. Li, and Y. Gao. 2006. Effect of waste restraurant oil properties on biodiesel production and quality. China Oils and Fats 31(4):65-68. 171. Yu, F., Y. Liu, X. Pan, X. Lin, C. Liu, P. Chen, and R. Ruan. 2006. Liquefaction of corn stover and preparation of polyster from liqufied polyol. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 129-132:574-585. 172. Yu, F., R. Ruan, X. Lin, Y. Liu, R. Fu, Y. Li, P. Chen, and Y. Gao. 2006. Reaction kinetics of stover liquefaction in recycled stover polyol. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 129-132:563-573. 173. Luo, A., Y. Liu, Q. Jiang, R. Ruan, X. Lin, C. Liu. 2006. Progress on water-resistant soy based wood adhesive development. Academic Periodical of Farm Products Processing 67:15-18, 22. 174. Liu, Y., Q. Jiang, A. Luo, R. Ruan, C. Liu, D. Zhen, X. Lin. 2006. Effect of soy protein modification on the properties of the soy protein based adhesive. Forestry Science and Technology 31(4):48-51. 175. Liu, Y., Q. Jiang, R. Ruan, A. Luo, C. Liu, Z. Tu, X. Lin. 2006. Development of a two-step procedure for making water-resistant soy based wood adhesive. Soybean Science 25(3):259-264. 176. Jiang, Q., Y. Liu, D. Zhen, R. Ruan, X. Lin, W. Chen, and H. Ou Yang. 2006. Antiseptic research and development for wood and wood adhesive. J. of Fujian Forestry Science and Technology 33(2):164-168. 177. Lei, H., R.G. Fulcher, R. Ruan, B. van Lengerich. 2005. Empirical modeling of die pressure, shaft torque, SME, and product temperature of rice flour in a co-rotating twin-screw extruder. Cereal Chemistry. 82(5):582-587. 178. Liu, Y., Ruan, R., X. Lin, F. Yu, P. Chen, S. Deng, Y. Li, V. Morey and T. Yang. 2005. Preparation of Biopolymers from Liquefied Corn Stover. Transactions of CSAE 21(12):116-120. (2005 CSAE Superior Paper Award.) 179. Lin, X., J. Chen, D. Zhen, C. He., and R. Ruan. 2005. Applications of pulse high pressure technology in food pasteurization. J. of Agricultural Products Processing 30(1):9-12. 180. Li, Y., R. Ruan, J. Li, Q Yu, X. Lin, P L. Chen, S. Deng, B. Grounli. 2005. Development of an automatic milk standards packaging system. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 21(2):253-257. 181. Lin, X., R. Ruan, C. He, J. Zhang, R. Zhu, Y. Liu. 2005. Application of NMR and MRI techniques in the study of food polymer glass transition process. Food Science 26(3):269-271. 182. Lin, X., R. Ruan, C. He, J. Zhang, R. Zhu, S. Bai, Y. Liu. 2005. Application of NMR and MRI techniques in the study of ohmic heating process. Food Science 26(6):272-275. 183. He, C., X. Lin, R. Ruan, D. Zheng, J. Zhang. 2005. Application of low field pulse magnetic resonance imaging technology in foods. Food Research and Development 26(4):89-92. 184. Bai, S., X. Lin, R. Ruan, D. Zheng,Y. Liu, C. He. 2005. A new process for -ABA production. Modern Food Science and Technology 21(2):202-205. 185. Lei, H., R.G. Fulcher, R. Ruan, B. van Lengerich. 2005. SME-Arrhenius model for WSI of rice flour in a twin-screw extruder. Cereal Chemistry 82(5):574-581. 186. Liu, Y., D. Zhen, Y. Gao, X. Lin, R. Ruan. 2005. Drying oil resources, properties, and utilization. Forestry Chemical Engineering News 39(3):42-47. 187. Zhen, D., Y. Liu, X. Lin, S. Bei, R. Ruan. 2005. Bamboo waste utilization. Fujian Foresty Science and Technology 32(2):153-157. 188. Liu, Y., D. Zhen, X. Lin, C. Liu, R. Ruan. 2005. Current status of thermochemical liquefaction of cellulosic biomass for catalytic hydrogen production. Renewable Energy 121(3):76-78. 189. Lin, X., R. Ruan, S. Bai, C. He, R. Zhu, J. Zhang, P. Rao. 2005. Application of nonthermail pasteurization technology in foods – Part I. J. of Agricultural Products Processing 30(2):9-12. 190. Lin, X., R. Ruan, S. Bai, C. He, R. Zhu, J. Zhang, P. Rao. 2005. Application of nonthermail pasteurization technology in foods – Part II. J. of Agricultural Products Processing 30(2):12-16. 191. Li, Z., C. Liu, X. Lin, Y. Liu, R. Ruan. 2005. Development and issues of fast atmospheric pressure biomass liquefaction technology. J. of Agricultural Products Processing 30(2): 25-27, 30. 192. Zhen, D., R. Ruan, Y. Liu, X. Lin, S. Bai. 2005. Catalytic assisted thermochemical liquefaction of cellulosic biomass. J. of Agricultural Products Processing 30(2):17-21. 193. Liu, Y., X. Lin, R. Ruan, D. Zhen, S. Bai, C. He. 2005. Effect of extrusion process on food nutrition and composition. J. of Agricultural Products Processing 30(1):30-33, 36. 194. Zhang, J. X. Lin, R. Ruan, X. He, M. Li, L. Wei. 2005. MRI application in pork quality evaluations. Food Science 26(9):36-38. 195. He, C., X. Lin, D. Zhen, R. Ruan, Y. Liu, S. Bai. 2005. Effect of starch and gluten on dough rheological properties. J. of Agricultural Products Processing 30(4):21-23. 196. Zhang, J. X. Lin, R. Ruan, X. He, W. Chen, J. Nie. 2005. MRI application in food quality evaluations. J. of Agricultural Products Processing 30(5):11-13. 197. Lin, X., C. He, R. Ruan, J. Zhang, W. Chen, R. Zhu. 2005. Study of moisture migration in steam bread during microwave heating using MRI. Food Science 26(8):82-86. 198. Lin, X., C. He, Y. Gao, Y. Liu, R. Ruan. 2005. Meat nutrition and human health. Meat Industry 285(1):42-45. 199. Liu, C., W. Liu, R. Ruan. 2005. Study of soymeal fiber property improvement with instantaneous high pressure treatment. Food Science 26(9):112-115. 200. Liu, C., W. Liu, R. Ruan. 2005. Effects of instantaneous high pressure treatment on solubility of dietary fiber. Food Science 26(8):110-112. 201. Peng, Y., C. Liu, R. Ruan. 2005. Inactivation of bacteria with instantaneous high pressure technology. Grain and Food Processing 2005(3):32-35. 202. Wang, J., C. Liu, R. Ruan. 2005. Optimization of wheat bran dietary fiber extraction process conditions. Jiangxi Food Industry 2005(3):36-37. 203. Liu, C., W. Liu, R. Ruan, Xiangyang Lin. 2005. Effects of instantaneous high pressure treatment on E. coli reductions. Food Science 26(2):87-90. 204. Liu, C., G. Fu, Z. Tu, H. You, P. Chen, R. Ruan. 2005. Functional polysaccharides from lilies. Transactions of ASAE 48(1):257-261.[7]{{Infobox person | 姓名 = [[File:阮榕生.jpg|缩略图|阮榕生]] | 图像 =| 图像说明 = [http://www.1000thinktank.com/u/cms/www/201610/18122519z6yt.jpg 原图链接] [http://pic.sogou.com/pics?query=%C8%EE%E9%C5%C9%FA&p=&w=06050700&interV=kKIOkrELjboJmLkElbYTkKIKmbELjbkRmLkElbk%253D_1893302304 来自360网]]] | 出生日期 = {{birth date and age|1963|01|01}} <!-- 逝世用: {{Birth date|YYYY|MM|DD}} --> | 出生地点 =福建莆田人 | 逝世日期 = {{Death date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|1963|01|01}} <!-- 死亡日期在前, 出生日期在后 --> | 逝世地点 = | 国籍 = 中国 | 别名 = | 职业 = 江学者特聘教授 | 知名于 = <br>}}