



移除 2,299 位元組, 6 年前
* {{Citation |last={{Smallcaps|Pandey}}|first=J<!--himli-->. M<!--ukherjee-->.|publication-date=8 August 2011 |year=2011 |title = Original Rabindranath Tagore Scripts in Print Soon |publisher=[[Times of India]] |url = http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-08-08/india/29864127_1_tagore-work-maharshi-debendranath-tagore-first |accessdate=1 September 2011 }}
== 延伸閱讀 ==
; 书籍
* {{Harvard reference
| Surname1 = Chaudhuri
| Given1 = A
| Year = 2004
| Title = The Vintage Book of Modern Indian Literature
| Publisher = Vintage
| ISBN = 978-0-375-71300-2
* {{Harvard reference
| Surname1 = Deutsch
| Given1 = A
| Surname2 = [[Andrew Robinson (author)|Robinson]]
| Given2 = A
| Year = 1989
| Title = The Art of Rabindranath Tagore
| Publisher = Monthly Review Press
| ISBN = 978-0-233-98359-2
* {{Harvard reference
| Surname1 = Deutsch
| Given1 = A (editor)
| Surname2 = Robinson
| Given2 = A (editor)
| Year = 1997
| Title = Selected Letters of Rabindranath Tagore
| Publisher = Cambridge University Press
| ISBN = 978-0-521-59018-1
* {{Harvard reference
| Surname1 = Tagore
| Given1 = R
| Year = 2000
| Title = Gitanjali
| Publisher = Macmillan India Ltd
| ISBN = 978-0-333-93575-0
; Analyses
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20111009104944/ ''... and His India''], [[The New York Review of Books]]
*[http://fortnightlyreview.co.uk/2013/04/rabindranath-tagore/ Ezra Pound: "Rabindranath Tagore"], ''[[The Fortnightly Review]]''
*[http://www.parabaas.com/rabindranath/ ''... Current Articles''], Parabaas
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20051215153108/http://www.visva-bharati.ac.in/Rabindranath/Rabindranath.htm ''... The Founder''], [[Visva-Bharati University]]
*[http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/specialcollections/lago.htm ''Mary Lago Collection''], [[University of Missouri]]
; 有聲書
* [http://librivox.org/sadhana-by-rabindranath-tagore/ ''Sadhana: ...''], [[LibriVox]]
; 談話
* [http://www.schoolofwisdom.com/tagore-einstein.html ... with Albert Einstein] [https://web.archive.org/web/20060712161204/http://www.schoolofwisdom.com/tagore-wells.html and H. G. Wells], School of Wisdom
; 文字
*[http://bichitra.jdvu.ac.in/ ... at Bichitra: Online Tagore Variorum]
*[http://www.gutenberg.org/author/Rabindranath_Tagore ... at Project Gutenberg]
*[http://www.saadigitalarchive.org/entity/rabindranath-tagore ... at South Asian American Digital Archive (SAADA)]
*[http://www.rabindra-rachanabali.nltr.org/node/1 ... at SNLTR]
*[http://tagoreweb.in/ ... at Tagore Web]
*[[wikilivres:Rabindranath Tagore|... at Wikilivres]]