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{{Infobox person| 姓名 = 倪军 (知名教授)| 圖像 =[[File:642e92efb79421734881.jpg|缩略图|居中|300px|[http://img.weiyangx.com/2017/04/642e92efb79421734881.jpg 原图链接][https://www.weiyangx.com/238616.html?from=groupmessage 图片来自]<ref>[https://www.weiyangx.com/238616.html?from=groupmessage 密歇根中国论坛在美举行 聚焦金融科技未来 ]. 未央网 [2017-04-13]</ref>]] | 圖像說明 = | 出生日期 = 1961年| 國籍 = 美国| 職業 = 教授}} '''倪军''',1961年出生,[[上海交大]] 交大 密西根学院院长,入选教育部首批" [[ 长江学者]]"特聘教授,以及上海交大第一批"长江学者奖励计划"特聘教授、 [[ 上海杉达学院 ]] 首席教授、 [[ 大连交通大学 ]] 客座教授 。 == '''目录''' == 简介  1人物履历 2经历 3学术兼职 4成就荣誉 5代表性论著 == '''人物履历''' == 倪军教授, [[ 美国 ]] 籍,男,1961年11月生。制造工程专家、 [[ 密西根大学 ]] 机械机械工程系教授、[[美国]] 国家科学基金会 ]] 智能维护系统中心(IMS Center)主任 、密西根大学 [[ 吴贤铭 ]] 制造科学冠名教授、吴贤铭制造研究中心主任,上海交通大学校长特聘顾问、密西根学院院长、美国机械工程师学会会士 。 == ''' 经历''' ==折叠 ''' 教育经历''' 
1987Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison Mechanical Eng博士
1982Shanghai Jiao Tong University Mechanical Eng学士
1997.09 - 至今,[[美国]]密西根大学机械工程系教授
'''工作经历''' 1997.09 - 至今,美国[[密西根大学]]机械工程系教授 1993.01-1997.08,美国密西根大学机械工程系 [[ 副教授]]
1987.09-1989.08,美国密西根大学机械工程系 [[ 博士后]] == ''' 学术兼职''' == 
2003-2004, 美国机械工程学会,制造工程分会,主席
2000.9 – 2005.8 [[ 美国机械工程学会 ]] ,制造工程分会执行委员会委员
1997.7 – 2000.6,美国机械工程学会制造技术组技术规划委员会委员
1994 – 2003, [[ 《制造系统》 ]] 杂志副主编
1995 – 1999,2003 – 至今, [[ 机械工业部 ]] [[ 中国机械科学研究院 ]] 客座研究员
1994 – 1997, [[ 华中科技大学 ]] 客座教授
1995 -1998,2004 –至今,[[台湾]] 工业技术研究院 ]] 机械工业研究实验室顾问委员会委员
1998 – 2001,2003 – 2006 , [[ 清华大学 ]] 客座教授
1999 – 2002,[[大连]] 理工大学 ]] 客座教授
2000 – 2003,[[西安]] 交通大学 ]] 客座教授
2001 – 2002,[[香港]] 理工大学 ]] 特聘讲座教授
2002 – 2005,[[中国]] 科学院 ]] 海外评审委员会委员
2003-2006, [[ 中国科技部 ]] 海外专家组委员
2004-至今,[[韩国]] 机械与材料研究院 ]] ,微细工厂计划,科学顾问
2007-至今,[[南非]] 科技与技术部 ]] ,先进生产技术计划,科学顾问
2008-至今,[[日本]] 东京农工大学 ]] 客座教授==成就荣誉==1991,制造工程师学会杰出青年制造工程师奖
1994,被[[克林顿]]总统授予美国国家科学基金总统教授奖== '''成就荣誉''' ==
1999 1991 ,[[ 中国制造工程师学会]] 国家自然科学基金会海外 杰出青年 基金获得者制造工程师奖
1999 – 2004, 中 1994,被[[克林顿]]总统授予[[美 教育部长江 国家科 者特聘、讲座 基金]]总统 教授
1999,[[中国国家自然科学基金会]]海外杰出青年基金获得者 1999 – 2004, [[中国教育部]]长江学者特聘、讲座教授 2000-2001, [[ 美国密西根大学 ]] 杰出教职成就Robert M. Caddell奖
2001, 北美制造研究年会最佳论文奖
2003,[[上海市政府]] 政府 海外科学家杰出贡献银质奖章
2013年度 [[ 中华人民共和国 ]] 国际科学技术合作奖获得者 == ''' 代表性论著''' == 
1.J. Tao, A. J. Shih, J. Ni, 2008, "Experimental Study of the Dry and Near-Dry Electrical Discharge Milling Processes," ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 130(1), pp. 1-9
12.D. Djurdjanovic and J. Ni, 2006, "Stream of Variation (SOV) Based Measurement Scheme Analysis in Multi-Station Machining Systems," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No.4, pp. 407-422 (13)
13.Zhenhua Huang, [[Albert Shih ]] and Jun Ni, 2006, "Phase Unwrapping for Large Depth-of-field 3D Laser Holographic Interferometry Measurement of Laterally Discontinuous Surfaces," Measurement Science and Technology. Vol. 17, pp. 3110-3119
14.Feng Ke, Jun Ni, and David Stephenson, 2006, "Chip-Thickening in Deep-Hole Drilling," International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacturing, Vol. 46, No. 12-13, pp. 1500-1507
15.J. Lee, J. Ni, D. Djurdjanovic, H. Qiu, and H. Liao, 2006, "Intelligent Prognostics Tools and E-Maintenance," Computers in Industry, Special Issue on e-Maintenance, Vol. 57, No. 6, pp.476-489, August
16.H. Yang, and [[J. Ni]], 2005, "Adaptive model estimation of machine-tool thermal errors based on recursive dynamic modeling strategy," International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacturing, Vol. 45, pp. 1-11
17.G.Y. Kim, R. Mayor, and J. Ni, 2005, "Parametric Study of Microreator Design for Water Gas Shift Reactor using an integrated reaction and heat exchange model," Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 110, pp. 1-10
22.S. Zhou, K. Shin, S. Dyer, J. Shi, and J. Ni, 2004, "Extended Influence Coefficient Methods for Rotor Active Balancing during Acceleration," ASME Transaction, Journal of Dynamics Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol. 126, pp. 219-223
23.Yizhu Zhang, [[Jiangqi Zhou]], Zhongqing Lin, and Jun Ni, 2003, "Automatic process planning and subassembly detection for auto-body assembly," Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, Vol. 15(6), pp. 680-684
24.K. Shin and J. Ni, 2003, "Adaptive Control of Multi-Plane Active Balancing Systems for Speed-Varying Rotors," ASME J. of Dyn. Sys. Measurement and Control, Vol. 125, pp. 372-281
26.Dragan Djurdjanovic and Jun Ni, 2003, "Bayesian Approach to Measurement Scheme Analysis in Multi-Station Machining System," Journal of Engineering Manufacturing, Vol., No. B8, pp. 1117-1130 (2)
27.B. Zhang, and [[J. Ni]], 2001, "Relative Probability Index Crp – An Alternative Process Capability Index," Quality Engineering, Vol. 14(2), pp.265-276
28.C. Gong, J. Yuan, and J. Ni, 2000, "A Self-calibration Method for Robotic Measurement System," ASME ASME Transaction, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 122, No. 1, pp 174-181 (16)
29).A. Khan, D. Ceglarek, J. Shi, J. Ni, and T. C. Woo, 1999, "Sensor Optimization for Fault Diagnosis in Single Fixture Systems: A Methodology," ASME Transactions, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.121, No.1, pp. 109-117 (17)
30).J. Yuan and J. Ni, 1998, "The Real-Time Error Compensation Technique for CNC Machining Systems." Journal of Mechatronics, Vol. 8, No. 3. pp. 359-380. (42)
31).J. C. Liang, H. F. Li, J. X. Yuan, and J. Ni, 1997, "A Comprehensive Error Compensation System for Correcting Geometric, Thermal, and Cutting Force-Induced Errors," The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 13, pp. 708-712 (2)
32).E. Lu, J. Ni, and S.M. Wu, 1996, "An Integrated Lattice Filter Adaptive Control System for Time-Varying CMM Structural Vibration Control, Part I: Theory and Simulation", ASME Transaction, Journal of Engineering for Industry, Vol. 118, No.1, p 67-76, and also presented at 1992 ASME WAM (1)
33).P.S. Huang, and J. Ni, 1995, "On-line error compensation of coordinate measuring machines", International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 35, No. 5 , pp. 725-738.
34).Y.D. Chen, X.J. Tang, J. Ni, and S.M. Wu, 1994, "Automatic Digitization of Free-Form Curve by Coordinate Measuring Machines", International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 32, No. 11, pp.2603-2612, also in Proceedings of ASME WAM, Anaheim, CA 1992 (5)
35).J. Ni and S.M.Wu, 1993, "An On-Line Measurement Technique for Machine Volumetric Error Compensation", ASME Transaction, Journal of Engineering for Industry, Feb., Vol. 115, No.1, pp.85-92 (6)
36).J.S. Chen, J.X. Yuan, J. Ni and S.M. Wu, 1992, "Compensation of Non-rigid Body Kinematic Effect on a Machining Center", Transaction of NAMRI, Vol. 20, pp.325-329
37).[[H. Zhang]], J. Ni and S.M. Wu, 1990, "Simulation Study of An Improved Scheme for Forecasting Compensatory Control", Transaction of NAMRI , Vol. 18, pp.329-333
38).F. Shen, J. Ni and S.M. Wu, 1989, "Design and Implementation of a Modular Multi-Processor System for Machine Monitoring and Diagnostics", Transaction of NAMRI , Vol. 17, pp.319-324{{Infobox person | 姓名 =倪军[[File:倪军.jpg|缩略图|倪军]] | 图像 =| 图像说明 = [https://i04picsos.sogoucdn.com/7831d199d2597710原图链接] [http://pic.sogou.com/pics?query=%C4%DF%BE%FC&p=40230500&st=255&mode=255&policyType=0 '''资料 自360网]]] | 出生日期 源''' = {{birth date and age|1961|01|01}} | 逝世日期 = {{Death date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|1961|01|01}} <!-- 死亡日期在前, 出生日期在后 --> | 逝世地点 = | 国籍 = 美国 | 职业 =制造工程专家 | 知名于 =制造工程专家<br>密西根大学机械机械工程系教授<br>上海交通大学校长特聘顾问<br>密西根学院院长<br>美国机械工程师学会会士 。}}== 相关视频 == {{#ev:youku|XMjEzOTAwOTIw.html?fromvsogou|alignment=leftReflist}}