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'''王华明''',[[中国工程院]]院士<ref>[http://www.cae.cn/cae/html/main/colys/01756185.html 王华明 ] ,中国工程院</ref>,[[北京]]航空航天大学 [[ 教授 ]] [[ 博士生导师 ]] ,激光增材制造领域专家。起步迅速、屡屡破格晋升、拥有大量学术成就的青年学者,2006年"全国五一劳动奖章"及"国家杰出青年科学基金"获得者,[[北京航空航天大学]]材料科学与工程学院"长江学者特聘教授",2015年12月7日当选中国工程院院士 。
2017年5月,获得全国创新争先奖<ref>[http://www.sohuecorr.comorg/aqita/144344721_237072new1/2017-10-11/167069.html 王华明——第九届全国腐蚀大会主会场演讲嘉宾 ] , 搜狐中国腐蚀与防护网分享至:, 2017-0510-2911</ref>。
现任材料加工工程学科责任教授、材料加工工程及自动化系主任、航空科学与技术国家实验室"航空材料与结构"首席科学家<ref>[httpshttp://wwwschool.jiaheufreekaoyan.com/topicbj/87101buaa/daoshi/2020/04-23/15876299091111239.htmlshtml  北京航空航天大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王华明 ] , 家核优居北京航空航天大学,2020-04-23</ref>。
2012年1月18日,王华明教授主持的"飞机钛合金大型复杂整体构件激光成形技术"项目获得国家技术发明一等奖。光华龙腾奖中国设计贡献奖银质奖章获得者 。
2013年1月8日,根据《关于印发〈国家高层次人才特殊支持计划〉的通知》规定,中央人才工作协调小组办公室"万人计划"专项办对科技部初选推荐的"万人计划"第一批杰出人才、科技创新领军人才进行了复评,共产生6名杰出人才、72名科技创新领军人才人选。王华明入选"科技创新领军人才人选" ;
提出"激光熔覆多元多相过渡金属硅化物高温耐磨耐蚀多功能涂层"研究新方向,研究出Cr3Si/Cr2Ni3Si等耐磨性能优异并同时具有"反常磨损-载荷特性"、"反常磨损-温度特性"、"不粘金属特性"等性质的过渡金属硅化物多功能涂层材料新体系10余个,系列研究论文被《Advanced Coatings & Surface Technology 》国际期刊"专题报道";
H.M. Wang, F. Cao, L.X. Cai, H.B. Tang, L.Y. Zhang, Microstructure and tribological properties of laser clad Ti2Ni3Si/NiTi intermetallic coatings, Acta Materialia, 51(2003)20:6319-6327
H.B. Tang, Y.L. Fang, H.M. Wang: Microstructure and dry sliding wear resistance of a Cr13Ni5Si2 ternary metal silicide alloy, Acta Materialia, 52(2004)7: 1773-1783
X.D. Lu, H.M. Wang, High-temperature phase stability and tribological properties of laser clad Mo2Ni3Si /NiSi metal silicide coatings, Acta Materialia, 52(2004)18: 5419-5426
H.M. Wang, G. Duan, Wear and Corrosion Behavior of Laser Clad Cr3Si Reinforced Composite Coatings, Intermetallics, 11(2003)8: 555-562
H.M. Wang, D.Y. Luan, L.X. Cai, Microstructure and sliding wear behaviors of tungsten reinforced W-Ni-Si metal silicides in-situ composites, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 34A(2003)9: 2005-2015
H.M. Wang, C.M. Wang, L.X. Cai, Wear and corrosion resistance of laser clad Ni2Si/NiSi nickel silicides composite coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, 168(2003)2-3: 202-208
H.M. Wang, D.Y. Luan, L.Y. Zhang, Microstructure and wear resistance of laser melted W/W2Ni3Si metal silicides matrix in-situ composites, Scripta Materialia, 48(2003)8: 1179-1184
X.D. Lu, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and high-temperature sliding wear properties of laser clad Mo2Ni3Si/NiSi metal silicide composite coatings, Applied Surface Science, 214(2003)1-4: 190-195
Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and high-temperature wear resistance of a laser surface alloyed -TiAl with carbon, Applied Surface Science, 220(2003): 186-192
Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and Wear Resistance of Laser Clad TiC Reinforced FeAl Intermetallic Matrix Composite Coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, 168(2003)1: 30-36
X.D. Lu, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and dry sliding wear properties of laser clad Mo2Ni3Si/NiSi metal silicide composite coatings, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 359(2003)287-293
Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, Growth morphologies and mechanism of TiC in laser surface alloyed coating on the substrate of TiAl intermetallics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 351(2003): 304-308
H.M. Wang and G. Duan: Microstructure and wear resitance of laser clad Cr3Si reinforced metal silicide composite coatings, Materials Science and Engineering A, A336 (2002) 1-2: 117-123
H.M. Wang and Y.F. Liu: Microstructure and wear resistance of laser clad Ti5Si3/NiTi2 composite coating on titanium alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, A338 (2002) 1-2: 126-132
H.M. Wang, Y.L. Yu, S.Q. Li: Microstructure and tribological properties of laser clad CaF2/Al2O3 self-lubrication wear-resistant ceramic matrix composite coatings, Scripta Materialia, 47(2002)1:57-61
G. Duan, H.M. Wang: High-Temperature Wear Resistance of A Laser-Clad Cr3Si/ Metal Silicide Composite Coating, Scripta Materialia, 46(2002)1: 107-111
G. Duan, H.M. Wang: Microstructure of Laser Melted/Rapidly Solidified /Cr3Si Silicide alloys, Journal of Materials Science, 37(2002)10: 1981-1985
Y. Chen, H.M. Wang: Rapidly solidified MC carbide morphologies of a pulsed laser surface alloyed -TiAl intermetallic with carbon, Scripta Materilia, 50(2004)507-510 (SCI, IF=1.633)
L.X. Cai, H.M. Wang, C.M. Wang, Corrosion resistance of laser clad Cr-alloyed Ni2Si/NiSi intermetallic coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, 182(2004)2-3: 294-299
Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, High-temperature wear resistance of laser clad TiC reinforced FeAl in-situ composite coating, Surface and Coatings Technology, 179(2004): 252-256
Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and wear resistance of a laser clad TiC reinforced nickel aluminides matrix composite coating, Materials Science and Engineering A, 368(2004)1-2: 80-87
Y. Wang, H.M. Wang: Wear resistance of laser clad Ti2Ni3Si reinforced intermetallic composite coatings on titanium alloy, Applied Surface Science, 229(2004)1-4: 81-86
L.X. Cai, H.M. Wang: Microstructure and dry sliding wear resistance of laser clad tungsten reinforced W5Si3/W2Ni3Si intermetallic coatings, Applied Surface Science, 235(2004): 501-506
X.D. Lu, H.M. Wang, Z.R. Zou, Small amplitude reciprocating sliding wear behavior of laser clad Mo2Ni3Si/NiSi metal silicide composite coatings, Applied Surface Science, 240(2004): 432-440
H.M. Wang, H.B. Tang, L.X. Cai, F. Cao, L.Y. Zhang, R.L. Yu, Microstructure and wear properties of laser clad Ti2Ni3Si/Ni3Ti multiphase intermetallic coatings, Applied Physics A: 80(2005)8: 1677-1683
Y. Liu, H.M. Wang: Elevated temperature wear behaviors of a Co-Mo-Si ternary metal silicide alloy, Scripta Materialia, 52(2005)12: 1235-1240
Y.X. Yin, H.M. Wang: Microstructure and wear resistance of Cuss-toughened Cr5Si3/CrSi metal silicide alloys, Journal of Materials Research, 20(2005)5: 1122-1130
X.D. Lu, H.M. Wang: Dry sliding wear behavior of laser clad Mo2Ni3Si/NiSi metal silicide composite coatings, Thin Solid Films, 472(2005)1-2: 297-301
N.L. Jian, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and wear behaviors of laser-clad Cr13Ni5Si2-based metal-silicide coatings on a titanium alloy, Surface and Coatings Technology, 192(2005)2-3:305-310
X. D. Lu, H. M. Wang, Metallic tribological compatibility .of laser clad Mo2Ni3Si/NiSi metal silicide coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, 200(2005)2380-2385
Y. Liu, H.M. Wang: Microstructure and high-temperature wear property of Coss/Co3Mo2Si metal silicide alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A, 396(2005)1-2: 240-250
X. D. Lu, H. M. Wang, Reciprocating dry sliding wear behavior of laser clad small amplitude Mo2Ni3Si/NiSi metal silicide composite coatings, Applied Surface Science, 240(2005): 432-440
X. D. Lu, H. M. Wang, Corrosive sliding wear behavior of laser clad Mo2Ni3Si/NiSi intermetallic coatings, Applied Surface Science, 245(2005)1-4: 346-352
Y. Xue, H. M. Wang, Microstructure and wear properties of laser clad TiCo/Ti2Co intermtallic coatings on titanium alloys, Applied Surface Science, 243(2005)1: 278-286
Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, Laser melted TiC reinforced nickel aluminide matrix composites, Journal of Alloys and compounds, 391(2005)1-2: 49-54
Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and wear resistance of laser-melted TiC reinforced nickel aluminide dual-phase matrix in-situ composites, Intermetallics, 14(2006)325-331
Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and wear resistance of laser-melted TiC reinforced nickel aluminide dual-phase matrix in-situ composites, Intermetallics, 14(2006)325-331
Y.L. Fang, H.B. Tang, H.M. Wang: A wear resistant ductile metal-toughened Cr13Ni5Si2 ternary metal silicide alloy, Intermetallics, v 14, n 7, July, 2006, p 750-75
Yin, Y.X. Wang, H.M. Microstructure and tribological properties of Cuss-toughened Cr-Cu-Si metal silicide alloys,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v 420, n 1-2, Aug 31, 2006, p 218-224
Chen, Yao,Wang, H.M.,Growth morphologies and mechanisms of non-equilibrium solidified MC carbide,Journal of Materials Research, v 21, n 2, February, 2006, p 375-379
=== 国家增材制造标准化技术委员会成立大会- 王华明 院士报告解码3D打印技术的诞生,来看到底何为3D打印技术2020年09月24日发布==={{#eviDisplay:youkuk3155xtu2nz|寬度|高度| XMTU0MzMwNTAzNg qq}} ===北京航空航天大学 王华明院士===
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