

前往: 導覽搜尋


移除 2,360 位元組, 5 年前
{{Infobox scientistperson| name = 尤金·法马 <!-- [[File:Nobel prize medal.svg|25px]] --> <br><small>Eugene Fama</small>| image = <!-- Eugene Fama at Nobel Prize, 2013[[File: Eugene_Fama.jpg -->| image_size = 缩略图|center| alt = 300px| caption = [https://www.britannica.com/biography/Eugene-Fama 圖片來源:尤金·法马 ] ]]
| birth_date = {{birth date and age|1939|02|14|mf=y}}
| birth_place = [[ 美國]][[麻塞諸塞州]][[波斯頓]]| death_date = <!-- {{Death date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|YYYY|MM|DD}} (death date then birth date) -->
| death_place =
| residence =
| citizenship =
| nationality = <!-- 美國 --> [[ 美國 ]] | fields 研究領域 = [[經濟學]]| workplaces 机构 = [[芝加哥大學]]
| alma_mater = [[芝加哥大學]]<br>[[塔夫茨大學]]
| doctoral_advisor = | academic_advisors = | doctoral_students = | notable_students = | known_for = [[效率市場假說]](EMH)<br> [[三因子模型]]| author_abbrev_bot = | author_abbrev_zoo = | influences = | influenced =
| awards = [[諾貝爾經濟學獎]] (2013)
| signature = <!--(filename only)-->
| signature_alt =
| footnotes =
| spouse =
'''尤金·法蘭西斯·法马'''({{lang-en|Eugene Francis Fama}},{{bd|1939年|2月14日|||catIdx=Fama, Eugene}}),小名'''金·法馬'''(Gene Fama),生於美國[[麻塞諸塞州]][[波斯頓]],美国[[经济学家]],為[[芝加哥經濟學派]]成員之一。 * 專長於[[现代投资组合理论]]與[[資產定價]]理論 * 因提出 [[有效市场假说]] 闻名。因為對 [[ 資產價格 ]] 實證分析方面的貢獻,與[[拉尔斯·彼得·汉森]]、[[羅勃·席勒]]共同獲得2013年[[諾貝爾經濟學獎]]<refname="Nobel_Eco_2013_En">[httphttps://www.apdnews.com/news/37752.html 2013年诺贝尔经济学奖] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archivenobelprize.org/webprizes/20131017094324economic-sciences/http:2013/press-release/www.apdnews.com/news/37752.html |date= The Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 2013-10-17 }},亚太日报,2013年10月15日]</ref>。 现任教于[[芝加哥大学]]布斯商学院。 == 早年经历 ==[[塔夫茨大學]]畢業,在[[芝加哥大學]]布斯商学院(Booth School of Business)取得[[碩士]]([[MBA]])、[[博士]][[學位]],指導教授為[[默顿·米勒]],[[本華·曼德博]]對他也有很大的影響。 == 知名成就 ==*[[效率市場假說]](EMH)*[[三因子模型]] == 个人生活 ==
== 參考資料 ==
*[http://www.chicagobooth.edu/faculty/bio.aspx?person_id=12824813568 Faculty profile] at the [[University of Chicago]]
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20100402092442/http://www.dfaus.com/library/bios/eugene_fama/ Biography on Dimensional Fund Advisors website]
*[http://www.dimensional.com/famafrench/ The Fama/French Forum] – Observations, opinion, research and links from financial economists Eugene Fama and Kenneth French.
<!-- *{{MathGenealogy|id=81048}} -->
*[https://www.ifk-cfs.de/index.php?id=901 Eugene Fama, 2005 winner] of the [[Deutsche Bank Prize in Financial Economics]]
<!-- *{{RePEc|pfa110}} -->
*{{IMDb name|4315793}}
*{{Worldcat id|lccn-n87-801775}}
* {{cite web |last=Roberts |first=Russ |title=Fama on Finance |url=http://www.econtalk.org/archives/_featuring/eugene_fama/ |work=[[EconTalk]] |publisher=[[Library of Economics and Liberty]] |authorlink=Russ Roberts |date=January 30, 2012}}
* [https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B0%A4%E9%87%91%C2%B7%E6%B3%95%E9%A9%AC 尤金·法马(wikipedia)]
{{诺贝尔经济学奖获得者 (2001年-2025年)}}
{{Authority control}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Fama, Eugene}}