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[[File:李晓晨1.png|缩略图|李晓晨:[[山东]][[临沂]]人,1970年10月出生,现为[[山东农业大学水利土木工程学院]]副教授,博士生导师<ref>[http://yjsc.sdau.edu.cn/2017/1024/c861a7623/page.htm 山东农业大学2018年度具有硕士研究生招生资格导师名单 山东农业大学 研究生教育 发布时间: 2017-11-13 ]</ref>,[[山东农业大学]]“1512”人才第三层次。]]'''李晓晨''', 女,1981年5月5日 男,[[山东]][[临沂]]人,1970年10月 出生 。哈尔滨 ,现为[[山东农业大学水利土木工程学院]]副教授,博士生导师<ref>[http://yjsc.sdau.edu.cn/2017/1024/c861a7623/page.htm 山东农业大学2018年度具有硕士研究生招生资格导师名单 山东农业大学 研究生教育 发布时间: 2017-11-13 ]</ref>,[[山东农业大学]]“1512” 才第三层次 。== 基本情况人物事迹==2000 主要从事水处理新技术研究、新兴污染物的环境效应研究、废弃物的资源化利用以及水生态保护等方面的研究,近 参加新丝路模特大赛获得黑龙江赛区十佳 来,争取纵、横向科研经费600余万元,发表学术论文40余篇(其中SCI检索论文20篇) 随后在东方明珠国际华裔小姐大赛获得最上镜奖和最美肌肤奖。身高:178cm;三围:84/62/88cm;职业:模特 出版专著1部 。== 个人荣誉=教学方面:===2000年新丝路模特大赛黑龙江赛区十佳 主讲[[水质工程学]]、水处理微生物、水质监测以及工业水污染控制等给排水专业课程
===研究生培养:=== 首届职模大赛校园新秀奖第16届世界模特小姐大赛 自2008年至今,已指导硕士研究生20余名(其 获得 区亚军、最上镜 学金3名,省级优秀毕业生1名,校级优秀毕业生7名)
===科研方向:=== 水处理新技术研究、新兴污染物的环境效应研究、废弃物的资源化利用以及水生态保护等。<ref>[http://shuitu.sdau.edu.cn/_t143/2015/1012/c2895a34982/page.htm  李晓晨  山东农业大学水利土木工程学院 : 首页 师资队伍 给水排水系 教师简介[发布时间: 2017-05-31 ]]</ref> ===主持科研项目:=== 1)国家自然科学基金,水环境中金属纳米颗粒与微藻的交互作用机理研究(No. 41771502,)2018/01-2021/12。 2)[[山 省水利厅]]科技推广项目, 基于河湖水系污染物转移规律的水质改善技术研究(No. SDSLKY201605),2016/6 - 2018/12。 3)[[山东省]][[泰安市]],泰安市水污染防治行动计划实施 明珠国际华裔小姐大赛最 案,2015/10-2016/8。 4)山东省泰安市,泰安市环境保护十三五规划,2015/8-2016/8。 5)山东省自然科学基金面 镜奖 项目,ZR2014EEM005 最美肌肤奖 纳米金属与微藻的交互作用机制及其原位生态修复机理研究, 2014/12-2017/12 。 6)水利部[[淮河]]水利委员会,[[沂河]]、[[沭河]]上游堤防加固工程环境影响评价技术协作-生态调查与评价专题,2014/04-2015/08。 7)山东省泰安市环保局,泰安市辖区集中式饮用水水源保护区调整技术报告,2013/02-2013/06。 8)水利部淮河水利委员会,淮河区水生态保护与修复专项规划,2012/06-2014/06。 9)[[长江]]水资源保护科学研究所,沂沭泗河洪水东调南下续建工程南四湖湖内工程-浅槽三位置四弃土区及相关弃土场生态恢复专题,2012/01-2012/06。 10)[[黄河]]水资源保护科学研究所,黄河河口综合治理规划环境影响评价技术协作-生态调查与评价专题,2012/01-2012/07。 11)山东省环保厅,高浓度氨氮工业废水的处理与回用、2011/09-2012/09。 12)山东省泰安市环境保护局,泰安市声环境功能区划及底泥重金属污染现状调查、2011/11-2012/05。<ref>[http://shuitu.sdau.edu.cn/2018/0316/c9085a123610/page.htm 李晓晨  山东农业大学水利土木工程学院 发布时间: 2018-03-16 ]</ref> ===期刊论文:===(注:*, 通讯作者;按时间倒序排序) 1) Xiaochen Li*, Jinqiu Qi, Ruixue Jiang, Jie Li. Adsorptive removal of As(III) from aqueous solution by waste litchi pericarps. Water Science and Technology, 74(9):2135-2144, 2016. (SCI, IF=1.34) 2) Jie Li, Xiaoqian Zheng, Kaichuan Liu, Shujuan Sun, Xiaochen Li*. Effect of tetracycline on the growth and nutrient removal capacity of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in simulated effluent from wastewater treatment plants, Bioresource Technology, 218: 1163–1169, 2016. (SCI, IF=4.917) 3)Hao Zheng, Jinqiu Qi, Ruixue Jiang, Yan Gao, Xiaochen Li*. Adsorption of malachite green by magnetic litchi pericarps: A response surface methodology investigation. Journal of Environmental Management, 162:232-239, 2015. (SCI, IF=2.723)  4) Jinqiu Qi, Xiaochen Li*, Hao Zheng, Peiqiang Li, Huying Wang, Simultaneous Removal of Methylene Blue and Copper (II) Ions by Photoelectron Catalytic Oxidation Using Stannic Oxide Modified Iron (III) Oxide Composite Electrodes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 293: 105-111, 2015. (SCI, IF=4.529) 5) Ruixue Jiang, Shujuan Sun, Yan Xu, Xiudong Qiu, Jili Yang and Xiaochen Li*. Leaching behavior of total organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus from banana peel. Water Science & Technology, 71(10):1458-1459, 2015. (SCI, IF=1.109) 6)Ruixue Jiang, Jiyu Tian, Hao Zheng, Jinqiu Qi, Shujuan Sun, Xiaochen Li*. A novel magnetic adsorbent based on waste litchi peels for removing Pb(II) from aqueous solution. Journal of Environmental Management,155(15):24-30,2015. (SCI, IF=3.188). 7)Zhenglei Kong, Xiaochen Li*, Jiyu Tian, Jili Yang, Shujuan Sun. Comparative study on the adsorption capacity of raw and modified litchi pericarp for removing Cu(II) from solutions. Journal of Environmental Management, 134:109-116, 2014. (SCI, IF=3.188) 8)Ruixue Jiang, Jinqiu Qi, Wang Wei, Hao Zheng,Xiaochen Li*. Accumulation and fraction distribution of Ni(II) in activated sludge treating Ni-laden wastewater. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21:10744-10750, 2014. (SCI, IF=2.828) 9)Shujuan Sun, Jili Yang, Yan Li, Kai Wang,Xiaochen Li*. Optimizing adsorption of Pb(II) by modified litchi pericarp using the response surface methodology. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 108:29-35, 2014. (SCI, IF=2.762) 10) Xinge Pan, Xiaochen Li*, Jili Yang, Shujuan Sun, Jiyu Tian, Zhenglei Kong. Litchi pericarps used as adsorbents for methylene blue removal from solution. Desalination and Water Treatment, Published online 13 June, 2014. (SCI, IF=1.173) 11) Wei Wang, Xiaochen Li*, Peifang Wang, Xuedong Song, Dandan Jiang, Kai Wang. Long-term effects of Ni(II) on the performance and activity of activated sludge processes. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 92: 144-149, 2013. (SCI, IF=2.203) 12) Ruixue Jiang, Shujuan Sun, Kai Wang, Zhaomu Hou, Xiaochen Li* .Impacts of Cu(II) on the kinetics of nitrogen removal during the wastewater treatment process. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 98: 54-58, 2013. (SCI, IF=2.203) 13) Dandan Jiang, Xiaochen Li*, Shanfeng Wang, Ruixue Jiang, Xinge Pan. Study on Novel Ag/BiVO4 Composite Photocatalysts for Decomposition of Rhodamine B under Visible Light. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 22: 1861-1867, 2013. (SCI, IF=0.641) 14) Li Cheng,Xiaochen Li*, Ruixue Jiang, Chao Wang, Hua-bin Yin. Effects of Cr(VI) on the performance and kinetics of the activated sludge process. Bioresource Technology, 102: 797-804, 2011. (SCI, IF=4.253) 15) Chao Wang, Xiaochen Li*, et al. Vertical distributions of phosphorus fractions in sediments of three typical shallow urban lakes in P.R. China. Polish Journal of Environmental studies, 17:155-162, 2008. (SCI, IF=0.67) 16) Chao Wang, Xiaochen Li*, Xin Hu, et al. Pb, Cu, Zn and Ni concentrations in vegetables in relation to their extractable fractions in soils in suburban areas of Nanjing, China. Polish Journal of Environmental studies, 16(2): 199-207, 2006. (SCI). 17) Chao Wang, Xiaochen Li*, Hai-Tao Ma, et al. Distribution of Extractable Fractions of Heavy Metals in Sludge During the Wastewater Treatment Process. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 137(3):1277-1284, 2006. (SCI) 18) Chao wang, Xiaochen Li*, et al. Total contents and extractable fraction of metals in sludges from urban wastewater treatment plants of China. Pedosphere, 16(6): 756-762, 2006.(SCI) 19) [[孔郑磊]],李晓晨*, [[杨继利]], [[潘新革]]. 改性荔枝皮对水中Pb(II)的动态吸附特性. [[环境科学研究]], 27(10): 1186-1192, 2014. (EI).