借着[[圣经]]真理,透过实践爱的[[教育]],建立充满创意、积极进取、关怀互信的校园,协助[[学生]]建立和谐的社群关系,发挥独特潜质,在知识、品德、情意方面成长,成为负责任、情理兼备、胸襟广阔、追求卓越的青年人。 (Based on the teaching of the Bible and through the practice of love, we are committed to creating a learning environment filled with creativity, initiative, care and trust. We aim to help students build harmonious relationships with others, and to develop their own unique potential in the areas of intellect, character and temperament. We aspire to cultivate young people with a sense of responsibility, rationality and affection, who pursue excellence in life with vision and passion.)
===<center> 基督教中国布道会圣道迦南书院 相关视频</center>===
[[Category:200 宗教總論]]