* Wu, Chung-Hua and Wolfenstein, L.. Application of Radial-Equilibrium Condition to Axial-Flow Compressor and Turbine Design. NACA TR 955,1950, pp: l-40.(《径向平衡条件对轴流式压气机和透平设计的应用》) Wu,Chung-Hua, Sinnette, John T.Jr., and Forrette,Robert E.. Theoretical Effect of Inlet Hub-Tip-Radius Ratio and Design Specific Mass Flow on Design Performance of Axial-Flow Compressors. NACA TN 2068, 1950. Wu,Chung-Hua. Formulas and Tables of Coefficients for Numerical Differentiation with Function Values Given at Unequally Spaced Points and Application to Solution of Partial Differential Equations. NACA TN 2214,1950. Wu, Chung-Hua. A General Theory Of Three-Dimensional Flow in Subsonic and Supersonic Turbomachines of Axial-, Radial-, and Mixed-Flow Types. ASME Paper Number 50-A-79. (《轴流、径流和混流式亚声速与超声速叶轮机械中三元流动的通用理论》,正式出版于1952年)
* Wu,Chung-Hua. A General Through-Flow Theory of Fluid Flow with Subsonic or Supersonic Velocity in Turbomachines Having Arbitrary Hub and Casing Shapes. NACA TN 2302, 1951. (《任意轮毂和机匣形状的叶轮机械中亚声速或超声速流动的通用通流理论》) Wu, Chung-Hua and Brown, C. A.. Method of Analysis for Compressible Flow Past Arbitrary Turbomachine Blades on General Surface of Revolution. NACA TN 2407, 1951. Wu, Chung-Hua and Brown, C. A..A Method of Designing Turbomachine Blades with a Desirable Thickness Distribution for Compressible Flow along an Arbitrary Stream Filament of Revolution. NACA TN 2455,1951. Wu, Chung-Hua and Costilow, E. L..A Method of Solving the Direct and Inverse Problems of Supersonic Flow Along Arbitrary Stream Filaments of Revolution in Turbomachines. NACA TN 2492, 1951
* Wu, Chung-Hua and Brown, C. A.. A Theory of the Direct and Inverse Problems of Compressible Flow Past Cascade of Arbitrary Airfoils. Journal of Aeronautical Sciences, March, 1952, PP: 183-196. Wu, Chung-Hua. A General Theory of Three-Dimensional Flow in Subsonic and Supersonic Turbomachines of Axial-, Radial-, and Mixed-Flow Types. ASME Paper Number 50-A-79,ASME Transactions, November 1952, or NACA TN 2604, 1952, PP: 1-90. (《轴流、径流和混流式亚声速与超声速叶轮机械中三元流动的通用理论》) Wu, Chung-Hua and Brown, C. A.. An Approximate Method of Determining the Subsonic Flow in an Arbitrary Stream Filament of Revolution Cut by Arbitrary Turbomachine Blades. NACA TN 2702,1952. Wu, Chung-Hua and Curtis, A. et al.. Analysis of Flow in a Subsonic Mixed Flow Impeller. NACA TN 2749, 1952. Wu, Chung-Hua. Matrix and Relaxation Solutions that Determine Subsonic Through-Flow in an Axial Flow Gas Turbine. NACA TN 2750,1952
*Wu, Chung-Hua. Subsonic Flow of Air Through a Single Stage and a Seven Stage Compressor. NACA TN 2961, 1953. Wu, Chung-Hua. Discussion to Paper“A Practical Solution of a Three-Dimensional Flow Problem of Axial-Flow Turbomachinery”, ASME Transactions, July 1953, PP: 802-803.
Chung-Hua Wu and Wen Wu. Analysis of Tip-Clearance Flow in Turbomachines. Gas Turbine Laboratory, Dep. of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Technical Report, No.1, July, 1954.
*吴仲华.可压缩气体流过位于任意回转面上叶栅的解法和这种叶栅的设计方法. 机械工程学报,1956,4(1):21-46.
*吴仲华.透平机械长叶片气体动力学问题.力学学报,1957,1(1):1 5-48.吴仲华.燃气的热力性质表.北京科学出版社,1957.
*1958年*1958年重点研究项目说明书(交通运输)“运输工具用燃气轮机”部分. 国务院科学规划委员会,1958年科学技术发展远景规划. 1958. * 1959年*不等距数值微分公式与系数表及其在偏微分方程数值解上的应用.科学出版社,1959. 吴仲华.燃气的热力性质表【增订版】. 北京:科学出版社,1959. 吴仲华.《工程流体动力学(上册)》. 北京:内部出版,作为清华大学和中国科技大学讲义,1959. * 1960年*吴仲华.燃气和空气的变比热超声速膨胀与压缩过程.机械工程学报. * 1963年*W u, C h u n g-Hua. Basic Aerothermodynamic Equations Governing Fluid Flow in Turbomachines Expressed in Terms of Non-Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates. Research Notes, Institute of Mechanics, C. A. S.,1963. *1964年*静止与运动座标下的气动热力学基本方程-粘性力的作用与粘性项的物理意义.机械工程学报,1965,13(4):40-67.另见Engineering Thermophysics in China, Vol. 1, No. 1., Rumford Publishing Co. , USA, 1980. *1974年* 中国科学院动力代表团(吴仲华执笔).关于简化径向平衡、轴对称流动、通流计算、s1和s2相对流面三维理论及计算机程序.北京:中国科学院技术情报研究所出版,1974, 1-37。 * 1976年*Wu, Chung-Hua. Three-Dimensional Turbomachine Flow Equations Expressed with Respect to Non-orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates and Methods of Solution. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Air-Breathing Engines, 1976, PP. 233-252.(《任意非正交曲线坐标系下基本方程组及其数值解法》) *1980年*从能源科学技术看解决能源危机的出路.《红旗》杂志,1980,(17):31-43. *1982年*《中国的能源问题及其依靠科学技术解决的途径》.中美能源与环境学术会议,北京,1982. *1983年*吴仲华,朱根兴. 去掉上、下游叶片排后“孤立”叶片排的叶栅实验和S1流面计算中、上、下游条件的确定. 工程热物理学报,1983,4(1):29-37. * 1984年*Wu, Chung-Hua, Wu, W., Hua, Y., and Wang, B.. Transonic Cascade Flow with Given Shock Shape Solved by Separate Supersonic and Subsonic Computations. Computational Methods in Turbomachinery, ImechE, 1984, Paper No. C19/84, PP. 133-140. Wu, Chung-Hua and Wang, Baoguo. Matrix Solution of Compressible Flow on S1 Surface Through a Turbomachine Blade Row with Splitter Vanes or Tandem Blades. ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, April, 1984, Vol. 106, PP. 449-454. *1985年* Wu, Chung-Hua. Contribution of Basic Research in the Gas Dynamics of Turbomachinery in the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics. 7th ISABE, 1985, PP:1-24. Wu, Chung-Hua, Wang, Jianan, Fang, Zongyi, and Wang, Qinghuan. L2F Velocity Measurement and Calculation of Three-Dimensional Flow in an Axial Compressor Rotor. Proceedings of 7th ISABE, 1985. *1986年*吴仲华,华耀南,王保国,王正明,张家麟,黄晓燕. 跨声速叶栅流的激波捕获-分区计算法. 工程热物理学报. 1986, 7(3): 112-119 *1988年*吴仲华. 能源标准与能源法规(部分摘要). 吴仲华主编,能的梯级利用与燃气轮机总能系统. 北京:机械工业出版社,1988:30. *1992年*Wu, Chung-Hua, Wang, Zhengming, Chen, Hongji. Three-Dimensional Rotational Flow in Transonic Turbomachines, Part I -Solution Obtained by Using a Number of Sl Stream Filaments of Revolution and a Central S2 Stream Filament. ASME J. of Turbomachinery, 1992, Vol. 114, No.1, pp:138-49. Wu, Chung-Hua, Zhao, Xiaolu, Qin Lisen. Three-Dimensional Rotational Flow in Transonic Turbomachines, Part II -Full Three-Dimensional Flow in CAS Rotor Obtained by Using a Number of Sl and S2 Stream Filaments. ASME J. Of Turbomachinery, 1992, Vol. 114, No.1, pp: 50-60. *1993年* Wu, Chung-Hua. A General Theory of Two-and Three-Dimensional Rotational Flow in Subsonic and Transonic Turbomachines. NASA, Contractor Report 4496, 1993, PP: 1-244. *2002年*《吴仲华论文选集》编辑委员会.吴仲华论文选集. 北京:机械工业出版社,2002==科研与成果==* 1957年*完成“燃气轮机的研究”项目,获国家自然科学二等奖。 *1978年* 获全国科学大会优秀成果奖。*完成“任意非正交曲线坐标叶轮机械三元流动理论”项目,获中国科学院重大成果奖。 * 1981年*组织完成了航空部“高性能推进系统工程预研”(1980-1995)中的多个课题。 *1982年*主持完成“叶轮机械三元流动通用理论及其新发展”项目,获国家自然科学二等奖。*主持完成“跨声速单、双级轴流压气机实验装置”项目,获1983年度中国科学院科学技术进步一等奖。 *1983年*主持完成“S1和S2流面跨声速计算的新方法”课题。*主持完成“燃气-蒸汽联合循环”课题。 * 1985年*主持完成“工业用和舰船用斯贝燃气轮机机组的研制”项目,其中,“工业用与舰船用斯贝发生器性能实验机的气动热力设计”课题获中国科学院科学技术进步一等奖。*主持完成“四项首批国家能源标准的制定和宣贯”项目,并获国家科技进步奖二等奖。 *1986年*主持完成“斯贝航空发动机舰用化生产型样机研制”项目。 *1987年*主持完成“航空发动机高性能推进系统”课题。 *1988年* 他的学生和他完成“求解叶轮机械S1和S2流面跨声速流动的新方法”项目,并获中国科学院科学技术进步一等奖。*主持完成“大庆油田莎中油气处理厂燃机电站热能梯级利用”项目,获石油工业部颁发的石油工业部科技进步一等奖。*主持完成“叶轮机械跨声速三元流动的S1和S2流面迭代解及流场激光测量实验工作”课题。 *1989年*主持完成的“15000马力燃气轮机低压压气机的研究改型设计与实验”项目获中科院颁发的中国科学院科技进步三等奖。*主持完成“轴流式压气机实验方法,理论计算及其比较评价”课题。 ==视频=={{#iDisplay:j0025s23va9|640|400|qq}} ==参考来源=={{Reflist}}