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|<center><img src=" https://pic.gerenjianli.com/mingren/2523/350484330.jpg " width="180"></center><small>[https://www.gerenjianli.com/Mingren/93/p06b4mmek4.html 许根俊]</small>
== 人物生平 ==
== 主要成就 ==
== 个人作品 ==
著有《酶的作用原理》(科学出版社 1983.03)。
1:Tsou Chenlu,Du Yucang,Xu Genjun,The Reduction of Insulin and Its Benzyl Derivatives by Sodium Liquid Ammonia and the Regeneration of Activity from the Reduced Products,SciSin,1961,10:332~343.
2:许根俊、邹承鲁,蛋白质功能基团的改变与其生物活力的关系,Ⅱ,胰蛋白酶的必需硫硫 键数目,生物化学与生物物理学报,1963,3:163~168。
3:许根俊、邹承鲁,胰蛋白酶在尿素溶液中失活与复活的动力学,生物化学与生物理学报, 1963,3(4):450~458。
4:Tsou Chenlu,Sun Yukun,Xu Genjun,Du Yucang,Relation between Modification of Functional Groups of Proteins and Their Biological Activity,Ⅲ,Effect of p- Nitrophenacyl Bromide on the Activity of CertainProteins,SCISin,1963,12 :1333~1340.
5:Xu Genjun,Tsou Chenlu,Kinetics of the Effect of Inhibition on Systems Involving Two EnzymeSubstrate Intermediates,SciSin.,1964,13:269~277.
6:Xu Genjun,Tsou Chenlu,Kinetics of Inactivation and Reactivation of Trypsin in Urea Solutions,SciSin.,1964,13:1089~1097.
7:Xu Genjun,The Shanghai Insulin Research Group Studies on the Structure Function Relationships of Insulin I The Relationship of the C-terminal Peptide Sequence of B-Chain to the Activity of Insulin,Sci Sin,1973,14:61 ~70.
8:Hiroshi Kido,Alberto Vita,Genjun Xu,S Pontremoli,B L Horecker,Reversal of AMP Inhibition of Fructose-1,6-Bisphosphatase by Pyridoxal Phosphate, Biochem Intern.,1980,1:91~97
9:Genjun Xu,A G Datta,V N Singh,Hiroyuki Suda,S Pontremoli,B L Horecker ,Rabbit Liver Fructose-1,6-Bisphosphatase,Labeling of the Active and Allosteric Sites with Pyridoxal 5-phosphate and Sequence of a Nonapeptide from the Active Site Arch Biochem Biophys.,1981,210:98~103.
10:Genjun Xu,Jianping Shi,Yinglai Wang,Fructose 1,6-Bisphosphatase from Snake Muscle,Methods in Enzymology,Academic Press,New York,1982,90:349~ 351.
11:Genjun Xu,Paolo Natalini,Hiroyuki Suda,Oresters Tsolas,Rzej Dzugaj,S C Sun,S Pontremoli,B LHoreker,Rabbit Liver Fructose-1,6- bisphosphatase:Location of an Active Site Lysyl Residue in the COOH-terminal Fragment Generated by a Lysosomal Protease,Arch Biochem Biophys.,1982,214 :688~694.
12:Hiroyuki Suda,Genjun Xu,Rostyslaw MKutny,Paolo Natalini,S Pontremoli,B LHoreker,Location of Lysyl Residues at the Allosteric Site of Fructose1,6 Bisphosphatase Arch BiochemBiophys.,1982 ,217:10~14.
13:John SMacgregor,Ewald Hannappel,Genjun Xu,S Pontremoli,B L Horeker, Conservation of Primary Structure at the ProteaseSensitive Site of Fructose 1,6 Bisphosphatase,ArchBiochemBiophys.,1982,217:652~664.
14:Eward Hannappel,Genjun Xu,James Morgan,James Hempstead,BLHorecker, Thymosin β4:A Ubiquitous Peptide in Rat and Mouse Tissues,ProcNatl.Acad.SciUS,1982,79:2172~2175.
15:Genjun Xu,Ewald Hannappel,James Morgan,James Hempstead,BLHorecker, Synthesis of Thymosin β4 by Peritoneal Macrophages and Adherent Spleen Cells,ProcNatlAcadSciUS,1982,79:4006~4009.
16:Genjun Xu,Gregoreo Weber,Dynamic and TimeAveraged Potential of Proteins:Important in Oligomer Association,ProcNatlAcadSciUS,1982,79 :5268~5271.
17:施建平、许根俊,蛇肌果糖-1,6-二磷酸酯酶的提纯、性质及钾离子激活的别构动力学, 生物化学与生物物理学报,1981,13:83~90。
18:龚维桂、施建平、许根俊,蛇肌果糖-1,6-二磷酸酯酶的冷失活,生物化学与生物物理学 报,1982,14:585~592。
19:许根俊、徐松琴、王恩多,抑制剂对于存在底物抑制的酶的动力学果糖-1,6-二磷酸酯酶 的抑制动力学,生物化学与生物物理学报,1984,16:597~602。
20:赵辅昆、施建平、许根俊,蛇肌果糖-1,6-二磷酸酯酶的别构部位,生物化学与生物物理 学报,1984,16:564~570。
21:Zhao Fukun Xu Genjun,Limited Proteolyses of Snake Muscle Fructose 1,6- Bisphosphataes,Sci Sin (Ser.B),1985,28:599~607.
22:Zhao Fukun Xu Genjun,Interaction Between Adenosine 5’-monophosphate and Fructose-1,6-Bisphosphataes and Mechanism of Allosteric Inhibition-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Studies,Sci Sin (Ser.B),1986,29:1293~1302.
23:Li Lin,Xu Genjun,Purification and Kinetics of Mouse Liver Fructose-6- Phosphate-2-Kinase,Sci Sin (Ser.B),1988,31:1307~1314.
24:Hu Guofu,Xu Genjun,Phosphorylated Reaction of Snake Muscle Fructose-1,6- bisphosphatase in Its Reverse Reaction,SciSin (Ser B),1988,31(4),419~ 426.
25:Hu Guofu,Xu Genjun,The Phosphorylation Site of Snake Muscle Fructose-1,6 -Bisphosphatase and Its Phosphorylation Conditions Sci Sin (Ser.B),1988, 31:427~434.
26:Genjun Xu,Guofu Hu,Fukun Zhao and Qichang Xia,Phosphorylation and dAMP Inhibition of Snake Muscle Fructose 1,6-Bisphosphatase Enzyme Dynamics and Regulation Eds By P B Chock,C Y Huang,C L Tsou and J H Wang,Springer- Verlag,New York 1988:55~61.
27:Zhao Fukun,Shi Jianping,Xu Genjun,Studies on the Activation and Inhibition States of Snake Muscle Fructose-1,6-Bisphosphataes,Chinese JBiochemBiophys.,1988,20:149~158
28:Hu Guofu,Xu Genjun,Kinetics of Snake Muscle Fructose 1,6-Bisphosphataes, Chinese JBiochemBiophys.,1988,20:167~176.
29:Xu Genjun,Mechanism of Snake Muscle Fructose-1,6-Bisphosphatase,Current Biochemical Research in China,ed by C L Tsou,Academic Press,Inc, 1989:67~75.
30:Hu Guofu,Xu Genjun,Photoaffinity Labeling of Snake Muscle Fructose-1,6- Bisphosphataes at the Allosteric Site and Its Effecting on the Catalytic Site ,Chinese J Biochem Biophys.,1989,20:167~176.
31:Li Lin,Pan Li,Xu Genjun,Properties of Chicken Liver Phosphofructo- Kinase-2,Science in China (Ser.B),1991,34:916~922.
32:Li Lin,Pan Li,Xu Genjun,Initial Velocity Kinetics of Tuber Pyrophosphate:Fructose-6-phosphate-1-phosphotransferase,Chinese J BiochemBiophys.,1991,23(3):183~191.
33:Li Lin,Pan Li,Xu Genjun,Studies on the Regulation of Potato Tuber Pyrophosphate:Fructose-6-phosphate-1-Phosphotransferase by Fructose 2,6- bisphosphate and Other Compounds,Chinese J Biochem Biophys,1991,23(4): 277~283.
34:Li Lin,Xu Genjun,Studies on Tryptophane Residues of Fructose-6- phosphate-2-kinase,Sci in China (Ser.B),1992,35:1196~1202.
35:Li Lin,Xu Genjun,Studies on Sulfhydryl and Alkaline Amino Acid Residues of Fructose-6-phosphate-2-kinase,SciChina(Ser.B),1992,35:1323~1330.
36:Xu Genjun,Yu Zhenbao,Hu Guofu,Cao Huiting,Localization of the Potassium Ion Activation Site in Human Liver Fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase Biochem Biophys.ResComm.,1993,194:1483~1490.
37:Yu Zhenbao,Xu Genjun,The Binding of Snake Muscle Fructose-1,6- Bisphosphatase with Its Allosteric Inhibitor AMP,Chinese J BiochemBiophys. ,1994,26:27~32.
38:Yu Zhenbao,Xu Genjun,Effect of Modification of Cysteine Residue on the Activity of Snake Muscle Fructose-1,6-Bisphosphatase,Chinese JBiochemBiophys.,1994,26:33~40.
39:Lin Rui,Li Lin,Xu Genjun,Study on the Sulfhydryl Group of Potato Tuber Pyrophosphate:Fructose 6-phosphate-1- Phosphotransferase,Chinese JBiochemBiophys.,1994,26(4):267~273.
40:Zhao Fukun,Xu Songqin,Xu Genjun,The Conformations of T and R States of Snake Muscle Fructose-1,6-Bisphosphatase,Chinese JBiochem Biophys.,1995, 27(4):297~305.
41:Lin Li,Weizhe Yao,Alex J Lange,Simon J Pilkis,Mengqiu Dong,Yong Yin,Genjun Xu,Expression of Chicken Liver 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose- 2,6-bisphosphatase in Escherichia ColiBiochemBiophysRes Commun,1995, 209:883~893.
42:包素锦、万柱礼、常文瑞、桂路路、梁栋材、凌松、李林、许根俊,鸡肝果糖-2,6-二磷 酸酯酶结构域的初步晶体学的研究,中国科学(C辑),1996,26:97~99。
43:Lin SX,Zhou M,Azzi A,Xu G J,Wakayama-NI and Ataka-M,Magnet Used for Protein Crystallization:Novel Attempts to Improve thd Crystal Quality, Biochem Biophys Res Commun,2000,275(2):274~278.
44:Weiqing Wang,Qin Xu,Yufei Shan and Genjun Xu,Probing Local Conformational Changes during Equilibrium Unfolding of Firefly Luciferase:Fluorescence and Circular Dichroism Studies of Single Tryptophan Mutants,Biochem Biophys Res Commun,2001,282:28~33.
== 社会任职 ==
== 荣誉记录 ==
1987 荣获国家自然科学奖一等奖 (获奖)
== 人物评价 ==
许根俊在人工全合成结晶牛胰岛素这项世界性成果中做出了重要贡献。他是国内酶催化和蛋白质合成、结构功能研究的重要学术带头人。(九三学社评)在半个世纪的科学生涯中,先生在人工全合成牛胰岛素研究、蛋白质功能基因的修饰与其生物活性之间的定量关系研究、蛇肌果糖二磷酸酯酶研究、兔肝果糖-1,6-二磷酸酯酶研究、蛋白质的结构层次和蛋白质的折叠研究等方面均取得了傲人成就,为研究所的发展和推动生化与分子生物学的国内交流及提升国内生化与分子生物学在国际上的影响力作出了重要的贡献。 (上海生命科学研究院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所李林所长评)
<ref>[http://www.gerenjianli.com/Mingren/Tags/148/ 名人简历]</ref>
== 参考来源 ==
|<center><img src=" https://pic.gerenjianli.com/mingren/2523/350484330.jpg " width="180"></center><small>[https://www.gerenjianli.com/Mingren/93/p06b4mmek4.html 许根俊]</small>
== 人物生平 ==
== 主要成就 ==
== 个人作品 ==
著有《酶的作用原理》(科学出版社 1983.03)。
1:Tsou Chenlu,Du Yucang,Xu Genjun,The Reduction of Insulin and Its Benzyl Derivatives by Sodium Liquid Ammonia and the Regeneration of Activity from the Reduced Products,SciSin,1961,10:332~343.
2:许根俊、邹承鲁,蛋白质功能基团的改变与其生物活力的关系,Ⅱ,胰蛋白酶的必需硫硫 键数目,生物化学与生物物理学报,1963,3:163~168。
3:许根俊、邹承鲁,胰蛋白酶在尿素溶液中失活与复活的动力学,生物化学与生物理学报, 1963,3(4):450~458。
4:Tsou Chenlu,Sun Yukun,Xu Genjun,Du Yucang,Relation between Modification of Functional Groups of Proteins and Their Biological Activity,Ⅲ,Effect of p- Nitrophenacyl Bromide on the Activity of CertainProteins,SCISin,1963,12 :1333~1340.
5:Xu Genjun,Tsou Chenlu,Kinetics of the Effect of Inhibition on Systems Involving Two EnzymeSubstrate Intermediates,SciSin.,1964,13:269~277.
6:Xu Genjun,Tsou Chenlu,Kinetics of Inactivation and Reactivation of Trypsin in Urea Solutions,SciSin.,1964,13:1089~1097.
7:Xu Genjun,The Shanghai Insulin Research Group Studies on the Structure Function Relationships of Insulin I The Relationship of the C-terminal Peptide Sequence of B-Chain to the Activity of Insulin,Sci Sin,1973,14:61 ~70.
8:Hiroshi Kido,Alberto Vita,Genjun Xu,S Pontremoli,B L Horecker,Reversal of AMP Inhibition of Fructose-1,6-Bisphosphatase by Pyridoxal Phosphate, Biochem Intern.,1980,1:91~97
9:Genjun Xu,A G Datta,V N Singh,Hiroyuki Suda,S Pontremoli,B L Horecker ,Rabbit Liver Fructose-1,6-Bisphosphatase,Labeling of the Active and Allosteric Sites with Pyridoxal 5-phosphate and Sequence of a Nonapeptide from the Active Site Arch Biochem Biophys.,1981,210:98~103.
10:Genjun Xu,Jianping Shi,Yinglai Wang,Fructose 1,6-Bisphosphatase from Snake Muscle,Methods in Enzymology,Academic Press,New York,1982,90:349~ 351.
11:Genjun Xu,Paolo Natalini,Hiroyuki Suda,Oresters Tsolas,Rzej Dzugaj,S C Sun,S Pontremoli,B LHoreker,Rabbit Liver Fructose-1,6- bisphosphatase:Location of an Active Site Lysyl Residue in the COOH-terminal Fragment Generated by a Lysosomal Protease,Arch Biochem Biophys.,1982,214 :688~694.
12:Hiroyuki Suda,Genjun Xu,Rostyslaw MKutny,Paolo Natalini,S Pontremoli,B LHoreker,Location of Lysyl Residues at the Allosteric Site of Fructose1,6 Bisphosphatase Arch BiochemBiophys.,1982 ,217:10~14.
13:John SMacgregor,Ewald Hannappel,Genjun Xu,S Pontremoli,B L Horeker, Conservation of Primary Structure at the ProteaseSensitive Site of Fructose 1,6 Bisphosphatase,ArchBiochemBiophys.,1982,217:652~664.
14:Eward Hannappel,Genjun Xu,James Morgan,James Hempstead,BLHorecker, Thymosin β4:A Ubiquitous Peptide in Rat and Mouse Tissues,ProcNatl.Acad.SciUS,1982,79:2172~2175.
15:Genjun Xu,Ewald Hannappel,James Morgan,James Hempstead,BLHorecker, Synthesis of Thymosin β4 by Peritoneal Macrophages and Adherent Spleen Cells,ProcNatlAcadSciUS,1982,79:4006~4009.
16:Genjun Xu,Gregoreo Weber,Dynamic and TimeAveraged Potential of Proteins:Important in Oligomer Association,ProcNatlAcadSciUS,1982,79 :5268~5271.
17:施建平、许根俊,蛇肌果糖-1,6-二磷酸酯酶的提纯、性质及钾离子激活的别构动力学, 生物化学与生物物理学报,1981,13:83~90。
18:龚维桂、施建平、许根俊,蛇肌果糖-1,6-二磷酸酯酶的冷失活,生物化学与生物物理学 报,1982,14:585~592。
19:许根俊、徐松琴、王恩多,抑制剂对于存在底物抑制的酶的动力学果糖-1,6-二磷酸酯酶 的抑制动力学,生物化学与生物物理学报,1984,16:597~602。
20:赵辅昆、施建平、许根俊,蛇肌果糖-1,6-二磷酸酯酶的别构部位,生物化学与生物物理 学报,1984,16:564~570。
21:Zhao Fukun Xu Genjun,Limited Proteolyses of Snake Muscle Fructose 1,6- Bisphosphataes,Sci Sin (Ser.B),1985,28:599~607.
22:Zhao Fukun Xu Genjun,Interaction Between Adenosine 5’-monophosphate and Fructose-1,6-Bisphosphataes and Mechanism of Allosteric Inhibition-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Studies,Sci Sin (Ser.B),1986,29:1293~1302.
23:Li Lin,Xu Genjun,Purification and Kinetics of Mouse Liver Fructose-6- Phosphate-2-Kinase,Sci Sin (Ser.B),1988,31:1307~1314.
24:Hu Guofu,Xu Genjun,Phosphorylated Reaction of Snake Muscle Fructose-1,6- bisphosphatase in Its Reverse Reaction,SciSin (Ser B),1988,31(4),419~ 426.
25:Hu Guofu,Xu Genjun,The Phosphorylation Site of Snake Muscle Fructose-1,6 -Bisphosphatase and Its Phosphorylation Conditions Sci Sin (Ser.B),1988, 31:427~434.
26:Genjun Xu,Guofu Hu,Fukun Zhao and Qichang Xia,Phosphorylation and dAMP Inhibition of Snake Muscle Fructose 1,6-Bisphosphatase Enzyme Dynamics and Regulation Eds By P B Chock,C Y Huang,C L Tsou and J H Wang,Springer- Verlag,New York 1988:55~61.
27:Zhao Fukun,Shi Jianping,Xu Genjun,Studies on the Activation and Inhibition States of Snake Muscle Fructose-1,6-Bisphosphataes,Chinese JBiochemBiophys.,1988,20:149~158
28:Hu Guofu,Xu Genjun,Kinetics of Snake Muscle Fructose 1,6-Bisphosphataes, Chinese JBiochemBiophys.,1988,20:167~176.
29:Xu Genjun,Mechanism of Snake Muscle Fructose-1,6-Bisphosphatase,Current Biochemical Research in China,ed by C L Tsou,Academic Press,Inc, 1989:67~75.
30:Hu Guofu,Xu Genjun,Photoaffinity Labeling of Snake Muscle Fructose-1,6- Bisphosphataes at the Allosteric Site and Its Effecting on the Catalytic Site ,Chinese J Biochem Biophys.,1989,20:167~176.
31:Li Lin,Pan Li,Xu Genjun,Properties of Chicken Liver Phosphofructo- Kinase-2,Science in China (Ser.B),1991,34:916~922.
32:Li Lin,Pan Li,Xu Genjun,Initial Velocity Kinetics of Tuber Pyrophosphate:Fructose-6-phosphate-1-phosphotransferase,Chinese J BiochemBiophys.,1991,23(3):183~191.
33:Li Lin,Pan Li,Xu Genjun,Studies on the Regulation of Potato Tuber Pyrophosphate:Fructose-6-phosphate-1-Phosphotransferase by Fructose 2,6- bisphosphate and Other Compounds,Chinese J Biochem Biophys,1991,23(4): 277~283.
34:Li Lin,Xu Genjun,Studies on Tryptophane Residues of Fructose-6- phosphate-2-kinase,Sci in China (Ser.B),1992,35:1196~1202.
35:Li Lin,Xu Genjun,Studies on Sulfhydryl and Alkaline Amino Acid Residues of Fructose-6-phosphate-2-kinase,SciChina(Ser.B),1992,35:1323~1330.
36:Xu Genjun,Yu Zhenbao,Hu Guofu,Cao Huiting,Localization of the Potassium Ion Activation Site in Human Liver Fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase Biochem Biophys.ResComm.,1993,194:1483~1490.
37:Yu Zhenbao,Xu Genjun,The Binding of Snake Muscle Fructose-1,6- Bisphosphatase with Its Allosteric Inhibitor AMP,Chinese J BiochemBiophys. ,1994,26:27~32.
38:Yu Zhenbao,Xu Genjun,Effect of Modification of Cysteine Residue on the Activity of Snake Muscle Fructose-1,6-Bisphosphatase,Chinese JBiochemBiophys.,1994,26:33~40.
39:Lin Rui,Li Lin,Xu Genjun,Study on the Sulfhydryl Group of Potato Tuber Pyrophosphate:Fructose 6-phosphate-1- Phosphotransferase,Chinese JBiochemBiophys.,1994,26(4):267~273.
40:Zhao Fukun,Xu Songqin,Xu Genjun,The Conformations of T and R States of Snake Muscle Fructose-1,6-Bisphosphatase,Chinese JBiochem Biophys.,1995, 27(4):297~305.
41:Lin Li,Weizhe Yao,Alex J Lange,Simon J Pilkis,Mengqiu Dong,Yong Yin,Genjun Xu,Expression of Chicken Liver 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose- 2,6-bisphosphatase in Escherichia ColiBiochemBiophysRes Commun,1995, 209:883~893.
42:包素锦、万柱礼、常文瑞、桂路路、梁栋材、凌松、李林、许根俊,鸡肝果糖-2,6-二磷 酸酯酶结构域的初步晶体学的研究,中国科学(C辑),1996,26:97~99。
43:Lin SX,Zhou M,Azzi A,Xu G J,Wakayama-NI and Ataka-M,Magnet Used for Protein Crystallization:Novel Attempts to Improve thd Crystal Quality, Biochem Biophys Res Commun,2000,275(2):274~278.
44:Weiqing Wang,Qin Xu,Yufei Shan and Genjun Xu,Probing Local Conformational Changes during Equilibrium Unfolding of Firefly Luciferase:Fluorescence and Circular Dichroism Studies of Single Tryptophan Mutants,Biochem Biophys Res Commun,2001,282:28~33.
== 社会任职 ==
== 荣誉记录 ==
1987 荣获国家自然科学奖一等奖 (获奖)
== 人物评价 ==
许根俊在人工全合成结晶牛胰岛素这项世界性成果中做出了重要贡献。他是国内酶催化和蛋白质合成、结构功能研究的重要学术带头人。(九三学社评)在半个世纪的科学生涯中,先生在人工全合成牛胰岛素研究、蛋白质功能基因的修饰与其生物活性之间的定量关系研究、蛇肌果糖二磷酸酯酶研究、兔肝果糖-1,6-二磷酸酯酶研究、蛋白质的结构层次和蛋白质的折叠研究等方面均取得了傲人成就,为研究所的发展和推动生化与分子生物学的国内交流及提升国内生化与分子生物学在国际上的影响力作出了重要的贡献。 (上海生命科学研究院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所李林所长评)
<ref>[http://www.gerenjianli.com/Mingren/Tags/148/ 名人简历]</ref>
== 参考来源 ==