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|<center><img src=" https://pic.gerenjianli.com/mingren/2504/51231313.jpg " width="180"></center><small>[https://www.gerenjianli.com/Mingren/74/bk3eiit51o.html 王师]</small>
== 工作经历 ==
2002.9~2007.7,中国海洋大学,博士学位,遗传学专业,研究方向: 扇贝分子遗传学
2007.9~2009.10,美国得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,博士后,研究方向: 珊瑚遗传基因组学
2009.11~2010.12,美国得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,博士后,研究方向: 酒精成瘾的分子机理
2011.1至今,中国海洋大学,教授,研究方向: 扇贝基因组学与分子遗传育种
== 研究方向 ==
研究方向主要集中在海洋贝类功能基因组学和分子遗传育种学等领域。在海洋无脊椎生物的高通量低成本SNP分型技术开发,高精度遗传连锁图谱构建,共表达基因网络研究,以及基因组进化等方向上均有开创性工作及标志性的研究成果。研究成果陆续发表在国际知名期刊上,如Nature Methods, Journal of Neuroscience, Genome Biology等。迄今为止,已在主流SCI学术刊物上发表SCI论文30余篇,文章被他引230余次,其中第一或通讯作者SCI论文15篇(SCI 1区收录2篇,2区收录7篇)。
== 科研项目 ==
(1) 扇贝高通量低成本SNP标记分型技术的开发及应用,中国海洋大学青年英才工程支持计划,2011.1~2013.12,主持;
(2) 栉孔扇贝高精度遗传连锁图谱的构建(NCET-10-0761),2011.10~2013.12,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,主持;
(3) 养殖扇贝重要经济性状QTL精细定位及相关基因功能研究(31130054),2012.1~2016.12,国家自然科学基金重点项目,第2位;
(4) 基于全基因组信息的贝类遗传选育(2012AA10A405),2012.1~2015.12,“十二五”863计划重大课题,主持。
== 代表论文 ==
(1)Wang S, Meyer E, McKay JK & Matz MV. (2012) 2b-RAD: a simple and flexible method for genome-wide genotyping. Nature methods. ( IF: 20.7, In press)
(2) Ponomarev I,Wang S, Zhang L, Harris RA & Mayfield RD. (2012) Gene co-expression networks in human brain identify epigenetic modifications in alcohol dependence. Journal of Neuroscience. 32: 1884-1897. ( IF: 7.3)
(3) Zhang L, Hou R, Su H, Hu X,Wang S & Bao Z. (2012) Network analysis of oyster transcriptome revealed a cascade of cellular responses during recovery after heat shock. PLoS ONE. 7: e35484 ( IF: 4.4)
(4) Du H, Bao Z, Hou R, Wang S, Su H, Yan J, Tian M, Li Y, Wei W, Lu W, Hu X,Wang S & Hu J. (2012) Transcriptome sequencing and characterization for the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka, 1867). PLoS ONE. 7: e33311. ( IF: 4.4)
(5) Hou R, Bao Z, Wang S, Su H, Li Y, Du H, Hu J,Wang S & Hu X. (2011) Transcriptome sequencing and de novo analysis for Yesso scallop ( Patinopecten yessoensis) using 454 GS FLX. PLoS ONE. 6: e21560. ( IF: 4.4)
(6)Wang S, Zhang L, Hu J, Bao Z & Liu Z. (2010) Molecular and cellular evidence for biased mitotic gene conversion in hybrid scallop. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 10: 6. ( IF: 3.7)
(7)Wang S, Zhang L, Meyer E & Matz MV. (2010) Characterization of a group of MITEs with unusual features from two coral genomes. PLoS ONE. 5: e10700. ( IF: 4.4)
(8)Wang S, Zhang L, Meyer E & Bao Z*. (2010) Genome-wide analysis of transposable elements and tandem repeats in the compact placozoan genome. Biology Direct. 5: 18. ( IF: 3.7)
(9)Wang S, Zhang L, Meyer E & Matz MV. (2009) Construction of a high-resolution genetic linkage map and comparative genome analysis for the reef-building coral Acropora millepora. Genome Biology. 10: R126. ( IF: 6.6)
(10)Wang S, Zhang L, Zhan A., Wang X, Liu Z, Hu J & Bao Z. (2007) Patterns of concerted evolution of the rDNA family in a natural population of Zhikong scallop, Chlamys farreri. Journal of Molecular Evolution. 65: 660-667. ( IF: 3.2)<ref>[http://www.gerenjianli.com/Mingren/Tags/148/ 名人简历]</ref>
== 参考来源 ==
|<center><img src=" https://pic.gerenjianli.com/mingren/2504/51231313.jpg " width="180"></center><small>[https://www.gerenjianli.com/Mingren/74/bk3eiit51o.html 王师]</small>
== 工作经历 ==
2002.9~2007.7,中国海洋大学,博士学位,遗传学专业,研究方向: 扇贝分子遗传学
2007.9~2009.10,美国得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,博士后,研究方向: 珊瑚遗传基因组学
2009.11~2010.12,美国得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,博士后,研究方向: 酒精成瘾的分子机理
2011.1至今,中国海洋大学,教授,研究方向: 扇贝基因组学与分子遗传育种
== 研究方向 ==
研究方向主要集中在海洋贝类功能基因组学和分子遗传育种学等领域。在海洋无脊椎生物的高通量低成本SNP分型技术开发,高精度遗传连锁图谱构建,共表达基因网络研究,以及基因组进化等方向上均有开创性工作及标志性的研究成果。研究成果陆续发表在国际知名期刊上,如Nature Methods, Journal of Neuroscience, Genome Biology等。迄今为止,已在主流SCI学术刊物上发表SCI论文30余篇,文章被他引230余次,其中第一或通讯作者SCI论文15篇(SCI 1区收录2篇,2区收录7篇)。
== 科研项目 ==
(1) 扇贝高通量低成本SNP标记分型技术的开发及应用,中国海洋大学青年英才工程支持计划,2011.1~2013.12,主持;
(2) 栉孔扇贝高精度遗传连锁图谱的构建(NCET-10-0761),2011.10~2013.12,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,主持;
(3) 养殖扇贝重要经济性状QTL精细定位及相关基因功能研究(31130054),2012.1~2016.12,国家自然科学基金重点项目,第2位;
(4) 基于全基因组信息的贝类遗传选育(2012AA10A405),2012.1~2015.12,“十二五”863计划重大课题,主持。
== 代表论文 ==
(1)Wang S, Meyer E, McKay JK & Matz MV. (2012) 2b-RAD: a simple and flexible method for genome-wide genotyping. Nature methods. ( IF: 20.7, In press)
(2) Ponomarev I,Wang S, Zhang L, Harris RA & Mayfield RD. (2012) Gene co-expression networks in human brain identify epigenetic modifications in alcohol dependence. Journal of Neuroscience. 32: 1884-1897. ( IF: 7.3)
(3) Zhang L, Hou R, Su H, Hu X,Wang S & Bao Z. (2012) Network analysis of oyster transcriptome revealed a cascade of cellular responses during recovery after heat shock. PLoS ONE. 7: e35484 ( IF: 4.4)
(4) Du H, Bao Z, Hou R, Wang S, Su H, Yan J, Tian M, Li Y, Wei W, Lu W, Hu X,Wang S & Hu J. (2012) Transcriptome sequencing and characterization for the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka, 1867). PLoS ONE. 7: e33311. ( IF: 4.4)
(5) Hou R, Bao Z, Wang S, Su H, Li Y, Du H, Hu J,Wang S & Hu X. (2011) Transcriptome sequencing and de novo analysis for Yesso scallop ( Patinopecten yessoensis) using 454 GS FLX. PLoS ONE. 6: e21560. ( IF: 4.4)
(6)Wang S, Zhang L, Hu J, Bao Z & Liu Z. (2010) Molecular and cellular evidence for biased mitotic gene conversion in hybrid scallop. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 10: 6. ( IF: 3.7)
(7)Wang S, Zhang L, Meyer E & Matz MV. (2010) Characterization of a group of MITEs with unusual features from two coral genomes. PLoS ONE. 5: e10700. ( IF: 4.4)
(8)Wang S, Zhang L, Meyer E & Bao Z*. (2010) Genome-wide analysis of transposable elements and tandem repeats in the compact placozoan genome. Biology Direct. 5: 18. ( IF: 3.7)
(9)Wang S, Zhang L, Meyer E & Matz MV. (2009) Construction of a high-resolution genetic linkage map and comparative genome analysis for the reef-building coral Acropora millepora. Genome Biology. 10: R126. ( IF: 6.6)
(10)Wang S, Zhang L, Zhan A., Wang X, Liu Z, Hu J & Bao Z. (2007) Patterns of concerted evolution of the rDNA family in a natural population of Zhikong scallop, Chlamys farreri. Journal of Molecular Evolution. 65: 660-667. ( IF: 3.2)<ref>[http://www.gerenjianli.com/Mingren/Tags/148/ 名人简历]</ref>
== 参考来源 ==