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'''《One Shot》'''是林俊杰第十张个人专辑《因你而在 Stories Untold》中的英文歌曲,由林俊杰作曲,林俊杰/Mike Chang作词,王力宏小提琴特别演奏,于2013年3月13日,由华纳音乐正式发行。
== 歌曲歌词 ==
Just one shot
Is all you got to make or break into your fame
Just one shot
They will lift you up and take you down the same
Only got one shot
Will you give it all you've got
Let it take you to the top
Or will you bleed it out in vain?
Only got one shot
Tell your heart to never stop
Lock your eyes only on the spot
If there is no pain there will be no gain
O Father please, I ask for Your mercy
They judge me way before they even know me
O Father please, do you hear me screaming
These lights won't stop chasing after me
I will not fall I will not crawl, I will keep on standing tall
'Til I'm strong enough to break this wall
Oh~ I won't drown don't tie me down
Won't you just set me free
It takes one shot to strip it away from me
And O my Lord, I can't believe what I saw
You got one shot
Just to make or break your fame
Just one shot
They will lift you up, take you down the same
Only got one shot
Will you give it all you've got
Let it take you to the top
Or will you bleed it out in vain?
Only got one shot
Tell your heart to never stop
Lock your eyes only on the spot
If there is no pain there will be no gain
Our father, who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
In thy name I pray you, oh forever it remains
I know you haven't left me but I'm feeling so alone
When the darkness comes I shall never have to wait on my own
I feel so lost, my mind is going out of control
Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says The Lord
I'm persecuted but not forsaken, struck down to the floor
But not destroyed cause Its not like this hasn't happened before
I see these lights and you've warned me to be on the alert
My heart is tired from soaking it up like rain in the dirt
Oh~ just one shot
Oh~ yeah~ (Is all you got to make or break into your fame)
Yeah~(just one shot) one shot
They will lift you up, take you down the same
Only got one shot
Will you give it all you've got
Let it take you to the top
Or will you bleed it out in vain?
Only got one shot
Tell your heart to never stop
Lock your eyes only on the spot
If there is no pain there will be no gain<ref>[https://wenwen.sogou.com/z/q759201658.htm 林俊杰的one shot这首歌讲的是什么意思?]搜狗问问</ref>
== 歌词翻译 ==
One Shot 《[[一战成名]]》
Just one shot 就这一次机会
Is all you got to make or break into your fame 让你一战成名
Just one shot 就这一次机会
They will lift you up and take you down the same 他们会把你高高捧起同时又狠狠踩在脚下
Only got one shot 只有这一次机会
Will you give it all you've got Let it take you to the top Or will you bleed it out in vain?
Only got one shot 只有这一次机会
Tell your heart to never stop 说服自己的内心永不停步
Lock your eyes only on the spot 成为众矢之的时请紧闭你的双眼
If there is no pain there will be no gain 如果没有痛苦便不会收获
O Father please, I ask for Your mercy 哦 主啊 我祈求你的[[怜悯]]
They judge me way before they even know me 他们在对我一无所知的情况下就对我进行如此的宣判
O Father please, do you hear me screaming 哦 天上的父 您可否听到我内心的尖啸
These lights won't stop chasing after me 那些刺目的聚光灯不会停止追赶我
I will not fall I will not crawl, I will keep on standing tall
Til I'm strong enough to break this wall直到我足够强壮去打破这道围墙
Oh~ I won't drown don't tie me down哦 我不会沉溺而亡不要给我套上枷锁
Won't you just set me free您能否放我自由?
It takes one shot to it strip away from me只需一次机会就能让我脱掉枷锁
And O my Lord, I can't believe what I saw哦 我的主 我不能相信我所看到的
You got one shot你有一次机会
Just to make or break your fame让你一战成名
Just one shot 就这一次机会
They will lift you up and take you down the same 他们会把你高高捧起同时又狠狠踩在脚下
Only got one shot 只有这一次机会
Will you give it all you've got Let it take you to the top Or will you bleed it out in vain?
Only got one shot 只有这一次机会
Tell your heart to never stop 说服自己的内心永不停步
Lock your eyes only on the spot 成为众矢之的请紧闭你的双眼
If there is no pain there will be no gain 如果没有痛苦便不会收获
Our father, who art in heaven 我们天上的父,
Hallowed be thy name 愿您的名受显扬
In thy name I pray you, to oh forever it remains 为您的名祷告,从现在到永远。
I know you haven't left me but I'm feeling so alone 我知道你未曾离开我,但我却倍感孤独。
When the darkness comes I shall never have to wait on my own 当黑暗降临我当永远不会独一己之力
I feel so lost, my mind is going out of control我感到十分迷茫,我的心思即将失控
Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says The Lord我若复仇,我将偿还,主这样说道。
I'm persecuted but not forsaken, struck down to the floorBut not destroyed cause Its not like this hasn't
happened before我感到烦扰但并未未被遗忘或者被击倒在地,亦或者被摧毁,因为这又不是从没发生过。
I see these lights and you've warned me be to on the alert我看到了亮光,你曾[[警告]]我要随时提防
My heart is tired from soaking it up like rain in the dirt
Oh~ just one shot 哦 就这一次机会
Oh~ yeah~Yeah~ one shot 是的 一次机会
They will lift you up and take you down the same 他们会把你高高捧起同时又狠狠踩在脚下
Only got one shot 只有这一次机会
Will you give it all you've got Let it take you to the top Or will you bleed it out in vain?
Only got one shot 只有这一次机会
Tell your heart to never stop 说服自己的内心永不停步
Lock your eyes only on the spot 成为众矢之的时请紧闭你的双眼
If there is no pain there will be no gain 如果没有痛苦便不会收获<ref>[https://www.zhihu.com/question/27294519/answer/157394653 林俊杰的英文歌one shot 是什么水平?]知乎</ref>
[[Category:913 聲樂;歌曲]]