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[[File:神话01.jpg|缩略图|[https://baike.baidu.com/pic/%E7%A5%9E%E8%AF%9D/7226196/0/6c224f4a20a44623327590d19822720e0df3d7c1?fr=lemma&ct=single#aid=0&pic=6c224f4a20a44623327590d19822720e0df3d7c1 原图链接]神话]]
在[[民俗学]]上,'''神话''' ('''英語: myth''' ), 是指关于[[人类]]和[[世界]]变迁的[[神圣]]故事。<ref name = "dundesintro">Dundes, Introduction, p. 1</ref>在广义上,“神话”可以指任何古老传说,<ref>Kirk, "Defining", p. 57; Kirk, ''Myth'', p. 74; Simpson, p. 3</ref> 藉由故事的形式来表达[[民族]]的[[意识形态]]。<ref>{{cite journal |last= Lincoln |first= Bruce |year= 2006 |title= An Early Moment in the Discourse of "Terrorism": Reflections on a Tale from Marco Polo |url= http://www.jstor.org/stable/3879351 |journal= [[Comparative Studies in Society and History]] |volume= 48 |issue= 2 |pages= 242-259 |quote= More precisely, mythic discourse deals in master categories that have multiple referents: levels of the cosmos, terrestrial geographies, plant and animal species, logical categories, and the like. Their plots serve to organize the relations among these categories and to justify a hierarchy among them, establishing the rightness (or at least the necessity) of a world in which heaven is above earth, the lion the king of beasts, the cooked more pleasing than the raw. }}</ref>