[[File:阮榕生1.jpg|缩略图|阮榕生1]]折叠编辑本段 == 荣誉奖项==
49. Lin, T., H. Peng, R. Ruan, Z. Yu, Y. Liu. 2012. Ionicliquids application in extraction of bamboo hemicellulose. Modern Industry 2:41-43+55, 2012.
50. Lin, T, H. Peng, R. Ruan, Z. Yu, Y. Liu. 2012. Fast determination of glucuronicacid in bamboo hemicellulose. Modern Industry. China Paper Making 3:16-19, 2012.
100. Lin, X., J. Zhang, H. Lei, Z. Jin, P. Chen, R. Ruan. 2010. Evaluation of effects of adding different resistant starches on firmness and stickiness of dough by NMR during proofing. International Agricultural Engineering Journal 19(4):23-30.
101. Du, Z., Y. Wan, Y. Li, Q. Chen, X. Lin, P. Chen, R. Ruan. 2010. Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of microalgae for biofuel production. Bioresource Technology. 102, 4890-4896.
185. Lei, H., R.G. Fulcher, R. Ruan, B. van Lengerich. 2005. SME-Arrhenius model for WSI of rice flour in a twin-screw extruder. Cereal Chemistry 82(5):574-581.
186. Liu, Y., D. Zhen, Y. Gao, X. Lin, R. Ruan. 2005. Drying oil resources, properties, and utilization. Forestry Chemical Engineering News 39(3):42-47.