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{| class="wikitable" align="right"
| style="background: #FF2400" align= center| '''<big>李路明</big>'''
|<center><img src=https://nimg.ws.126.net/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdingyue.ws.126.net%2F2022%2F0922%2F7d57809cj00rilt0q000ud200eo00gtg00ac00bu.jpg&thumbnail=660x2147483647&quality=80&type=jpg width="300"></center>
<small>[https://www.163.com/dy/article/HHSR75A905268MTU.html 来自 网易 的图片]</small>
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'''李路明''',男,[[汉族]],1968年2月生,[[教授]],[[博士生导师]]<ref>[https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/info/1181/35880.htm 不忘育人初心,踏踏实实做好教学、科研工作 ],清华大学</ref>,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,[[清华大学]]航天航空学科的学术带头人,神经调控技术国家工程实验室主任,航空宇航系主任,人机与环境工程研究所所长。负责人机与环境工程学科方向的学科建设,带领研究所科研团队从事航天医学工程及神经工程相关的科研工作,作为负责人带领的团队入选清华大学首批7个创新团队。曾任清华大学航天航空学院党委副书记、常务副院长,2018年6月任航天航空学院院长<ref>[https://www.hy.tsinghua.edu.cn/info/1146/2226.htm 航院院长李路明一行赴唐山市访问唐山市委 ],清华大学, 2021-08-11</ref>。
现任清华大学党委常委、副校长<ref>[https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1744755094364565368&wfr=spider&for=pc 清华大学新领导上任,新增三位副校长 ],新京报, 2022-09-23</ref>。
民 族 ---- 汉族
国 籍 ---- 中国
职 业 ---- 教育科研工作者
信 仰 ---- [[共产主义]]
1986.9-1991.7 清华大学机械工程系,学士
1991.9-1996.7 清华大学机械工程系,博士
2012.4--至今 神经调控技术国家工程实验室主任
2003.5 -2003.11清华大学机械工程系自动化所副所长,副教授
1999.11-2003.4 清华大学机械工程系无损检测教研室副主任 副教授
1998.6 -1998.9清华大学机械工程系无损检测教研室副主任,副教授
1996.8 -1998.5清华大学机械工程系无损检测教研室副主任,讲师
{| class="wikitable" align="right"
| style="background: #FF2400" align= center| '''<big>李路明</big>'''
|<center><img src=https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/_mediafile/qh2021b/publish/thunews/12040/20190307152530934252280/1552015726031.jpg width="300"></center>
<small>[https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/info/1181/35880.htm 来自 清华大学 的图片]</small>
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5、Menber of international Steering committee of international symposium onApplied Electromagnetics(ISEM).
6、Founder Member of Alliance for Innovations in Neural Technology.
[https://www.hy.tsinghua.edu.cn/info/1156/1565.htm “脑起搏器研制”入选“2012年度中国高等学校十大科技进展” ],清华大学, 2012-12-20</ref> 。
13、2002年 获得质检总局科技二等奖(排名第三)。
14、1998 年获清华大学青年教师教学优秀奖。
1. Xing Qian, Hongwei Hao, Bozhi Ma, Xiongwei Wen, Chunhua Hu, Luming Li*, Roy Yuen-chi Lau, Xia Guo. Programmable and implantable neurostimulator with novel stimulus waveforms for rat models, ELECTRONICS LETTERS,2012,48(17).
2. Fu Xu, Luming Li*, Xiaojie Cui. Fabrication of Aligned Side-by-Side TiO2/SnO2 Nanofibers by Dual-Opposite-Spinneret Electrospinning, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2012, Article ID 575926.
3. Changqing Jiang, Luming Li, Hongwei Hao. Carbon nanotube yarns for deep brain stimulation electrode, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2011, 19(6), 612-616.
4. Xiaojie Cui, Luming Li*, Fu Xu. Controlled assembly of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) fibers through an electric-field-assisted electrospinning method, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 2011, 103(1), 167-172.
{| class="wikitable" align="right"
| style="background: #FF2400" align= center| '''<big>李路明</big>'''
|<center><img src=https://i02piccdn.sogoucdn.com/3a3062787757652f width="300"></center>
<small>[http://www.caae.org.cn/meetings/show/id/76 来自 中国抗癫痫协会 的图片]</small>
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5. Hui Yan, Luming Li*, Chunhua Hu, Hao Chen, Hongwei Hao. Astronaut mass measurement using linear acceleration method and the effect of body non-rigidity, SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY, 2011, 54(4), 777-782.
6. Chuansen Niu, Hongwei Hao, Jun Lu, Luming Li, Zhirong Han, Ya Tu. A Novel Uni-Acupoint Electroacupuncture Stimulation Method for Pain Relief, EVIDENCE-BASED COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE, 2011, Article ID 209879.
7. Zhenggan Zhou, Xiansheng Ni, Xiongwei Wen, Luming Li. Application of Nd: YAG Laser Welding to Implantable Neuro-Stimulator, CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2011, 24(6), 1103-1110.
8. Xiansheng Ni, Zhenggan Zhou, Xiongwei Wen, Luming Li. The use of Taguchi method to optimize the laser welding of sealing neuro-stimulator, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2011,49(3), 297-304.
9. Luming Li*, Liqiang Zhong, Xing Chen. Residual stress caused magnetic field abnormal change upon arc welding joints, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2010, 33(3), 1295-1301.
10. Hucheng Zhao, Hasi Agula, Wei Zhang, Fa Wang, Masahiro Sokabe, Luming Li. Membrane stretch and cytoplasmic Ca2+ independently modulate stretch-activated BK channel activity, Journal of Biomechanics, 2010, 43(15), 3015-3019.
11. Xiaojie Cui, Luming Li*, Jun Xu, Fu Xu. Fabrication of Continuous Aligned Polyvinylpyrrolidone Fibers via Electrospinning by Elimination of the Jet Bending Instability, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2010, 116(6), 3676-3681.
12. Liqiang Zhong, Luming Li*, Xing Chen. Magnetic signals of stress concentration detected in different magnetic environment, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2010, 25(2), 161-168.
13. Bin Hu, Luming Li, Xing Chen, Liqiang Zhong. Study on the influencing factors of magnetic memory method, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2010, 33(3), 1351-1357.
14. Yang Cao, Chunhua Hu, Bozhi Ma, Hongwei Hao, Luming Li*, Weiming Wang. Secure method for software upgrades for implantable medical devices, Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2010, 15(5), 517-525.
15. En Yang, Luming Li*, Xing Chen. Magnetic field aberration induced by cycle stress, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2007, 312(1), 72-77.
===李路明教授在清华大学研究生开学典礼 上的发言 2019年8月22日发布===
===拯救大脑的电波:李路明和他的脑起搏器研究团队 2020年5月27日发布===
[[Category:教授]] [[Category:科学家]]
| style="background: #FF2400" align= center| '''<big>李路明</big>'''
|<center><img src=https://nimg.ws.126.net/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdingyue.ws.126.net%2F2022%2F0922%2F7d57809cj00rilt0q000ud200eo00gtg00ac00bu.jpg&thumbnail=660x2147483647&quality=80&type=jpg width="300"></center>
<small>[https://www.163.com/dy/article/HHSR75A905268MTU.html 来自 网易 的图片]</small>
| style="background: #FF2400" align= center|
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'''李路明''',男,[[汉族]],1968年2月生,[[教授]],[[博士生导师]]<ref>[https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/info/1181/35880.htm 不忘育人初心,踏踏实实做好教学、科研工作 ],清华大学</ref>,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,[[清华大学]]航天航空学科的学术带头人,神经调控技术国家工程实验室主任,航空宇航系主任,人机与环境工程研究所所长。负责人机与环境工程学科方向的学科建设,带领研究所科研团队从事航天医学工程及神经工程相关的科研工作,作为负责人带领的团队入选清华大学首批7个创新团队。曾任清华大学航天航空学院党委副书记、常务副院长,2018年6月任航天航空学院院长<ref>[https://www.hy.tsinghua.edu.cn/info/1146/2226.htm 航院院长李路明一行赴唐山市访问唐山市委 ],清华大学, 2021-08-11</ref>。
现任清华大学党委常委、副校长<ref>[https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1744755094364565368&wfr=spider&for=pc 清华大学新领导上任,新增三位副校长 ],新京报, 2022-09-23</ref>。
民 族 ---- 汉族
国 籍 ---- 中国
职 业 ---- 教育科研工作者
信 仰 ---- [[共产主义]]
1986.9-1991.7 清华大学机械工程系,学士
1991.9-1996.7 清华大学机械工程系,博士
2012.4--至今 神经调控技术国家工程实验室主任
2003.5 -2003.11清华大学机械工程系自动化所副所长,副教授
1999.11-2003.4 清华大学机械工程系无损检测教研室副主任 副教授
1998.6 -1998.9清华大学机械工程系无损检测教研室副主任,副教授
1996.8 -1998.5清华大学机械工程系无损检测教研室副主任,讲师
{| class="wikitable" align="right"
| style="background: #FF2400" align= center| '''<big>李路明</big>'''
|<center><img src=https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/_mediafile/qh2021b/publish/thunews/12040/20190307152530934252280/1552015726031.jpg width="300"></center>
<small>[https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/info/1181/35880.htm 来自 清华大学 的图片]</small>
| style="background: #FF2400" align= center|
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5、Menber of international Steering committee of international symposium onApplied Electromagnetics(ISEM).
6、Founder Member of Alliance for Innovations in Neural Technology.
[https://www.hy.tsinghua.edu.cn/info/1156/1565.htm “脑起搏器研制”入选“2012年度中国高等学校十大科技进展” ],清华大学, 2012-12-20</ref> 。
13、2002年 获得质检总局科技二等奖(排名第三)。
14、1998 年获清华大学青年教师教学优秀奖。
1. Xing Qian, Hongwei Hao, Bozhi Ma, Xiongwei Wen, Chunhua Hu, Luming Li*, Roy Yuen-chi Lau, Xia Guo. Programmable and implantable neurostimulator with novel stimulus waveforms for rat models, ELECTRONICS LETTERS,2012,48(17).
2. Fu Xu, Luming Li*, Xiaojie Cui. Fabrication of Aligned Side-by-Side TiO2/SnO2 Nanofibers by Dual-Opposite-Spinneret Electrospinning, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2012, Article ID 575926.
3. Changqing Jiang, Luming Li, Hongwei Hao. Carbon nanotube yarns for deep brain stimulation electrode, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2011, 19(6), 612-616.
4. Xiaojie Cui, Luming Li*, Fu Xu. Controlled assembly of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) fibers through an electric-field-assisted electrospinning method, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 2011, 103(1), 167-172.
{| class="wikitable" align="right"
| style="background: #FF2400" align= center| '''<big>李路明</big>'''
|<center><img src=https://i02piccdn.sogoucdn.com/3a3062787757652f width="300"></center>
<small>[http://www.caae.org.cn/meetings/show/id/76 来自 中国抗癫痫协会 的图片]</small>
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| align= light|
5. Hui Yan, Luming Li*, Chunhua Hu, Hao Chen, Hongwei Hao. Astronaut mass measurement using linear acceleration method and the effect of body non-rigidity, SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY, 2011, 54(4), 777-782.
6. Chuansen Niu, Hongwei Hao, Jun Lu, Luming Li, Zhirong Han, Ya Tu. A Novel Uni-Acupoint Electroacupuncture Stimulation Method for Pain Relief, EVIDENCE-BASED COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE, 2011, Article ID 209879.
7. Zhenggan Zhou, Xiansheng Ni, Xiongwei Wen, Luming Li. Application of Nd: YAG Laser Welding to Implantable Neuro-Stimulator, CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2011, 24(6), 1103-1110.
8. Xiansheng Ni, Zhenggan Zhou, Xiongwei Wen, Luming Li. The use of Taguchi method to optimize the laser welding of sealing neuro-stimulator, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2011,49(3), 297-304.
9. Luming Li*, Liqiang Zhong, Xing Chen. Residual stress caused magnetic field abnormal change upon arc welding joints, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2010, 33(3), 1295-1301.
10. Hucheng Zhao, Hasi Agula, Wei Zhang, Fa Wang, Masahiro Sokabe, Luming Li. Membrane stretch and cytoplasmic Ca2+ independently modulate stretch-activated BK channel activity, Journal of Biomechanics, 2010, 43(15), 3015-3019.
11. Xiaojie Cui, Luming Li*, Jun Xu, Fu Xu. Fabrication of Continuous Aligned Polyvinylpyrrolidone Fibers via Electrospinning by Elimination of the Jet Bending Instability, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2010, 116(6), 3676-3681.
12. Liqiang Zhong, Luming Li*, Xing Chen. Magnetic signals of stress concentration detected in different magnetic environment, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2010, 25(2), 161-168.
13. Bin Hu, Luming Li, Xing Chen, Liqiang Zhong. Study on the influencing factors of magnetic memory method, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2010, 33(3), 1351-1357.
14. Yang Cao, Chunhua Hu, Bozhi Ma, Hongwei Hao, Luming Li*, Weiming Wang. Secure method for software upgrades for implantable medical devices, Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2010, 15(5), 517-525.
15. En Yang, Luming Li*, Xing Chen. Magnetic field aberration induced by cycle stress, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2007, 312(1), 72-77.
===李路明教授在清华大学研究生开学典礼 上的发言 2019年8月22日发布===
===拯救大脑的电波:李路明和他的脑起搏器研究团队 2020年5月27日发布===
[[Category:教授]] [[Category:科学家]]