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'''李權明 (Jones, Chuan-Min Lee,1976年6月25日 - )''',[[銘傳大學]][[ 資訊傳播 智慧應用 學系]]專任教授<ref>[https://sites.google.com/mail.mcu.edu.tw/cce 銘傳大學資訊傳播工程學系]</ref><ref>[https://sites.google.com/mail.mcu.edu.tw/cce/%E7%B3%BB%E6%89%80%E4%BB%8B%E7%B4%B9/%E5%B8%AB%E8%B3%87%E9%99%A3%E5%AE%B9/%E6%9D%8E%E6%AC%8A%E6%98%8E%E8%80%81%E5%B8%AB 銘傳大學資訊傳播工程學系師資陣容介紹]</ref>,畢業於[[中正大學]]資訊工程學系。主要專長:演算法設計與分析、圖形理論與組合最佳化、社群網絡決策與分析。李權明在計算機科學領域已有多年教學經驗,擁有台灣企業電子化資料分析師、人工智慧大數據分析師、創意APP程式設計人才認證合格證書、和CEAC國家信息化計算機教育認證。1998年於Kaohsiung Polytechnic Institute(K.P.I.)<ref>[https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%BE%A9%E5%AE%88%E5%A4%A7%E5%AD%B8 維基百科: 義守大學]</ref>取得資訊工程學士學位後,進入中正大學攻讀碩士和博士學位。曾擔任文理和電腦補習班兼任授課講師、民營工程顧問公司實習工程師、中正大學資訊工程學系課程助教和兼任講師、國科會研究助理。2006年獲得中正大學資訊工程博士學位後,在國防部勤務部隊指揮部勤務大隊第二中隊服役,獲得國軍優秀官兵紀念勳章。
服役結束後,2007年擔任Toko College of Technology and Management助理教授和動畫遊戲設計學系主任,以及該系第一任碩士班研究所所長。2008年2月進入銘傳大學資訊傳播工程學系擔任助理教授,2012年8月升等為副教授。
<ref>[http://xn--pssu7ci2jtof9v0a734a.tw/edu/ete/files/Upload/files/%E7%B7%A8%E8%99%9F7_%E6%9D%B1%E5%8D%97%E5%BE%97%E7%8D%8E%E5%90%8D%E6%AC%A1%E7%B8%BD%E8%A1%A8_%E7%AC%AC%E4%BA%8C%E5%90%8D.pdf 2013年全國智慧型機器人大賽佳作]</ref><ref>[https://www.facebook.com/MCU.IRC/photos/exp.764795750247360.unitary/764795683580700/?type=3&theater 2014年桃園縣科技創造力機器人設計大賽大專競賽組亞軍]</ref>
<ref>[https://www.facebook.com/MCU.IRC/photos/exp.764802820246653.unitary/764802776913324/?type=3&theater WRO2014台北市校際盃大專競賽組亞軍]</ref><ref>[https://www.facebook.com/cycu.ir/photos/a.1451853698433980/1656564651296216/?type=3&theater 2015年全國智慧型機器人創新設計大賽佳作]</ref>、特殊優秀人才獎勵、國家科學委員會研究計畫獎勵、科技部研究計畫獎勵、教育部資訊軟體人才培育推廣計畫補助、學術研究論文獎勵、學術研究成果專章獎勵、私立教育事業協會模範教師,並於2020年8月升等為教授;美國數學學會(AMS)、計算機協會(ACM)、演算法與計算理論協會(AACT)會員。
Chuan-Min Lee (Jones Lee, born June 25, 1976) is a full-time professor in the Department of Applied Artificial Intelligence at Ming Chuan University. He holds a bachelor's degree in Information Engineering from Kaohsiung Polytechnic Institute (K.P.I.) and completed his master's and doctoral degrees in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at Chung Cheng University.
Dr. Lee has extensive experience in computer science education and specializes in algorithm design and analysis, graph theory, combinatorial optimization, and social network decision-making and analysis. He has received certifications in various fields, including Taiwan Enterprise Electronic Data Analyst, Artificial Intelligence Big Data Analyst, Creative APP Programming Talents Certification, and CEAC National Information Technology Computer Education Certification.
Throughout his career, Dr. Lee has served in various teaching and research roles. He has been a part-time lecturer, a teaching assistant, and a research assistant, gaining valuable insights and expertise in the field. He has also contributed to the development of educational materials, such as the "Precision Utilization Dictionary" published by Taiwan Sanmin Book Company, which was recommended as excellent extracurricular reading for elementary and junior high school students by the Ministry of Culture.
Dr. Lee's outstanding contributions to education and research have been recognized through numerous awards and honors. He has received accolades such as the Ministry of Education's Senior Excellent Teacher Award, the National Science Council's Outstanding Performance Award for College Students Participating in Research Projects, the Ministry of Science and Technology's Outstanding Performance Award for College Students Participating in Research Projects, the Teaching Excellence Award, the Outstanding Mentor Award, the Outstanding Club Advisor Award, Special Excellent Talent Award, National Science Council Research Project Award, Ministry of Science and Technology Research Project Award, Ministry of Education's Information Software Talent Cultivation Promotion Program Grant, Academic Research Paper Award, Academic Research Achievement Chapter Award, Private Education Association Model Teacher Award. In August 2020, he was promoted to the rank of professor.
Dr. Lee is an esteemed member of professional organizations including the American Mathematical Society (AMS), the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), and the Association for Algorithms and Computation Theory (AACT). His commitment to excellence in education and research continues to make a significant impact in the field of computer science.