1.Option Pricing for a Jump-Diffusion Model with General DiscreteJump-Size Distributions, (withMichael C. Fu,Guozhen Li,Rongwen Wu),Management Science 63(11):3961-3977.
2.Price dynamics, social networks and communication,(with Wang Lijia, Lu Guoxiang),Finance Research Letters,Volume 22(2017), 197-201.
3.New Upper Bound and Lower Bound for Degree-Based Network Entropy, (with Lu Guoxiang, Wang Lijia),Symmetry, 2016,8(2)
6.An OLG Model for Optimal Investment and Insurance Decisions,(with Pu LIAO, Jingfeng XU), The Journal of Risk and Insurance, Volume 82(2015),Issue 1,Page 149-172
7.Measuring financial contagion using general social interaction model with trade network structure, (withHan WANG,Xinrong XIAO),Applied Economics Letters,Vol. 21(2014), No. 9, 631–635
8.Pricing Parisian Options by Generating Functions,(with Haijian ZHAO),The Journal of Derivatives, 2009.5
18.地震保险附加费率的研究,中国人民保险公司,核心成员,1999年12月<ref>[https://www.swufe.edu.cn/index.htm 西南财经大学]</ref>