


Love You To

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外文名:Love You To



歌曲原唱:The Beatles


制作人:George Martin


《Love You To》一歌由[[George Harrison]]创作,收录于英国摇滚乐队The Beatles1966年专辑《[[Revolver]]》。<ref>[https://y.qq.com/n/ryqq/songDetail/0032mUca1iDck0 Love You To (Yellow Submarine Songtrack)],QQ音乐</ref>

歌曲使用了北印度传统乐器塔布拉鼓(一对手鼓)、西塔琴和冬不拉(演奏出嗡嗡之音)。这首歌是[[The Beatles]]第一次严肃的融合印度经典音乐元素的尝试,被誉为第一首模仿非西方音乐形式和乐器的流行音乐歌曲。歌曲是Harrison第一次向西方乐迷传播东方印度音乐,并且在其余生之内始终致力于此。<ref>[https://kuwo.cn/play_detail/40863452 Love You To],酷我音乐</ref>

Each day just goes so fast

I turn around - it's past

You don't time to hang a sign on me

Love me while you can

Before I'm dead old man

A lifetime is so short

A new one can't be bought

And what you've got means such a lot to me

Make love all day long

Make love singing songs

There's people standing round

Who screw you in the ground

They'll fill your head with all the things you see

I'll make love to you

If you want me too<ref>[http://www.5nd.com/gecilrc/249359.htm Love You To歌词],5ND音乐</ref>

[[George Harrison]] – 多轨主音吉他,节奏吉他,法兹电吉他,贝斯,西塔琴

[[Paul McCartney]] – 合唱

Ringo Starr – 手鼓

Anil Bhagwat – 塔布拉鼓

其他印度音乐家 – 西塔琴,冬不拉

人员信息来源于Ian McDonald [1], except as noted.Personnel notesIan McDonald不确定George Harrison是否在歌曲中弹奏了西塔琴。但Walter Everett和Mark
Lewisohn 对此表示确定。

Paul McCartney在一些take中有伴唱表现,音量很小。


[[Category:913 聲樂]]