


For No One

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外文名:For No One



歌曲原唱:The Beatles

谱 曲:Paul McCartney




作 者:Lennon-McCartney

制作人:George Martin

录 制:1966.05.09&16&19,伦敦EMI


《For No One》一歌由[[Paul McCartney]]创作(署名为Lennon-McCartney)、收录于英国摇滚乐队[[The Beatles]]1966年专辑《[[Revolver]]》。歌曲风格为巴洛克流行,歌词讲述的是一段恋爱关系的结束,这是McCartney最为驾轻就熟而又满是辛酸的作品。歌曲大部分由作者表演,特别地,歌曲的最后部分由Alan Civil演奏法国号独奏作为伴奏。John Lennon评价这首歌:“我最喜欢的他的作品之一。”<ref>[https://music.163.com/#/song?id=4337194 For No One (Remastered)],网易云音乐</ref>

Your day breaks, your mind aches

You find that all her words of kindness linger on

When she no longer needs you

She wakes up, she makes up

She takes her time and doesn''t feel she has to hurry

She no longer needs you

And in her eyes you see nothing

No sign of love behind the tears

Cried for no one

A love that should have lasted years!

You want her, you need her

And yet you don''t believe her when she said her love is dead

You think she needs you

And in her eyes you see nothing

No sign of love behind the tears

Cried for no one

A love that should have lasted years!

You stay home, she goes out

She says that long ago she knew someone but now he''s gone

She doesn''t need him

Your day breaks, your mind aches

There will be time when all the things she said will fill your head

You won''t forget her

And in her eyes you see nothing

No sign of love behind the tears

Cried for no one

A love that should have lasted years!<ref>[https://www.kuwo.cn/play_detail/40838178 For No One(Remaster)],酷我音乐</ref>


[[Category:913 聲樂]]