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Over the years, Chang published numerous articles and monographs in English and Chinese, and the list of his publications is forty-one pages long (Murowchick 1999). His scholarly masterpieces include four editions of Archaeology of Ancient China (1963, 1968, 1977, 1986), Shang Civilization (1980), and Art, Myth, and Ritual (1983). These have been the most comprehensive and authoritative accounts of Chinese archaeology available in the English language for several decades, and they have been translated into many languages. His publications in Chinese have been equally influential. Presenting many fresh views of Chinese civilization, his Six Lectures in Archaeology (1986) and The Bronze Age of China (1983), both published in Beijing, have especially enlightened archaeologists in China.
In addition to archaeology, Chang had broad interests in many fields including art history, cultural anthropology, history, paleography, the anthropology of food, and sport. For four decades he “brought up” several generations of East and Southeast Asian archaeologists, and his former students are now spread over many parts of the world including North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Known to his colleagues, friends, and students as “K. C.,” Chang was a kind, warm, sympathetic, hardworking, and charismatic man with great wisdom and an excellent sense of humor. His extraordinary determination to overcome any difficulties in life is evident in his struggle with a devastating illness, which eventually claimed him in January 2001.<ref>{{cite news|url=https://baike.so.com/doc/6183983-6397231.html|title= 张光直}}360搜索</ref>
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[[Category:人类学家 考古学家]]