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Tomorrow Never Knows

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外文名:Tomorrow Never Knows



歌曲原唱:The Beatles


音乐风格:raga rock


作 者:Lennon-McCartney

制作人:George Martin

录 制:1966.04.06&07&22,伦敦EMI


《Tomorrow Never Knows》一歌由John Lennon创作(署名为Lennon-McCartney),收录于英国摇滚乐队[[The Beatles]]1966年专辑《[[Revolver]]》,是专辑的最后一首歌,但歌曲是专辑中最早录制的。<ref>[https://www.kuwo.cn/play_detail/40837957 Tomorrow Never Knows(Take 1 / Anthology 2 Version)],酷我音乐</ref>

歌曲的演唱声音被接入[[Leslie speaker]]音箱中(一种原来是被用作哈蒙德风琴的扩音器),并用一种自动双轨道技术(ADT)把声音加倍处理。每位披头在家都要各自创作些奇怪的声音让混音时应用。这些不同的声音在混音时会用不同的速度播放,常常更是用「倒转」的重放法去混合在一起。列侬做了8条循环声带,将它们分成八部录音机播放,声音在Ringo Starr匀速但不标准的鼓声中淡入和淡出然后随心意的将声音淡入或淡出。麦卡特尼的循环声带收录了他自己的笑声,那听起来像鸟类的声响。这首歌也是flanger effect在乐器上的首次使用之一。

歌曲经常被评为史上最伟大的歌曲之列,Pitfork Media在其“The 200 Greatest Songs of the 1960Ss”中将其评为第19名,滚石杂志也将其选入“500 Geatest Songs of All-Time”。<ref>[https://y.qq.com/n/ryqq/songDetail/000SByXN45akna?songtype=0 Tomorrow Never Knows (Remastered 2009)],QQ音乐</ref>

John Lennon – 双轨主唱,哈蒙德风琴,录音带

Paul McCartney – 贝斯,倒转的吉他独奏,录音带

George Harrison – 西塔琴,冬不拉,录音带

Ringo Starr – 鼓,手鼓,录音带

George Martin – 钢琴,制作人

Geoff Emerick – 工程师

人员信息来源于Ian MacDonald<ref>[https://music.douban.com/subject/11528126/ Tomorrow Never Knows],豆瓣音乐</ref>

Turn off your mind, relax and float down stream,

It is not dying, it is not dying

Lay down all thoughts, surrender to the void,

It is shining, it is shining.

Yet you may see the meaning of within

It is being, it is being

Love is all and love is everyone

It is knowing, it is knowing

And ignorance and hate mourn the dead

It is believing, it is believing

But listen to the colour of your dreams

It is not leaving, it is not leaving

So play the game "Existence" to the end

Of the beginning, of the beginning


[[Category:913 聲樂]]