


Getting Better

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外文名:Getting Better

所属专辑:Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band






制作人:George Martin

作 者:Lennon–McCartney

《Getting Better》是一首歌曲,发行于1967年6月1日。<ref>[https://www.kuwo.cn/play_detail/57072967 Getting Better],酷我音乐</ref>

《Getting Better》一歌主要由Paul McCartney创作,John lennon在歌词上亦有贡献,作者署名为Lennon–McCartney。歌曲收录于英国摇滚乐队[[The Beatles]]1967年专辑《[[Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band]]》。<ref>[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1As4y1w7Ms/ 披头士乐队】《Getting Better》(越来越好) 中英双语字幕 佩铂军士04],哔哩哔哩</ref>

《Getting Better》时期发生了一件关于Lennon的事件。1967年3月21日,George Martin正在给《[[Lovely Rita]]》加上钢琴独奏,Lennon抱怨自己身体感觉不是很好,没有办法集中注意力。原来他之前准备服用兴奋剂却误服了[[LSD]]。Martin没有发现他误服药物便把Lennon带到Abbey Road录音室的屋顶呼吸新鲜空气,然后自己就回到了McCartney和Harrison正处的Studio Two。他们知道Lennon感觉不好,听到Lennon在哪儿后,跑到屋顶并帮Lennon恢复正常,阻止了一次可能的事故。<ref>[https://y.qq.com/n/ryqq/songDetail/003zDyxo0cs4bu Getting Better (Remastered 2009)],QQ音乐</ref>

Paul McCartney – 双轨主唱,贝斯,电子琴

John Lennon – 合唱,主音吉他

George Harrison – 合唱,主音吉他,冬不拉

Ringo Starr – 鼓,康加鼓

George Martin – 钢琴,手摇钢琴

人员信息来源于Ian MacDonald

It's getting better all the time

I used to get mad at my school

The teachers that taught me weren't cool

You're holding me down

Turning me round

filling me up with the rules

I've got to admit it's getting better

a little better all the time

I have to admit it's getting better

it's getting better since you've been mine

Me used to be angry young man

Me hiding me head in the sand

You gave me the word

I finally heard

I'm doing the best that I can

I've got to admit it's getting better

a little better all the time

I have to admit it's getting better

it's getting better since you\'ve been mine

getting so much better all the time

It's getting better all the time

better, better, better

It's getting better all the time

better, better, better

I used to be cruel to my woman I beat her

and kept her apart from the things that she loved

Man, I was mean but I'm changing my scene

and I'm doing the best that I can

I've got to admit it's getting better

a little better all the time

Yes, admit it's getting better

it's getting better since you've been mine

getting so much better all the time

It's getting better all the time

better, better, better

It's getting better all the time

better, better, better

Getting so much better all the time

<center>'''Getting Better'''</center>

[[Category:913 聲樂]]