,创建页面,内容为“{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin: -10px 0px 10px 20px; text-align:left" |<center>''' 宋敏 '''<br><img src="https://ems.whu.edu.cn/__local/4/97/89/6…”
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|<center>''' 宋敏 '''<br><img src="https://ems.whu.edu.cn/__local/4/97/89/6BE9EF6F6F5DABFD04117AF06FC_E73376E6_A3B60.jpg " width="180"></center><small>[https://ems.whu.edu.cn/szdw/qzjs/jjx.htm 武汉大学经济与管理学院]
'''宋敏''',男, 武汉大学经济与管理学院教授。博士生导师,武汉大学经济与管理学院院长、香港大学中国金融研究中心创始主任、曾任香港大学经济与工商管理学院教授、北京大学经济学院金融系系主任。
从事公司金融与公司治理、商业银行、金融市场、创新经济学领域的研究,研究成果发表在《中国社会科学》、《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《经济学(季刊)》、《金融研究》、《中国工业经济》、《南开管理评论》、《Journal of Financial Economics》、《The Economic Journal》、《Journal of Business》、《Journal of Development Economics》、《Journal of Banking and Finance》、《Journal of Money, Credit and Banking》、《Journal of Comparative Economics》、《American Journal of Agricultural Economics》等国内外顶级期刊。
=== 公司金融与公司治理类 ===
[1][[白重恩]]、[[刘俏]]、陆洲、宋敏、张俊喜. 2005.中国上市公司治理结构的实证研究.经济研究,2(5), 81-91. (在中国知网获 得了3421次被引以及33600次下载)
[2]Bai C E, Liu Q, Lu J, Song F M (宋敏), Zhang J. Corporate governance and market valuation in China.Journal of Comparative Economics, 2004, 32(4): 599-616.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引1026频次)
[3]胡一帆,宋敏,张俊喜.竞争、产权、公司治理三大理论的相对重要性及交互关系.经济研究, 2005, 09: 44-57. (在中国知网获得了330次被引以及5523次下载)
[4]李春涛,宋敏,张璇.分析师跟踪与企业盈余管理——来自中国上市公司的证据.金融研究,2014(07):124-139. (在中国知网获得了214次被引以及5234次下载)
[5]杨威,宋敏,冯科.并购商誉、投资者过度反应与股价泡沫及崩盘.中国工业经济,2018(06):156-173. (在中国知网获得了142次被引以及7348次下载)
[9]Wang, Yizhong, Yueling Wei, and Frank M. Song (宋敏). Uncertainty and corporate R&D investment: Evidence from Chinese listed firms. International Review of Economics & Finance 47 (2017): 176-200.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引36频次)
[10]Lai, Tat‐kei, Adrian CH Lei, and Frank M. Song(宋敏). The impact of corporate fraud on director‐interlocked firms: Evidence from bank loans. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 46.1-2 (2019): 32-67.
[11]Biddle, Gary C., Mary LZ Ma, and Frank M. Song (宋敏). 2020. Accounting conservatism and bankruptcy risk.Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance,https://doi.org/10.1177/0148558X20934244.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引120频次)
=== 商业银行类 ===
[1]Barth, James R., Lin Chen, Lin Ping, & Frank Song (宋敏). Corruption in bank lending to firms: Cross-country micro evidence on the beneficial role of competition and information sharing.Journal of Financial Economics, 2009, 91(3): 361-388.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引359频次)
[2]JR Barth, C Lin,Y Ma, J Seade, Frank M.Song (宋敏). Do bank regulation, supervision and monitoring enhance or impede bank efficiency?Journal of Banking & Finance,2013, 37 (8): 2879-2892.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引451频次)
[3]Li L, Song F M. Do bank regulations affect board independence? A cross-country analysis. Journal of Banking & Finance, 2013, 37(8): 2714-2732.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引29频次)
=== 金融市场类 ===
[1]Song, Frank (宋敏), Zhang J. Securities Transaction Tax and Market Volatility.The Economic Journal, 2005, 115(506): 1103-1120.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引89频次)
[2]Frank Song (宋敏). A two-factor ARCH model for deposit-institution stock returns.Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 1994, 26(2): 323-340.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引110频次)
[3]Aggarwal, Raj, Sunil Mohanty, and Frank Song (宋敏). Are survey forecasts of macroeconomic variables rational?Journal of Business, 1995: 99-119.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引125频次)
[4]宋敏.全球金融危机十周年反思——基于中美两国比较分析的视角.北京工商大学学报(社会科学版), 2018, 33(3): 11-19. (该文被《中国社会科学文摘》和《新华文摘》全文转载。据中国知网统计,截至2020年8月,该文已被下载649次,被引用2次)
=== 创新经济学类 ===
[2]Beck T, Chen T, Lin C, Song F M (宋敏). Financial innovation: The bright and the dark sides.Journal of Banking & Finance, 2016, 72: 28-51.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引200频次)
[3]Lin C, Lin P, Song F M (宋敏), Li C. Managerial incentives, CEO characteristics and corporate innovation in China’s private sector.Journal of Comparative Economics, 2011, 39(2): 176-190.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引237频次)
[4]Lin, Chen, Ping Lin, and Frank Song (宋敏). Property rights protection and corporate R&D: Evidence from China.Journal of Development Economics, 2010, 93 (1): 49-62.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引250频次)
[5]李春涛、宋敏. 2010.中国制造业企业的创新活动:所有制和CEO激励的作用.经济研究,5,005.(被《新华文摘》2010年第15期全文转载;在中国知网获得了916次被引以及13609次下载)
[6]常中阳,宋敏.技术领先会持续吗?——非择时无溢出R&D竞争研究综述.经济研究, 2010, 12: 125-138.(文章被《新华文摘》2011年第5期和《中国社会科学文摘》重点转载;获教育部第六届高等学校科学研究优秀成果三等奖。在中国知网获得了13次被引以及2407次下载)
=== 工作论文 ===
[4]Xu Gan, Frank M.Song, Yang Zhou, Language Skills and Portfolio Choice: Evidence from Immigrants. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, R&R.
[5]Qing Ba, Frank M. Song(宋敏), Zhongkuang Zhao, Peng Zhou. Why Do Firms Issue Bonds in the Offshore Market? Evidence from China. HKIMR Working Paper No.19/2017. DOI:10.2139/ssrn.3038746.
[6]Huang Xiaoqi, Frank M. Song (宋敏), Peng Zhou. Environmental Regulation and Enterprise Green Innovation.
[7]Zhao, Zhongkuang and Lin, Wanfa and Song, Frank M. Song (宋敏). 2018. Rating-Based Restriction, Credit Rating Inflation and Bond Covenants - Evidence from Chinese Bond Market. Available at SSRN 3245027.
[8]Frank M. Song (宋敏)and Sun, Z., 2017. One Firm and Two Regulators: The Role of PCAOB Cooperation in Cross-Listing Auditing. Available at SSRN 3014503.
[9]Chen, Chu, Frank M. Song (宋敏), and Zengyuan Sun. 2016. Do Banks Benefit from Lending to Innovative Firms? Available at SSRN 2831828.
=== 著作 ===
[5]唐方方,宋敏:《区块链+金融科技 案例分析》,2020年11月,武汉大学出版社
[6]宋敏,[[唐方方]],张生:《绿色金融》,2020年11月,武汉大学出版社<ref>[https://ems.whu.edu.cn/index.htm 武汉大学经济与管理学院]</ref>
|<center>''' 宋敏 '''<br><img src="https://ems.whu.edu.cn/__local/4/97/89/6BE9EF6F6F5DABFD04117AF06FC_E73376E6_A3B60.jpg " width="180"></center><small>[https://ems.whu.edu.cn/szdw/qzjs/jjx.htm 武汉大学经济与管理学院]
'''宋敏''',男, 武汉大学经济与管理学院教授。博士生导师,武汉大学经济与管理学院院长、香港大学中国金融研究中心创始主任、曾任香港大学经济与工商管理学院教授、北京大学经济学院金融系系主任。
从事公司金融与公司治理、商业银行、金融市场、创新经济学领域的研究,研究成果发表在《中国社会科学》、《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《经济学(季刊)》、《金融研究》、《中国工业经济》、《南开管理评论》、《Journal of Financial Economics》、《The Economic Journal》、《Journal of Business》、《Journal of Development Economics》、《Journal of Banking and Finance》、《Journal of Money, Credit and Banking》、《Journal of Comparative Economics》、《American Journal of Agricultural Economics》等国内外顶级期刊。
=== 公司金融与公司治理类 ===
[1][[白重恩]]、[[刘俏]]、陆洲、宋敏、张俊喜. 2005.中国上市公司治理结构的实证研究.经济研究,2(5), 81-91. (在中国知网获 得了3421次被引以及33600次下载)
[2]Bai C E, Liu Q, Lu J, Song F M (宋敏), Zhang J. Corporate governance and market valuation in China.Journal of Comparative Economics, 2004, 32(4): 599-616.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引1026频次)
[3]胡一帆,宋敏,张俊喜.竞争、产权、公司治理三大理论的相对重要性及交互关系.经济研究, 2005, 09: 44-57. (在中国知网获得了330次被引以及5523次下载)
[4]李春涛,宋敏,张璇.分析师跟踪与企业盈余管理——来自中国上市公司的证据.金融研究,2014(07):124-139. (在中国知网获得了214次被引以及5234次下载)
[5]杨威,宋敏,冯科.并购商誉、投资者过度反应与股价泡沫及崩盘.中国工业经济,2018(06):156-173. (在中国知网获得了142次被引以及7348次下载)
[9]Wang, Yizhong, Yueling Wei, and Frank M. Song (宋敏). Uncertainty and corporate R&D investment: Evidence from Chinese listed firms. International Review of Economics & Finance 47 (2017): 176-200.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引36频次)
[10]Lai, Tat‐kei, Adrian CH Lei, and Frank M. Song(宋敏). The impact of corporate fraud on director‐interlocked firms: Evidence from bank loans. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 46.1-2 (2019): 32-67.
[11]Biddle, Gary C., Mary LZ Ma, and Frank M. Song (宋敏). 2020. Accounting conservatism and bankruptcy risk.Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance,https://doi.org/10.1177/0148558X20934244.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引120频次)
=== 商业银行类 ===
[1]Barth, James R., Lin Chen, Lin Ping, & Frank Song (宋敏). Corruption in bank lending to firms: Cross-country micro evidence on the beneficial role of competition and information sharing.Journal of Financial Economics, 2009, 91(3): 361-388.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引359频次)
[2]JR Barth, C Lin,Y Ma, J Seade, Frank M.Song (宋敏). Do bank regulation, supervision and monitoring enhance or impede bank efficiency?Journal of Banking & Finance,2013, 37 (8): 2879-2892.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引451频次)
[3]Li L, Song F M. Do bank regulations affect board independence? A cross-country analysis. Journal of Banking & Finance, 2013, 37(8): 2714-2732.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引29频次)
=== 金融市场类 ===
[1]Song, Frank (宋敏), Zhang J. Securities Transaction Tax and Market Volatility.The Economic Journal, 2005, 115(506): 1103-1120.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引89频次)
[2]Frank Song (宋敏). A two-factor ARCH model for deposit-institution stock returns.Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 1994, 26(2): 323-340.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引110频次)
[3]Aggarwal, Raj, Sunil Mohanty, and Frank Song (宋敏). Are survey forecasts of macroeconomic variables rational?Journal of Business, 1995: 99-119.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引125频次)
[4]宋敏.全球金融危机十周年反思——基于中美两国比较分析的视角.北京工商大学学报(社会科学版), 2018, 33(3): 11-19. (该文被《中国社会科学文摘》和《新华文摘》全文转载。据中国知网统计,截至2020年8月,该文已被下载649次,被引用2次)
=== 创新经济学类 ===
[2]Beck T, Chen T, Lin C, Song F M (宋敏). Financial innovation: The bright and the dark sides.Journal of Banking & Finance, 2016, 72: 28-51.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引200频次)
[3]Lin C, Lin P, Song F M (宋敏), Li C. Managerial incentives, CEO characteristics and corporate innovation in China’s private sector.Journal of Comparative Economics, 2011, 39(2): 176-190.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引237频次)
[4]Lin, Chen, Ping Lin, and Frank Song (宋敏). Property rights protection and corporate R&D: Evidence from China.Journal of Development Economics, 2010, 93 (1): 49-62.(据Google Scholar统计,文章被引250频次)
[5]李春涛、宋敏. 2010.中国制造业企业的创新活动:所有制和CEO激励的作用.经济研究,5,005.(被《新华文摘》2010年第15期全文转载;在中国知网获得了916次被引以及13609次下载)
[6]常中阳,宋敏.技术领先会持续吗?——非择时无溢出R&D竞争研究综述.经济研究, 2010, 12: 125-138.(文章被《新华文摘》2011年第5期和《中国社会科学文摘》重点转载;获教育部第六届高等学校科学研究优秀成果三等奖。在中国知网获得了13次被引以及2407次下载)
=== 工作论文 ===
[4]Xu Gan, Frank M.Song, Yang Zhou, Language Skills and Portfolio Choice: Evidence from Immigrants. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, R&R.
[5]Qing Ba, Frank M. Song(宋敏), Zhongkuang Zhao, Peng Zhou. Why Do Firms Issue Bonds in the Offshore Market? Evidence from China. HKIMR Working Paper No.19/2017. DOI:10.2139/ssrn.3038746.
[6]Huang Xiaoqi, Frank M. Song (宋敏), Peng Zhou. Environmental Regulation and Enterprise Green Innovation.
[7]Zhao, Zhongkuang and Lin, Wanfa and Song, Frank M. Song (宋敏). 2018. Rating-Based Restriction, Credit Rating Inflation and Bond Covenants - Evidence from Chinese Bond Market. Available at SSRN 3245027.
[8]Frank M. Song (宋敏)and Sun, Z., 2017. One Firm and Two Regulators: The Role of PCAOB Cooperation in Cross-Listing Auditing. Available at SSRN 3014503.
[9]Chen, Chu, Frank M. Song (宋敏), and Zengyuan Sun. 2016. Do Banks Benefit from Lending to Innovative Firms? Available at SSRN 2831828.
=== 著作 ===
[5]唐方方,宋敏:《区块链+金融科技 案例分析》,2020年11月,武汉大学出版社
[6]宋敏,[[唐方方]],张生:《绿色金融》,2020年11月,武汉大学出版社<ref>[https://ems.whu.edu.cn/index.htm 武汉大学经济与管理学院]</ref>