,创建页面,内容为“{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin: -10px 0px 10px 20px; text-align:left" |<center>'''许明辉 '''<br><img src="https://ems.whu.edu.cn/__local/0/25/A…”
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|<center>'''许明辉 '''<br><img src="https://ems.whu.edu.cn/__local/0/25/A8/5AE12CF910715507C6E7B94E04E_7C4D1FB4_6503D.jpg " width="180"></center><small>[https://ems.whu.edu.cn/szdw/qzjs/jjx.htm 武汉大学经济与管理学院]
'''许明辉''',男, 武汉大学经济与管理学院教授。
=== 国际期刊论文 ===
•Xu, Minghui, Xin Li.Theinterplay betweene-tailerinformationsharing andsuppliercausemarketing. Internal Journal of Production Research, 2021, forthcoming.
•Li, X., Minghui Xu*, X. Shi.Coordination of asociallyresponsiblesupplychain withcausemarketingcampaigns.Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering,30(6),728-747, 2021.
•Li,X., Minghui Xu and D-S Yang.Cause-relatedproductpricing withregularproductreference.Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Vol.38(4),2150002,2021.
•Lei Xiao, Minghui Xu, J. Zheng, S. Huang.Inducing manufacturer's quality enhancement via retailer's acquisition strategy. Omega,93, 1-14, Article102032,2020.
•Lv, F., L., Xiao*, Minghui Xu*and X. Guan. Quantity-payment versus two-part tariff contracts in an assembly system with asymmetric cost information, Transportation Research Part E, 129, 60-80, 2019.
•Xiao,L., Minghui Xu, Z.Chen, X.Guan.Optimalpricing foradvanceselling withuncertainproductquality andconsumerfitness.Journal of the Operational Research Society,70(9), 1457-1474,2019.
•Lu, Y.,Minghui Xu* and Y Yu.Coordinatingpricing,ordering andadvertising forperishableproducts overaninfinitehorizon.Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering,27(1), 106-129,2018.
•Wang,J.,Y.F.ChenandMinghuiXu.Optimization and approximation methods for dynamic appointment scheduling with patient choices.Computers and Operations Research,92,65-76,2018.
•Alwan, L. C., Minghui Xu, D.-Q. Yao and X. Yue. The dynamic newsvendor model with correlated demand. Decision Sciences, 47(1), 11-30, 2016.
•Yang, L., C. Zheng and Minghui Xu. Comparisons of low carbon policies in supply chain coordination. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 23(3), 342-361, 2014.
•Xu, Minghui and Y. Lu. The effect of supply uncertainty in price-setting newsvendor models. European Journal of Operational Research, 227(3), 423-433, 2013.
•Chen, Y., Y. Lu and Minghui Xu. Optimal inventory control policy for periodic-review inventory systems with inventory-level-dependent demands. Naval Research Logistics, 59(6), 430-440, 2012.
•Xu, Minghui, Y. Chen and X. Xu. The effect of demand uncertainty in a price-setting newsvendor model. European Journal of Operational Research, 207(2), 946-957, 2010.
•Xu, Minghui and J. Li. Optimal decisions when balancing expected profit and conditional value-at-risk in newsvendor models. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 23(6), 1054-1070, 2010.
ŸXu, Minghui. A price-setting newsvendor model under CVaR decision criterion with emergency procurement. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 19(1), 85-104, 2010.
•Chen, Y., Minghui Xu and Z. G. Zhang. A risk-averse newsvendor model under the CVaR criterion. Operations Research, Vol.57, No.4, 1040-1044, 2009.
•Xu, Minghui, G. Yu and H. Zhang. Coordinating dyadic supply chains when production costs are disrupted. IIE Transactions,38(9), 765–775, 2006.
=== 国内期刊论文 ===
•孙康泰,许明辉.考虑参考价格效应的战略库存研究.管理工程学报, 35(3), 208- 219, 2021.
•许明辉,孙康泰.供应商入侵对零售商需求信息共享策略的影响.管理科学学报, 23(12), 75-90, 2020.
•许明辉,杨东升,胡兵,冯华.零售商温和不公平厌恶下的回购合约与渠道协调.控制与决策,35(1), 174-182, 2020.
•许明辉,杨东升.网络平台信息共享策略:供应商价格与广告竞争的影响.营销科学学报,第14卷,第3、4辑合辑, 136-150, 2018年12月(2020年出版).
•许明辉,杨东升.制造商成本削减策略对风险规避型零售商的信息共享策略的影响.中国管理科学, 27(12), 77-87, 2019.
•许明辉,刘晚霞.制造商竞争环境下基于要素品牌战略的动态合作广告研究.管理工程学报, 33(3), 162-169, 2019.
•许明辉,孙康泰.考虑战略顾客行为的制造商成本削减及定价策略研究.系统工程学报,34(2), 238-251, 2019.
•许明辉,孙康泰,杨东升.竞争性制造商成本削减下的信息共享策略研究.管理学报, 15(12), 1872-1882, 2018.
•许明辉,杨东升.不同促销模式下零售商需求预测精确性的影响研究.管理学报,14(9),1384-1393, 2017.
•许明辉,胡兵.考虑零售商公平关切的期权合约研究.运筹与管理, 25(6), 112-119, 2016.
•许明辉,于刚,张汉勤.带有缺货惩罚的报童模型中的CVaR研究.系统工程理论与实践,26(10), 1-8, 2006.
•许明辉,于刚,张汉勤.具备提供服务的供应链博弈分析.管理科学学报,9(2), 18-27, 2006.
=== 国际会议论文 ===
•Xu, M. and X. Xu. Stochastic comparisons in a price-dependent newsvendor problem with emergency procurement.The 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, Jun. 25-27, 2011, Tianjin, China.
•Xu, M. and Y. Xiao. A newsvendor model with CVaR criterion: partial backlogging and contingent purchase case.The Third International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, 574-578, Wuhan, Jul. 28 to Aug. 5, 2009.
•Xu, M. and F. Chen. Tradeoff between expected reward and conditional value-at-risk criterion in newsvendor models. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 1553-1557, Dec. 2-4, 2007, Singapore.
•学习机制下群体博弈行为演化与管理实验,国家自然科学基金重点项目(2021.01- 2025.12),第一参与人
•Optimal inventory control policy for periodic-review inventory systems with inventory-level-dependent demand,武汉大学自主科研项目(人文社会科学)(高水平国际期刊论文培育项目),2012年,主持
•Best Paper Award, the 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, 2011.
•多个国际、国内期刊的匿名审稿人 <ref>[https://ems.whu.edu.cn/index.htm 武汉大学经济与管理学院]</ref>
|<center>'''许明辉 '''<br><img src="https://ems.whu.edu.cn/__local/0/25/A8/5AE12CF910715507C6E7B94E04E_7C4D1FB4_6503D.jpg " width="180"></center><small>[https://ems.whu.edu.cn/szdw/qzjs/jjx.htm 武汉大学经济与管理学院]
'''许明辉''',男, 武汉大学经济与管理学院教授。
=== 国际期刊论文 ===
•Xu, Minghui, Xin Li.Theinterplay betweene-tailerinformationsharing andsuppliercausemarketing. Internal Journal of Production Research, 2021, forthcoming.
•Li, X., Minghui Xu*, X. Shi.Coordination of asociallyresponsiblesupplychain withcausemarketingcampaigns.Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering,30(6),728-747, 2021.
•Li,X., Minghui Xu and D-S Yang.Cause-relatedproductpricing withregularproductreference.Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Vol.38(4),2150002,2021.
•Lei Xiao, Minghui Xu, J. Zheng, S. Huang.Inducing manufacturer's quality enhancement via retailer's acquisition strategy. Omega,93, 1-14, Article102032,2020.
•Lv, F., L., Xiao*, Minghui Xu*and X. Guan. Quantity-payment versus two-part tariff contracts in an assembly system with asymmetric cost information, Transportation Research Part E, 129, 60-80, 2019.
•Xiao,L., Minghui Xu, Z.Chen, X.Guan.Optimalpricing foradvanceselling withuncertainproductquality andconsumerfitness.Journal of the Operational Research Society,70(9), 1457-1474,2019.
•Lu, Y.,Minghui Xu* and Y Yu.Coordinatingpricing,ordering andadvertising forperishableproducts overaninfinitehorizon.Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering,27(1), 106-129,2018.
•Wang,J.,Y.F.ChenandMinghuiXu.Optimization and approximation methods for dynamic appointment scheduling with patient choices.Computers and Operations Research,92,65-76,2018.
•Alwan, L. C., Minghui Xu, D.-Q. Yao and X. Yue. The dynamic newsvendor model with correlated demand. Decision Sciences, 47(1), 11-30, 2016.
•Yang, L., C. Zheng and Minghui Xu. Comparisons of low carbon policies in supply chain coordination. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 23(3), 342-361, 2014.
•Xu, Minghui and Y. Lu. The effect of supply uncertainty in price-setting newsvendor models. European Journal of Operational Research, 227(3), 423-433, 2013.
•Chen, Y., Y. Lu and Minghui Xu. Optimal inventory control policy for periodic-review inventory systems with inventory-level-dependent demands. Naval Research Logistics, 59(6), 430-440, 2012.
•Xu, Minghui, Y. Chen and X. Xu. The effect of demand uncertainty in a price-setting newsvendor model. European Journal of Operational Research, 207(2), 946-957, 2010.
•Xu, Minghui and J. Li. Optimal decisions when balancing expected profit and conditional value-at-risk in newsvendor models. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 23(6), 1054-1070, 2010.
ŸXu, Minghui. A price-setting newsvendor model under CVaR decision criterion with emergency procurement. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 19(1), 85-104, 2010.
•Chen, Y., Minghui Xu and Z. G. Zhang. A risk-averse newsvendor model under the CVaR criterion. Operations Research, Vol.57, No.4, 1040-1044, 2009.
•Xu, Minghui, G. Yu and H. Zhang. Coordinating dyadic supply chains when production costs are disrupted. IIE Transactions,38(9), 765–775, 2006.
=== 国内期刊论文 ===
•孙康泰,许明辉.考虑参考价格效应的战略库存研究.管理工程学报, 35(3), 208- 219, 2021.
•许明辉,孙康泰.供应商入侵对零售商需求信息共享策略的影响.管理科学学报, 23(12), 75-90, 2020.
•许明辉,杨东升,胡兵,冯华.零售商温和不公平厌恶下的回购合约与渠道协调.控制与决策,35(1), 174-182, 2020.
•许明辉,杨东升.网络平台信息共享策略:供应商价格与广告竞争的影响.营销科学学报,第14卷,第3、4辑合辑, 136-150, 2018年12月(2020年出版).
•许明辉,杨东升.制造商成本削减策略对风险规避型零售商的信息共享策略的影响.中国管理科学, 27(12), 77-87, 2019.
•许明辉,刘晚霞.制造商竞争环境下基于要素品牌战略的动态合作广告研究.管理工程学报, 33(3), 162-169, 2019.
•许明辉,孙康泰.考虑战略顾客行为的制造商成本削减及定价策略研究.系统工程学报,34(2), 238-251, 2019.
•许明辉,孙康泰,杨东升.竞争性制造商成本削减下的信息共享策略研究.管理学报, 15(12), 1872-1882, 2018.
•许明辉,杨东升.不同促销模式下零售商需求预测精确性的影响研究.管理学报,14(9),1384-1393, 2017.
•许明辉,胡兵.考虑零售商公平关切的期权合约研究.运筹与管理, 25(6), 112-119, 2016.
•许明辉,于刚,张汉勤.带有缺货惩罚的报童模型中的CVaR研究.系统工程理论与实践,26(10), 1-8, 2006.
•许明辉,于刚,张汉勤.具备提供服务的供应链博弈分析.管理科学学报,9(2), 18-27, 2006.
=== 国际会议论文 ===
•Xu, M. and X. Xu. Stochastic comparisons in a price-dependent newsvendor problem with emergency procurement.The 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, Jun. 25-27, 2011, Tianjin, China.
•Xu, M. and Y. Xiao. A newsvendor model with CVaR criterion: partial backlogging and contingent purchase case.The Third International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, 574-578, Wuhan, Jul. 28 to Aug. 5, 2009.
•Xu, M. and F. Chen. Tradeoff between expected reward and conditional value-at-risk criterion in newsvendor models. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 1553-1557, Dec. 2-4, 2007, Singapore.
•学习机制下群体博弈行为演化与管理实验,国家自然科学基金重点项目(2021.01- 2025.12),第一参与人
•Optimal inventory control policy for periodic-review inventory systems with inventory-level-dependent demand,武汉大学自主科研项目(人文社会科学)(高水平国际期刊论文培育项目),2012年,主持
•Best Paper Award, the 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, 2011.
•多个国际、国内期刊的匿名审稿人 <ref>[https://ems.whu.edu.cn/index.htm 武汉大学经济与管理学院]</ref>