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该定居点位于现代同名城市的中心。城市西北部的城堡被第一堵墙包围,而[[城市]]<ref>[https://www.sohu.com/a/360104186_200224 未来城市地下空间开发的N种可能,你还能想到啥?],搜狐,2019-12-13 </ref>的总面积约为35公顷。据考古资料显示,该定居点在[[十九世纪]]仍在继续有人居住。在中世纪,这座城市是帖木儿和谢丹尼德统治者的[[首都]],也是哈萨克斯坦的可汗。在其历史上,定居点是穆斯林精神生活的中心,也是丝绸之路<ref>[https://www.sohu.com/a/800621380_120166273 丝绸之路到底是怎样的一条“路”?],搜狐,2024-08-13 </ref>上重要的商业和农业中心。
Turkestan(VIII-XIX centuries)
©The National Commission of Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO/Turkestan
The settlement of Turkestan(Shavgar in VIII century and Yassu after XII century)was the capital of the wide Turkestan oasis.In XII century,the city became particularly know because of the Islamic saint–Khoja Ahmed Yassawi.The settlement is situated in the center of the modern similarly-named city.The citadel in the north-western part of the city was surrounded by the first wall,while the total area of the city was about 35 hectares.According to archaeological sources the settlement continued to function up to XIX century.In the Middle Ages the city was the capital of Timurid and Sheidanid rulers,as well as Kazakh khans.During all its history the settlement was a center of Muslim spiritual life,and an important commercial and agricultural center on the Silk Roads.