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增加 9,845 位元組, 5 年前
白勇,1963年5月出生于江西抚州临川,浙江大学建筑工程学院和南方科技大学海洋系教授、博士生导师 。





国籍: 挪威







1978.9-1982.7 哈尔滨船舶工程学院 本科毕业 获学士学位

1982.9-1983.7 上海交通大学 硕士研究生

1983.9-1986.4 日本广岛大学 硕士研究生毕业 获硕士学位

1986.4-1989.3 日本广岛大学 博士研究生毕业 获博士学位


1990.6-1991.7 丹麦技术大学 博士后

1991.7-1992.6 挪威科技大学 博士后

1994.5-1994.10 美国加州伯克利大学 博士后

1989.4-1990.6 日本大阪世纪研究中心技术部 项目经理/结构工程师

1990.6-1991.7 丹麦科技大学海洋工程部门 高级结构分析工程师

1991.8-1992.6 挪威科技大学海洋结构部门 NTNF/NFR 博士后研究员

1992.7-1996.2 挪威船级社(DNV) 高级工程师

1996.3-1999.12 挪威JP KENNY 公司 海工部门经理

1998.9-2001.6 挪威斯塔万格(Stavanger)大学土木系海洋工程专业 教授

1999.12-2001.12 美国船级社(ABS)海洋技术部门 部门经理

2002.1-2003.4 壳牌石油公司 项目经理

2003.4-2005.6 美国MCS 公司 工程副总裁

2005.5-2006.4 美国GAE 公司 总裁

2006.5-2006.10 烟台莱佛士船厂 技术副总裁 总工程师

2005.5-今 欧佩亚集团 总裁

2005.9-今 哈尔滨工程大学 客座教授/博导

2010.1- 今 浙江大学建筑工程学院 教授/博导

2016.8-今 南方科技大学海洋系 教授



1. Yong Bai, Peng Wang, HaichaoXiong,Gao Tang and Wang Xueshe:"Mechanical behavior of pipe reinforced by steel wires under external pressure",《Reinforced Plastics and Composites》,2015.(SCI)

2. Yong Bai, Hui-bin Yan, Yu Cao, Younghoon KIM, Yong-yan Yang:"Time-Dependent Reliability Assessment of Offshore Jacket Platforms",《Ships and Offshore Structures》,2015.(SCI)

3. Yong Bai, Younghoon KIM, Hui-bin Yan, Xiao-feng Song, Hua Jiang:"Reassessment of the Jacket Structure due to Corrosion Damage" ,《Ships and Offshore Structures》,2015.(SCI)

4. Yong Bai, Shuai Yuan, Jiandong Tang, Hongdong Qiao, Peng Cheng, Yu Cao*, Nuosi Wang:"Behavior of Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipe under Combined Bending and External Pressure",《Ships and Offshore Structures》,2015.(SCI)

5. Yong Bai, Jiandong Tang, Weiping Xu, Weidong Ruan:"Reliability-based design of subsea light weight pipeline against lateral stability",《Marine Structures》,2015.(SCI)

6. Yong Bai, Jiandong Tang, Weiping Xu, Yu Cao, Nuosi Wang:"Collapse of Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipe (RTP) under Combined External Pressure and Bending Moment",《Ocean Engineering》,2015.(SCI)

7. Bai Yong,Yu Binbin,Peng Cheng,Wang Nuosi,Ruan Weidong,Tang Jiwei,Babapour Abbas :"Bending Behavior of Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipe (RTP)" ,《Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering》,2015.(SCI)

9. Yong Bai, Weiping Xu, Weidong Ruan, Jiwei Tang:"On-bottom stability of subsea light weight pipeline (LWP) on sand soil surface",《Ships and Offshore Structures》,2014.(SCI)

10. Yong Bai, Yutian LU, Peng Cheng :"Theoretical and Finite Element Study of Structural Behavior of Central Large Diameter Umbilical under Tension and Torsion",《Ships and Offshore Structures》,2014.(SCI)

11. Yong Bai,Weidong Ruan,Peng Cheng,Binbin Yu and Weiping Xu :"Buckling of reinforced thermoplastic pipe (RTP) under combined bending and tension",《Ships and Offshore Structures》,2014.(SCI)

12. Yong Bai,Yu Binbin,Cheng Peng and Wang Ning:" Experimental Study and Finite Element Analysis for the Installation of a Pipeline into an Existing Pipeline",J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng.135(1), 011702 (Feb 22, 2013) (8 pages).(SCI)

13. Yong Bai,Weidong Ruan,Shuai Yuan,Xu He and Jianbo Fu :"3D mechanical Analysis of Subsea Manifold Installation by Drill Pipe in Deep Water",《Ships and Offshore Structures》,2013.(SCI)

14. Yong Bai, Weiping Xu, Peng Cheng, Nuosi Wang and Weidong Ruan :"Behavior of Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipe (RTP) under Combined External Pressure and Tension",《Ships and Offshore Structures》,2013.(SCI)

29. Y. Bai and S. Hauch: "Collapse Capacity of Corroded Pipes under Combined Pressure, Longitudinal Force and Bending", Journal of ISOPE, March 2001. (EI)

32. Y. Bai, G. Knauf and H.G. Hillenbrand: "Materials and Design of High Strength Pipelines", ISOPE'2000. (EI)

35. Bai, Y. and Sørheim, M.: "Risk Analysis Applied to Pipeline Engineering", Proc. of OMAE'99. (EI)

36. Bai, Y., Sørheim, M., Nødland, S. and Damsleth, P.A.: "Life-Cycle-Cost Models in Pipeline Design", Proc. of OMAE'99. (EI)

38. Bai, Y. and Damsleth, P.A.: "Installation Design of Deepwater Pipelines", Proc. of OMAE'99. (EI)

39. Bai, Y., J.Y. Nielsen and Damsleth, P.A.: "Simulation of Ratcheting of HP/HT Flowlines", Proc. of ISOPE'99. (EI)

40. Bai, Y., Hauch, S. and Jensen, C.J.: "Local Buckling and Plastic Collapse of Corroded Pipes with Yield Anisotropy", Proc. of ISOPE'99. (EI)

43. Bai, Y. and Damsleth, P.A: "Design Through Analysis Applying Limit-state Concepts and Reliability Methods", Planery paper of ISOPE '98. (EI)

44. Bai, Y., Lauridsen, B., Xu, T. and Damsleth, P.A.: "Wave-induced Fatigue of Free-Spanning Pipelines in Waves", Proc. of OMAE'98. (EI)

45. Bai, Y. and Song, R.: "Fracture Assessment of Dented Pipes with Cracks and Reliability-based Calibration of safety Factors", Accepted for Publication in International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping. (SCI)

49. Bai, Y. and Hauch, S.: "Analytical Collapse Capacity of Corroded Pipes," Proc. of ISOPE'98. (EI)

52. Y. Bai, T. Xu and R. Bea: "Reliability - based Design & Regualitication criteria for Longitudinally Corroded Pipelines", Proc. of the 7th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE '97), May 1997. (EI)

53. Y. Bai and P. A. Damsleth: "Limit-state Based Design of Offshore Pipelines", Proc. of OMAE '97. (EI)

55. Y. Bai, E. Moe and K. Mørk: "ProbabilisticAssessment of Dented and Corroded Pipelines", Proc. of the 4th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE '94), Osaka, April 1994. (EI)

56. Y. Bai, R. Igland and T. Moan: "Factors Affecting Tube Collapse Simultaneously subjected to Combined Pressure, Tension and Bending", International Journal of Marine Structures, Vol. 10, June 1997. (SCI, EI)

57. Y. Bai, R. Igland and T. Moan: "Ultimate Limit States for Pipes under Combined Tension and Bending", Proc. of the 3rd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISPOE '93), Singapore, June 1993. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, pp. 312-319, 1994. (SCI, EI)

58. Y. Bai, R. Igland and T. Moan: "Collapse of Thick Tubes under Combined Tension and Bending", Journal of Constructional Steel Research, pp. 233-257, 1995. (SCI)

59. Y. Bai, R. Igland and T. Moan: "Tube Collapse under Combined Pressure, Tension and Bending", International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, Vol. 3(2), pp. 121-129, 1993. (SCI, EI)

61. Y. Bai, E. Bendiksen and P.T. Pedersen: "Collapse Analysis of Ship Hulls", Journal of Marine Structures, Vol. 6, pp. 485-507, 1993. (SCI, EI)

62. Y. Bai and P.T. Pedersen: "Elastic-plastic Behaviour of Offshore Steel Structures under Impact Loads", International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol.13 (1), pp. 99-115, 1993. (SCI, EI)

64. Y. Bai and P.T. Pedersen: "Earthquake Response of Offshore Structures", Proc. of the 10th International Conference of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE '91), Stavanger, June. (EI)

2009年 浙江省"百人计划"引进人才

2010年 国家第五批"千人计划"引进人才


1、国际海洋力学与极地工程(OMAE---Int. Offshore Mechanics &Arctic Engineering)管线会议学术成员。


3、英国FLEMING EUROPE公司 Integrity Management of Flexible Flowlines & Risers 课程讲师

4、新加坡UNI STRATEGIC公司海底管道与立管课程讲师



2、中国海洋工程网和《海洋工程装备》 副主任委员


4、《Internatinal Journal of Ships & offshore Structures》编委









白勇主持了数十个大型船舶结构、海底管线/立管、水下生产系统、海洋平台结构设计、分析与风险评估项目。创立了立管的流固耦合振动理论、共振与疲劳强度分析、海底水流、共振与立管动力响应评估理论,提出了深水海底管道的抗屈曲和极限承载能力设计理论,从根本上改进了海底管道所采用的设计方法,分析手段和设计许容标准等,达到了国际领先水平,在工程实践中也得到了广泛的应用,在行业内享有较高的知名度 。