创建页面,内容为“Valerius Cordus (1515--1544),文艺复兴时期有一位植物学家和药剂师。他于1515年出生于德国,1544年病逝于意大利罗马,年仅29岁。…”
Valerius Cordus (1515--1544),文艺复兴时期有一位植物学家和药剂师。他于1515年出生于德国,1544年病逝于意大利罗马,年仅29岁。虽然Valerius Cordus的生命如此短暂,但他是西方植物学史和医学史上的一位著名学者。Valerius Cordus在德国植物学发展历史上具有重要地位。
Valerius Cordus的父亲Euricius Cordus (1486--1535)是一名学者—诗人、医生和植物学家。Euricius Cordus 对于德国现代植物学的早期发展具有重要影响。Valerius Cordus跟随父亲植物学和制药。Valerius Cordus先后到Marburg 大学(Philipp University of Marburg--Philipps-Universität Marburg)、莱比锡大学(University of Leipzig)和Wittenberg大学(University of Wittenberg) 求学。Valerius Cordus在病逝前的4—5年里主要供职于Wittenberg大学。
Valerius Cordus去世后,他的手稿(讲稿)主要由瑞士博物学家、文献编纂家Conrad Gessner (1516--1565)编辑和出版。
Valerius Cordus(1515--1544)的科学贡献主要有两大方面:
第一,在医学上的杰出贡献是1540年发现了麻醉乙醚(ether vs anesthesiology)[注:现在的中国人热衷于诺贝尔奖的点评和解读。如果Valerius Cordus还活着,这项工作可以获诺贝尔奖吧];
第二,在植物学的杰出贡献是对植物外部形态分类的描述规范化,并且研究植物内部结构(internal structure of plants),如观察茎、叶柄的切片(stem & petiole sections),将解剖学信息用于分类学描述(taxonomic descriptions)。
∮2 Valerius Cordus 基本生平
Brief chronology of German physician and botanist Valerius Cordus (1515--1544)
--1515: Bornin Hesse (maybe Erfurt) Germany; [Valerius Cordus’ father is Euricius Cordus (1486--1535), a German scholar—poet, physician and botanist.]
--1527—1533: Studied botany and pharmacy under his father Euricius Cordus;
--1527: Began to study at the Philipp University of Marburg (Philipps-Universität Marburg);
--1531: Received B.A. from the Philipp University of Marburg;
--1531: Began to study at the University of Leipzig and work at an apothecary shop in Leipzig owned by his uncle;
--1539—1544: Studied medicine and delivered lectures on materia medica at University of Wittenberg; received MD from University of Wittenberg in 1544;
--1540: Became the first person to synthesize ether by adding sulfuric acid to ethyl alcohol;
--1542-1544: Made trips to Italy;
--1544: The five-volume Historia Plantarum were published;
--1544: Died in Rome, Italy at age of 29.
N.B. Valerius Cordus’ posthumous works were compiled and published by Swiss naturalist and bibliographer Conrad Gessner (1516--1565).
Valerius Cordus的父亲Euricius Cordus (1486--1535)是一名学者—诗人、医生和植物学家。Euricius Cordus 对于德国现代植物学的早期发展具有重要影响。Valerius Cordus跟随父亲植物学和制药。Valerius Cordus先后到Marburg 大学(Philipp University of Marburg--Philipps-Universität Marburg)、莱比锡大学(University of Leipzig)和Wittenberg大学(University of Wittenberg) 求学。Valerius Cordus在病逝前的4—5年里主要供职于Wittenberg大学。
Valerius Cordus去世后,他的手稿(讲稿)主要由瑞士博物学家、文献编纂家Conrad Gessner (1516--1565)编辑和出版。
Valerius Cordus(1515--1544)的科学贡献主要有两大方面:
第一,在医学上的杰出贡献是1540年发现了麻醉乙醚(ether vs anesthesiology)[注:现在的中国人热衷于诺贝尔奖的点评和解读。如果Valerius Cordus还活着,这项工作可以获诺贝尔奖吧];
第二,在植物学的杰出贡献是对植物外部形态分类的描述规范化,并且研究植物内部结构(internal structure of plants),如观察茎、叶柄的切片(stem & petiole sections),将解剖学信息用于分类学描述(taxonomic descriptions)。
∮2 Valerius Cordus 基本生平
Brief chronology of German physician and botanist Valerius Cordus (1515--1544)
--1515: Bornin Hesse (maybe Erfurt) Germany; [Valerius Cordus’ father is Euricius Cordus (1486--1535), a German scholar—poet, physician and botanist.]
--1527—1533: Studied botany and pharmacy under his father Euricius Cordus;
--1527: Began to study at the Philipp University of Marburg (Philipps-Universität Marburg);
--1531: Received B.A. from the Philipp University of Marburg;
--1531: Began to study at the University of Leipzig and work at an apothecary shop in Leipzig owned by his uncle;
--1539—1544: Studied medicine and delivered lectures on materia medica at University of Wittenberg; received MD from University of Wittenberg in 1544;
--1540: Became the first person to synthesize ether by adding sulfuric acid to ethyl alcohol;
--1542-1544: Made trips to Italy;
--1544: The five-volume Historia Plantarum were published;
--1544: Died in Rome, Italy at age of 29.
N.B. Valerius Cordus’ posthumous works were compiled and published by Swiss naturalist and bibliographer Conrad Gessner (1516--1565).