

前往: 導覽搜尋


移除 483 位元組, 5 年前
美国有六个区域认证机构,它们主要功能在评估教育单位,包括公立和私立大学和学院及其他相关学校. 这六个机构是:
{| class="wikitable" |- | :Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools<br />|- | :New England Association of Schools and Colleges<br />|- | :North Central Association of Colleges and Schools<br />|- | :Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges<br />|- | :Southern Association of Colleges and Schools<br />|- | :Western Association of Schools and Colleges<br />|- | |- | 全美认证机构:<br />|- | :Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET)<br />|- | :Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS)<br />|- | :Distance Education and Training Council (DETC)<br />|- | :Council for Higher Education Accreditation(CHEA)<br />|}
* [[雷鸟国际管理学院]](Thunderbird School of Global Management)——位于格兰代尔
== [[ 阿肯色州]] Arkansas (Arkansas)==
**[[阿肯色大学]](University of Arkansas)
== [[ 加利福尼亚州]] California ==
=== 联邦大学 ===
* [[海军研究院]],[[蒙特雷县|蒙特瑞]](Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey)
* [[国防语言学院]],[[蒙特雷县|蒙特瑞]](Defense Language Institute, Monterey)
=== 公立大学 ===
* [[加利福尼亚州立大学|加州州立大学(California State University)]]
** [[圣塔克鲁兹加利福尼亚大学|圣塔克鲁兹分校]](University of California, Santa Cruz)
=== 私立大学 ===
* [[艺术中心设计学院]] (ArtCenter College of Design, '''ArtCenter''' or '''ACCD'''ArtCenterorACCD)* [[阿苏萨太平洋大学]](Azusa Pacific University, '''APU''' ) http://www.apu.edu/* [[加州理工学院]](California Institute of Technology, '''Caltech'''
* [[查普曼大学]] (Chapman University)
* [[克莱蒙学院]] ([[:en:Claremont Colleges|Claremont Colleges]]) http://www.claremont.edu/
* [[克莱蒙研究大学]] ([[:en:Claremont Graduate University|Claremont Graduate University]], '''CGU''') http://www.cgu.edu* [[克莱蒙特·麦肯纳学院]] ([[:en:Claremont McKenna College|Claremont McKenna College]], '''CMC''') http://www.claremontmckenna.edu/
* [[哈维穆德学院]] ([[:en:Harvey Mudd College|Harvey Mudd College]]) http://www.hmc.edu/
* [[金门大学]](Golden Gate University, San Francisco) http://www.ggu.edu/
* [[凯克研究院]] ([[:en:Keck Graduate Institute|Keck Graduate Institute]]) http://www.kgi.edu
* [[拉西瑞亚大学]](La Sierra University) http://www.lasierra.edu/
* [[拉文大学]](University of La Verne, '''ULV''' )http://laverne.edu/
* [[罗马林达大学]](Loma Linda University) http://www.llu.edu/
* [[洛约拉马利蒙特大学|罗耀拉马利蒙特大学 ]] (Loyola Marymount University, '''LMU''')* [[西方学院]](Occidental College, '''OXY''' )http://www.oxy.edu/
* [[太平洋大学|太平洋大学]] (University of the Pacific)
* [[太平洋联合学院]](Pacific Union College) http://www.puc.edu/
* [[波莫纳学院]] ([[:en:Pomona College|Pomona College]]) http://www.pomona.edu/
* [[加利福尼亚圣玛丽学院]] (Saint Mary's College of California)
* [[圣地亚哥大学]](University of San Diego, '''USD''' )* [[旧金山大学]]([[:en:University of San Francisco|University of San Francisco]] ,'''USF''' ,USF )* [[圣克拉拉大学|圣克拉拉大学]] (Santa Clara University, '''SCU''')
* [[斯克利普斯学院]] ([[:en:Scripps College|Scripps College]]) http://www.scrippscollege.edu/
* [[南加州大学]](University of Southern California, '''USC'''
* [[史丹佛大学]](Stanford University)
* [[西来大学]](University of the West, Rosemead) http://www.uwest.edu/
== [[ 科罗拉多州]] Colorado ==
=== 州立大学 ===
* [[科罗拉多大学波德分校]](University of Colorado Boulder)
* [[美国空军军官学校]](United States Air Force Academy)
=== 私立大学 ===
* [[科罗拉多学院]] (Colorado College)
* [[瑞吉斯学院]](Regis College)
== [[ 康乃狄克州]] Connecticut ==
* [[耶鲁大学]](Yale University)
* [[西康涅狄格州立大学]](Western Connecticut State University)
== [[ 德拉瓦州]] Delaware ==
* [[德拉瓦大学]] (University of Delaware)
== [[ 佛罗里达州]] Florida ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[佛罗里达大学]](University of Florida) http://www.ufl.edu/
* [[佛罗里达州立大学]](Florida State University) http://www.fsu.edu/
* [[佛罗里达国际大学]](Florida International University) http://www.fiu.edu/
''' 私立 '''
* [[安柏瑞德航空大学]](Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University) http://www.erau.edu/
== [[乔治亚州]] Georgia ==
''' 公立 '''
* 乔治亚大学系统(University System of Georgia)(22所分校) http://www.usg.edu/
''' 私立 '''
* [[埃默里大学]](Emory University) http://www.emory.edu/
== [[夏威夷州]] Hawaii ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[夏威夷大学马诺阿分校]] (University of Hawaii at Mānoa)
''' 私立 '''
* [[杨百翰大学夏威夷分校]](Brigham Young University Hawaii)https://byuh.edu/
== [[爱达荷州]] Idaho ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[爱达荷大学]](University of Idaho)
*[[北爱达荷学院]](North Idaho College)
''' 私立 '''
*[[爱达荷爱柏森学院]](Albertson College of Idaho)
== [[伊利诺州]] Illinois ==
''' 公立 '''
* 伊利诺大学系统(University of Illinois System)
** [[伊利诺大学厄巴纳-香槟分校]](University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
''' 私立 '''
* [[芝加哥大学]](University of Chicago) http://www.uchicago.edu/
== [[印第安纳州]] Indiana ==
''' 公立'''
* [[普度大学]](Purdue University) http://www.purdue.edu
* [[印第安纳大学与普渡大学印第安纳波里斯联合分校]](IUPUI) http://www.iupui.edu
''' 私立 '''
* [[巴特勒大学]] (Butler University)
== [[爱荷华州]] Iowa ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[爱荷华大学]](University of Iowa) http://www.uiowa.edu/
* [[北爱荷华大学]](University of Northern Iowa) http://www.uni.edu/
''' 私立'''
*[[格林内尔学院|格林内尔学院]] (Grinnell College)
== [[肯塔基州]] Kentucky ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[肯塔基大学]](University of Kentucky) http://www.uky.edu/
* [[爱许兰社区技术学院]](Ashland Community and Technical College ) http://www.ashland.kctcs.edu/
''' 私立 '''
* [[贝勒明大学]](Bellarmine University) http://www.bellarmine.edu/
== [[路易斯安那州]] Louisiana ==
''' 公立 '''
* 路易斯安那州立大学系统(Louisiana State University System)(11所分校) https://web.archive.org/web/20041001050039/http://www.lsusystem.lsu.edu/
** [[新奥尔良大学]](University of New Orleans) http://www.uno.edu/
''' 私立 '''
* [[杜兰大学]](Tulane University) http://www.tulane.edu/
== [[马里兰州]] Maryland ==
''' 公立 '''
*[[马里兰大学系统]](University System of Maryland)
** [[马里兰大学学院市分校]](University of Maryland, College Park}) http://www.umd.edu/
''' 私立 '''
* [[约翰霍普金斯大学]](Johns Hopkins University) http://www.jhu.edu/
== [[麻萨诸塞州]] Massachusetts ==
''' 私立 '''
* [[安默斯特学院]](Amherst College) https://www.amherst.edu
* [[伍斯特理工学院|伍斯特理工学院]] (Worcester Polytechnic Institute,WPI)
''' 公立 '''
* [[麻省大学]](University of Massachusetts)https://web.archive.org/web/20091125061607/http://www.massachusetts.edu/index.html
== [[密西根州]] Michigan ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[凯尔文学院]](Calvin College) http://www.calvin.edu
* [[底特律梅西大学]] (University of Detroit Mercy, '''UDM''')
* [[密西根大学]](University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)(校总区)(3所分校) https://web.archive.org/web/20041012030309/http://www.umich.edu/noflash.html
* [[密西根州立大学]](Michigan State University)http://www.msu.edu/
''' 私立 '''
* [[安德鲁斯大学]](Andrews University)http://www.andrews.edu/
== [[明尼苏达州]] Minnesota ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[明尼苏达大学]](University of Minnesota, Twin Cities) http://www.umn.edu/
* [[伯米吉州立大学]](Bemidji State University) http://www.bemidjistate.edu/
''' 私立 '''
* [[卡尔顿学院]](Carleton College ) https://www.carleton.edu
== [[密西西比州]] Mississippi ==
''' 公立 '''
*[[密西西比州立大学]](Mississippi State University)
*[[南密西西比大学]](University of Southern Mississippi)
''' 私立 '''
* [[密西西比学院]](Mississippi College) http://www.mc.edu/
== [[密苏里州]] Missouri ==
''' 公立 '''
**[[密苏里大学]](University of Missouri)
**[[密苏里科技大学]](Missouri University of Science and Technology)
''' 私立 '''
*[[圣路易大学]](Saint Louis University)
* [[圣路易斯华盛顿大学|华盛顿大学 (圣路易斯市)]](Washington University in St. Louis) http://www.wustl.edu/
== [[新罕布什尔州]] New Hampshire ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[新罕布什尔大学]](University of New Hampshire) http://www.unh.edu/
''' 私立 '''
* [[达特茅斯学院]](Dartmouth College) http://www.dartmouth.edu/
== [[新泽西州]] New Jersey ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[罗格斯大学]](Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey) http://www.rutgers.edu
* [[新泽西理工学院]](New Jersey Institute of Technology) http://www.njit.edu/
''' 私立 '''
* [[普林斯顿大学]](Princeton University) http://www.princeton.edu
== [[纽约州]] New York ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[纽约州立大学]](State University of New York) http://www.suny.edu/
*[[西点军校]] (The United States Military Academy at West Point)
''' 私立 '''
* [[巴纳德学院|巴纳德学院]] (Barnard College)
== [[北卡罗莱纳州]] North Carolina ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[北卡罗莱纳大学]]系统(University of North Carolina System)(17所分校): http://www.northcarolina.edu/
**[[Winston-Salem State University|温斯顿-赛伦州立大学]](Winston-Salem State University) http://www.wssu.edu
''' 私立 '''
* [[杜克大学]](Duke University) http://www.duke.edu/
== [[奥克拉荷马州]] Oklahoma ==
''' 公立 '''
*[[奥克拉荷马大学]](University of Oklahoma)
*[[奥克拉荷马州立大学]](Oklahoma State University)
''' 私立 '''
* [[塔尔萨大学|塔尔萨大学]] (University of Tulsa)
== [[俄勒冈州]] Oregon ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[俄勒冈大学]](University of Oregon) http://www.uoregon.edu/
* [[南奥勒冈大学]](Southern Oregon University) http://www.sou.edu/
''' 私立 '''
* [[里德学院]](Reed College) http://www.reed.edu/
== [[宾夕法尼亚州]] Pennsylvania ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[宾州州立大学]](Pennsylvania State University System) http://www.psu.edu/
** 公园分校(Pennsylvania State University, University Park)(校总区)
* [[宾州印第安纳大学]](Indiana University of Pennsylvania) http://www.iup.edu/
''' 私立 '''
* [[布林莫尔学院]] (Bryn Mawr College)
== [[罗得岛州]] Rhode Island ==
''' 私立 '''
* [[布莱恩特大学]] (Bryant University)
== [[南卡罗来纳州]] South Carolina ==
''' 公立'''
* [[南卡罗来纳大学]](University of South Carolina)
''' 私立'''
* [[傅尔曼大学]] (Furman University)
== [[田纳西州]] Tennessee ==
''' 私立 '''
* [[范德堡大学|-{范}-德堡大学]](Vanderbilt University) http://www.vanderbilt.edu/
''' 公立 '''
* [[田纳西大学]](University of Tennessee) http://www.utk.edu/
== [[得克萨斯州]] Texas ==
''' 公立 '''
*[[休斯敦大学]](University of Houston)
** [[UT MD Anderson Cancer Center]] (UT MD Anderson Cancer Center)
''' 私立 '''
* [[贝勒大学]](Baylor University) http://www.baylor.edu/
* [[西南复临大学]](Southwestern Adventist University)http://www.swau.edu/
* [[南美以美大学]](Southern Methodist University http://www.smu.edu/
* [[德克萨斯基督教大学|得克萨斯基督教大学]] (Texas Christian University, '''TCU''')
== [[犹他州]] Utah ==
''' 公立'''
* [[犹他大学|犹他大学]] (University of Utah)
''' 私立'''
* [[杨百翰大学]] (Brigham Young University, '''BYU''')
== [[佛蒙特州]] Vermont ==
== [[维吉尼亚州]] Virginia ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[威廉与玛丽学院]](College of William and Mary)
* [[维吉尼亚理工学院暨州立大学]](Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
''' 私立 '''
* [[北弗吉尼亚大学]](University of Northern Virginia)
== [[华盛顿特区]] Washington, DC ==
''' 私立 '''
* [[美利坚大学]] (American University) http://www.american.edu/
== [[华盛顿州]] Washington ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[西雅图华盛顿大学|华盛顿大学]](University of Washington) http://www.washington.edu/
* [[东华盛顿大学]](Eastern Washington University)http://www.ewu.edu/
''' 私立 '''
* [[瓦拉瓦拉大学]](Walla Walla University)http://www.wallawalla.edu/
== [[西维吉尼亚州]] West Virginia ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[西维吉尼亚大学]](West Virginia University)http://www.wvu.edu/
== [[威斯康辛州]] Wisconsin ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[威斯康辛大学]]系统(University of Wisconsin System)(12所分校)
''' 私立 '''
* [[劳伦斯大学]] (Lawrence University)
== [[怀俄明州]] Wyoming ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[怀俄明大学]](University of Wyoming)http://www.uwyo.edu/