

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋




2006 東南大學交通學院 測繪工程 學士

2009 南京大學商學院 企業管理 碩士

2014 香港城市大學商學院 戰略市場營銷 博士













家族企業治理與傳承 CEO及高管團隊的戰略決策、執行及其優化


In Peer Reviewed English Journals

[1] Xiao Zhang, Weiguo Zhong (equal authorship and corresponding author), & Shige Makino. 2015. Customer involvement and firm performance in international service setting: An integrative framework, Journal of International Business Studies, 46(3), 355-380.

[2] Weiguo Zhong, Chenting Su, Jisheng Peng, & Zhilin Yang. 2015. Trust in interorganizational relationships: A meta-analytic integration, Journal of Management, in press.

[3] Yuanyuan Zhang, Weiguo Zhong, Amy N. Wen, & Dequan Jiang. 2014. Asset specificity and complementarity and MNE ownership strategies: The role of institutional distances. Industrial Marketing Management, 43(5): 777-785.

[4] Weiguo Zhong. 2013. Shadow of the past in the contract-trust interplay: A meta-analysis and a field study. Academy of Management Best Conference Paper Proceedings, 1-6.

[5] Weiguo Zhong, Haibin Yang, & Jeff Wang. 2013. Will you get what you want? Managerial ties, knowledge acquisition, and firm performance in China. Academy of Management Best Conference Paper Proceedings, 1-6.

[6] Weiguo Zhong, Jisheng Peng, & Chunlin Liu. 2013. Internationalization performance of Chinese multinational companies in the developed markets, Journal of Business Research, 66(12): 2479-2484.

[7] Rui Nie, Weiguo Zhong, Meihua Zhou, Weidong Jiang, & Xuehua Wang. 2011. A bittersweet phenomenon: the internal structure, functional mechanism, and effect of Guanxi on firm performance, Industrial Marketing Management, 40(4): 540-549.

[8] Jisheng Peng, Weiguo Zhong, & Shihong Wang. Harmony or conflict? 2009. The coordination of Chinese technology policy (1978-2006). Journal of Technology Management in China, 4(3): 217-238.

In Peer Reviewed Chinese Journals

[1] 席猛,許勤,仲為國,趙曙明,辱虐管理對下屬沉默行為的影響:一個跨層次多特徵的調節模型,南開管理評論,2015(3)。

[2] 李蘭等,企業經營者對宏觀形勢及企業經營狀況的判斷、問題和建議,管理世界,2014(12):21-38。

[3] 彭紀生,仲為國,地方政府間競爭:經濟溢出和技術溢出視角,學海,2011(1):9-14。

[4] 仲為國,彭紀生,孫文祥,政策協同與技術績效:基於中國創新政策的實證研究,科學學與科學技術管理,2009(3):54-60。

[5] 彭紀生,仲為國,孫文祥,政策測量、政策協同演變與經濟績效:基於創新政策的實證研究,管理世界,2009(9):25-36。

[6] 彭紀生,孫文祥,仲為國,中國技術創新政策演變與績效實證研究(1978-2006),科研管理,2008(4):134-150, 中國人民大學書報資料中心複印報刊資料《創新政策與管理》2009(1)全文轉載。

[7] 仲為國,彭紀生,孫文祥,政策測量、政策協同與經濟績效,南方經濟,2008(7):19-31。

[8] 仲為國,彭紀生,科技政策定量研究探討,江蘇科技信息,2008(6):7-10。

Book and Book Chapter

[1] Zhixue Zhang, & Weiguo Zhong. 2015. Barrier to Organizational Creativity at Chinese Companies. In Building Innovation Capacity in China: An Agenda for Averting the Middle Income Trap, ed., A. Lewin, J. P. Murmann, & M. Kenny, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.

[2] Wenxiang Sun, Jisheng Peng, & Weiguo Zhong. Introduction to Innovation: Empirical Analysis on Evolution and Coordination of Chinese Technology and Innovation Policy. Economics and Science Press, Beijing, 2007.  Refereed Conference Papers and Presentations

[1] Jieyu Zhou, Qian Lu, & Weiguo Zhong. 2015. Deregulation Policy and Firm Acquisition Activity: How CS(i)R Helps (Hinders)? Academy of Management (AOM), Vancouver, Canada, August 10.

[2] Lucy Sojung Lee, & Weiguo Zhong. 2015. Opportunism, Identification Asymmetry, and Exchange Performance. Academy of Management (AOM), Vancouver, Canada, August 11.

[3] Chunlin Liu, Weiguo Zhong, & Lihua Qian. 2015. How Does Customer Structure Affect a Firm's Philanthropic Decision-Making? Academy of Management (AOM), Vancouver, Canada, August 11.

[4] Weiguo Zhong, & Haibin Yang. 2014. Illegitimacy recovery: The role of strategic networking. Academy of Management (AOM), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US, August 4.

[5] Weiguo Zhong, Haibin Yang, & Yuanyuan Zhang. 2014. Political ties and business exchange performance: A moderated mediation model. Academy of Management (AOM), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US, August 4.

[6] Weiguo Zhong. 2013. Shadow of the past in the contract-trust interplay: A meta-analysis and a field study. Academy of Management (AOM), Orlando, Florida, US, August 12.

[7] Weiguo Zhong, Haibin Yang, & Jeff Wang. 2013. Will you get what you want? Managerial ties, knowledge acquisition, and firm performance in China. Academy of Management (AOM), Orlando, Florida, US, August 12.

[8] Weiguo Zhong, & Yuanyuan Zhang. 2013. Ambidexterity and international services innovation. China Marketing International Conference Doctoral Consortium, Xuzhou, China, July 14.

[9] Weiguo Zhong. 2012. CEO succession as a response to social capital losses. Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference, Parallel Paper Session, Guangzhou, China, December 15.

[10] Weiguo Zhong. 2012. Will you get what you want by utilizing managerial ties in a business dyad? Asia Academy of Management (AAoM) Doctoral Consortium, Seoul, South Korea, December 10.

[11] Weiguo Zhong, Jing Hu, & Aisen Zhong. 2012. Do structural social capital and relational social capital function as substitutes or complements? Academy of Management (AOM), Boston, Massachusetts, US, August 5.

[12] Weiguo Zhong, & Xiao Zhang. 2012. Dealing with liability of foreignness in the internationalization of service firms. IACMR International Business Research Paper Development Workshop, Hong Kong, June 24.

[13] Weiguo Zhong. 2011. The intricacies of Guanxi: Two empirical studies. AMJ Special Research Forum Workshop, 「West Meets East: New Concepts and Theories」, Beijing, China, October 23.

[14] Weiguo Zhong. 2010. Does spillover effect matter? An integrated conceptual framework and empirical research of inter-regional relationship. International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference, June 16-20, Shanghai, China.

[15] Weiguo Zhong. 2008. Transformational leadership, organizational trust and organizational citizenship behavior. Research Student Consortium, May 19-20, Nanjing, China.

[16] Jisheng Peng, Weiguo Zhong, & Wenxiang Sun, Evolution of Technology Policy: A Comparative Analysis on Central and Local Government Based on Quantification (1978-2006), International Conference on Public Administration, (ICPA』2007), 2007, China, Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Public Administration, p931-939.

[17] Jisheng Peng, Wenxiang, Sun, & Weiguo Zhong. 2007. Validity or not: An empirical study on the coordination among departments of Chinese technology policy, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Innovation and Performance Management: 2145-2151.

[18] Wenxiang Sun, Jisheng Peng, & Weiguo Zhong. 2007. Evolution and performance: An empirical study on local technology policy based on quantification (1978-2006), Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Public Administration: 832-840.

[19] Wenxiang Sun, Jisheng Peng, & Weiguo Zhong. 2007. Evolution and performance: An empirical study of Chinese technological policy (1978-2006) under the evolution of marketization, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Innovation and Performance Management: 2240-2245.

[20] Wenxiang Sun, Jisheng Peng, & Weiguo Zhong. 2007. Why no absorption: An empirical study on the evolution and performance of Chinese technology policy (1978-2006), Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Manufacture and: 81-91.[1]
