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2019/07–至 今,合肥工業大學,土木與水利工程學院,講師,碩導
[1] 安徽省自然科學基金面上項目,基於數據融合的面向需求側非均勻熱環境MIMO優化控制研究,JZ2019AKZR0222,2019-2022,主持
[2] 合肥工業大學中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金資助,JZ2018HGBZ0188,通風管道負離子殺菌技術模擬研究,2018-2020,主持
[3] 貴陽恆大文化旅遊城會展中心中庭CFD模擬報告及優化建議,2018-2019年,主持
[4] 羅氏診斷包裝車間改造項目製藥工藝設備潔淨室氣流組織模擬優化,W2020JSFW0277,2019-2020年,主持
[5] 空調冷凍水系統二次泵變頻控制程序仿真模擬優化,W2021JSFW0026,2020-2021年,主持
[1] 《建築智能化控制》安徽省線上優秀課堂,2020;
[2] 合肥工業大學「中建交通獎教金」,2021;
[3] 合肥工業大學2021屆本科畢業設計(論文)優秀指導教師。
[1] Pei Zhou, Yi Yang, Gongsheng Huang, Alvin C.K. Lai, Numerical and experimental study on airborne disinfection by negative ions in air duct flow,Building and Environment, Volume 127, 2018, Pages 204-210.
[2] Pei Zhou, Yi Yang, Alvin C.K. Lai, Gongsheng Huang, Inactivation of airborne bacteria by cold plasma in air duct flow, Building and Environment, Volume 106, September 2016, Pages 120-130.
[3] Pei Zhou, Gongsheng Huang, Linfeng Zhang, Kim-Fung Tsang, Wireless sensor network based monitoring system for a large-scale indoor space: data process and supply air allocation optimization, Energy and Buildings, Volume 103, 15 September 2015, Pages 365-374.
[4] Pei Zhou, Gongsheng Huang, Zhengwei Li, Demand-based temperature control of large-scale rooms aided by wireless sensor network: Energy saving potential analysis, Energy and Buildings, Volume 68, Part A, January 2014, Pages 532-540.
[5] Pei Zhou, Gongsheng Huang, Experimental Study of Energy Saving Potential in Mixing and Displacement Ventilation with Wireless Sensor Networks, Procedia Engineering, Volume 121, 2015, Pages 1497-1504.
[6] Pei Zhou, Junqi Wang, Gongsheng Huang, An Evaluation of Heat Transfer Coefficient in an Independent Zonal Temperature Controls with CFD, Energy Procedia, Volume 105, May 2017, Pages 2260-2266.
[7] Pei Zhou, Junqi Wang, Gongsheng Huang, A coordinated VAV control with integration of heat transfer coefficients for improving energy efficiency and thermal comfort, WES-CUE 2017, 19-21 July 2017, Singapore.
[8] Pei Zhou, Caroline Fong, Alvin C.K. Lai, Numerical simulation for bioaerosol removal of applying negative ionizers in a ventilated room, 12th REHVA world congress CLIMA 2016, Aalborg, Denmark, 22-25 May 2016.
[9] Pei Zhou, Gongsheng Huang, A Case Study of Wireless Sensor Networks for Monitoring Indoor Environment in Large-scale Rooms, The 11th International Conference on Industrial Ventilation, Tongji University, VTT (Technical Research Center of Finland) and Tsinghua University, Shanghai, PRC, 26-28 October 2015.
[10] 一種貫流式通風負離子除菌鞋櫃(實用新型,專利號:201920391888.4)
[11] 一種單向直流貫通式負離子景觀樹(實用新型,專利號:201921344295.9)
[12] 一種可以釋放負離子的吊燈(實用新型,專利號:2020218031965)
[13] 一種可以釋放負離子的吊扇(實用新型,專利號:2020230608799)
[14] 一種通風座椅(實用新型,申請號:202121776457.3)
[15] 參編著作《中國室內環境與健康研究進展報告》2018-2019,中國建築工業出版社,ISBN:9787112246458。[1]