

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋

來自 搜狐 的圖片







國 籍 ---- 中國

職   業 ---- 教育科研管理工作者























來自 陝西師範大學 的圖片














1. 國家計委、農業部"七·五"重點項目"我國北方近十年沙漠化監測與發展趨勢預測"(主要參加人,1988-1990)。

2. 國家"八·五"重點科技攻關項目"塔里木沙漠石油公路防沙治沙綜合研究"(主要參加人,1991-1995)。

3. 中國科學院"百人計劃"項目"風沙活動過程中近地表風沙互饋機制"(負責人,1999-2002)。

4. 國家自然科學基金項目"近地表風沙流與風速廓線的互饋機制"(負責人,2000-2003)。

5. 中國科學院知識創新工程方向性項目"風沙流動力過程及其控制原理"(負責人之一,2000-2003)。

6. 國家973項目課題"中國北方土壤風蝕的定量評價"(第二負責人,2000-2005)。

7. 國家傑出青年科學基金項目"風沙邊界層動力學"(負責人,2002-2006)。

8. 中國科學院知識創新工程方向性項目"西北乾旱區沙塵釋放及其與環境的關係研究"(首席科學家,2004-2007)。



在風沙物理學理論研究方面取得了豐碩成果,突出地反映在土壤風蝕、風沙流、風沙地貌動力學、風沙互饋機理等領域。將國際著名地貌學家SCHUM關於流水侵蝕的理論擴展到土壤風蝕研究領域,建立了適用於我國北方乾旱半乾旱地區的土壤風蝕方程。根據風蝕氣候指數和地表可蝕性指數,確定了我國乾旱半乾旱地區風蝕強度的空間分布,從宏觀上揭示了我國土地沙漠化潛在危險的空間格局。通過大量的實驗發現,風沙物理學創始人R. A. Bagnold關於"沙質床面空氣動力學粗糙度的1/30定律"的局限性,為了獲得充分的證據,經過十多次風洞模擬實驗,終於修正了R.A.Bagnold的1/30定律"。應用現代激光技術,通過大量的模擬實驗,建立了風沙流速度廓線方程、風沙流結構的通用方程,首次測定了風沙流對氣流的阻力,指出風沙流是分散相阻力不可忽略的特殊氣固兩相流,提出了活動沙床在不同風沙活動強度下的空氣動力學粗糙度計算方法。在沙漠中長期觀測的基礎上,提出了沙源供應不充分條件下沙丘地貌的逆向演變學術思想。主動開展學科交叉研究,將傳統的風沙物理學與大氣邊界層科學融合,在學術界明確提出風沙邊界層的概念及對其研究的重要性,並潛心開展實驗和野外觀測研究,不僅成為我國風沙物理學研究的重要特色,而且被越來越多的國外同行接受、追隨。許多重要研究成果已在國內外學術刊物上發表,在學術界產生了積極的影響。現已發表論文120餘篇,其中SCI收錄期刊論文40餘篇。


來自 太原師範學院 的圖片





















1. 韓致文、陳渭南、陳廣庭、劉賢萬、董治寶,1993. 塔里木沙漠公路試驗段防沙工程效益分析. 中國沙漠,13(4):44-51.


2. 陳渭南、董光榮、董治寶,1994.中國北方土壤風蝕問題研究的進展與趨勢. 地球科學進展,9(5):6-11.


3. 董治寶、陳渭南、董光榮、楊佐濤、李振山,1995. 關於人為地表結構破損與土壤風蝕關係的定量研究. 科學通報,40(1):54-57(SCI).


來自 網絡 的圖片

4. 董治寶、董光榮、陳廣庭,1995. 風沙物理學研究進展與展望. 大自然探索,14(3):30-38.

5. 董治寶,1995. 中國土地沙質荒漠化簡評. 地理科學,15(3):295-296.

6. 董治寶、李振山、嚴平,1995. 國外土壤風蝕研究的歷史與特點. 中國沙漠,15(1):100-103.

7. 陳渭南、董治寶、楊佐濤、韓致文、張甲坤、張民力,1995. 塔克拉瑪干沙漠的起沙風速. 地理學報,50(4):360-367.

8. 韓致文、周玉麟、李曉雲、董治寶,1995. 豫北延津的風沙問題. 中國沙漠,15(4):378-384.

9. 楊佐濤、陳渭南、陳廣庭、董治寶、王 宏,1995. 塔克拉瑪干沙漠腹地的氣候表現. 中國沙漠,15(3):293-298.

10. DONG Zhibao, CHEN Weinan, DONG Guangrong, LI Zhenshan, YANG Zuotao, 1995. Quantitative relationship between soi1 erosion by wind and surface structure destruction. Chinese Science Bul1etin,40(6): 492-496(SCI).

11. Chen Weinan,Yang Zuotao,Dong Zhibao,1995. Vertical distribution of grain-size parameters of drifting particles of sand storms in Taklimakan Desert,Central Asia. Physical Geography, 16: 503-523(SCI).


12. 董治寶、陳廣庭,1996. 生物防沙物理學研究進展. 中國沙漠,16(增刊3):44-48.

13. 董治寶、陳渭南、李振山、楊佐濤,1996. 植被對土壤風蝕影響作用的實驗研究. 土壤侵蝕與水土保持學報,2(2):1-8.

14. 董治寶、董光榮、陳廣庭,1996. 以北方旱作農田為重點開展我國的土壤風蝕研究. 乾旱區資源與環境,10(2):31-37.

15. 董治寶、陳渭南、董光榮、陳廣庭、李振山、楊佐濤,1996. 植被對風沙土風蝕作用的影響. 環境科學學報,16(4):437-443.

16. 董治寶、李振山,1996. 六道溝流域土壤水分抗風蝕性分析. 中國沙漠,16(3):275-280.

17. 董治寶、陳渭南、李振山、楊佐濤,1996. 風沙土水分抗風蝕性研究. 水土保持通報,16(2):17-23.

18. 董治寶、陳廣庭,1996. 防沙工程. 見:中國石油天然氣總公司塔里木石油勘探開發指揮部,塔里木沙漠石油公路,石油工業出版社.

19. 陳廣庭、董治寶、嚴平,1996. 荒漠化:國際研究熱點與我國的研究戰略. 大自然探索,15(3):1-5.

20. 張春來、董光榮、董治寶、李長治,1996. 用風洞實驗方法計算土壤風蝕量的時距問題.中國沙漠,16(2): 200-203.

21. Chen Weinan, Dong Zhibao,Li Zhenshan, Yang Zuotao, 1996. Wind tunne1 test of the influence of moisture on the erodibility of 1oessial sandy loam soil by wind. Journal of Arid Environments, 34(4): 391-402(SCI, EI).


22. 董治寶、陳渭南、李振山、楊佐濤,1997. 風沙土開墾中的風蝕研究. 土壤學報,34(1):74-80.

23. 董治寶、陳廣庭、韓致文、顏長珍、李振山,1997. 塔里木沙漠石油公路風沙危害.環境科學,18(1):4-9.

24. 董治寶、陳廣庭,1997. 內蒙古後山地區土壤風蝕問題初論. 土壤侵蝕與水土保持學報,3(2):84-90.

25. 李振山、董治寶、陳廣庭,1997. 風沙運動數值模擬研究的進展. 乾旱區研究,14(1):63-68.

26. 王訓明、陳廣庭、董治寶,1997. 塔里木沙漠公路沿線起沙風與輸沙強度. 中國沙漠,17(2):168-172.


27. 董治寶、陳廣庭、韓致文、顏長珍、王訓明,1998. 塔里木沙漠石油公路沿線沙丘移動規律. 中國沙漠,18(4):328-333.


來自 網絡 的圖片

28. 董治寶,1998. 建立小流域風蝕量統計模型初探. 水土保持通報,18(5): 55-62.

29. 董治寶、李振山,1998. 風成沙粒度特徵對其風蝕可蝕性的影響.土壤侵蝕與水土保持學報. 4(4):1-5.

30. 李振山、陳廣庭、馮起、董治寶,1998. 塔克拉瑪干沙漠腹地縱向沙壟地表沙物質粒度特徵. 乾旱區資源與環境,12(1):21-27.


31. 董治寶,1999. 系統的研究、實踐的總結. 中國沙漠,19(1):94-96.

32. 董治寶,1999. 土壤風蝕預報簡述. 中國水土保持,(6):17-19.

33. 董治寶、高尚玉、董光榮,1999. 土壤風蝕預報述評. 中國沙漠,19(4):312-317.

34. 王訓明、陳廣庭、韓致文、董治寶, 1999. 塔里木沙漠公路機械防沙體系效益分析.中國沙漠, 19(2):120-127.

35. Zhibao Dong, Donald W. Fryrear, and Shangyu Gao, 1999. Modeling the roughness properties of artificial soil clods. Soil Science, 164(12): 930-935(SCI).


36. 董治寶,2000. 風沙物理學:研究沙塵釋放與控制的基礎. 科學對社會的影響,(4):42-44.

37. 董治寶、王訓明、劉連友, 2000. 中國乾旱半乾旱地區的風蝕. 中國沙漠, 20(2):134-139.

38. 董治寶、高尚玉、Fryrear, D. W.,2000. 直立植物-礫石覆蓋組合措施的防風蝕作用. 水土保持學報,14(1):7-11.

39. 董治寶、Fryrear, D. W.、高尚玉,2000. 直立植物防沙措施粗糙特徵的實驗研究. 中國沙漠,20(1):260-263.

40. 王訓明、董治寶,2000. 起沙風統計與輸沙量計算中的若干問題. 乾旱區資源與環境,14(3):41-45.

41. 嚴平、董光榮、董治寶、張信寶,2000. 青海共和盆地達連海沉積物示蹤的初步研究. 地球化學,29(5):469-474.

42. Dong Zhibao, Wang Xunming, Liu Lianyou, 2000. Wind erosion in arid and semiarid China: An overview. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 55(4): 439-444(SCI).

43. Zhibao Dong, Xunmin Wang, Guangting Chen, 2000. Monitoring sand dune advance in the Taklimakan Desert. Geomorphology, 35(3-4): 219-231(SCI).

44. Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Guangting Chen, 2000. On efficiency of sand-controlling system along the Tarim Desert Highway in Taklamakan Desert. The Journal of Chinese Geography, 10(2): 141-150.

45.Weimin Zhang, Jianjun Qu, Zhibao Dong, Xiaoze Li, Wanfu Wang, 2000. The airflow field and dynamic processes of pyramid dunes. Journal of Arid Environments, 45(4): 357-368(SCI).


46. 董治寶、屈建軍、劉小平、張偉民、王訓明,2001. 戈壁表面阻力係數的實驗研究. 中國科學(D), 31(11):953-958(SCI).

47. 王訓明、董治寶、陳廣庭,2001. 塔克拉瑪干沙漠東部部分地區風沙環境特徵. 中國沙漠,21(1):56-61.

48. 王訓明、董治寶、武生智、陳廣庭,2001. 土壤風蝕的一類隨機模型. 水土保持通報,21(1):19-22.

49. Zhibao Dong, Shangyu Gao, Donald W. Fryrear, 2001. Drag coefficients and roughness length as disturbed by standing vegetation. Journal of Arid Environments, 49(3): 485-505(SCI).

50. Zhibao Dong, Xunming Wang, Lianyou Liu, Aiguo Zhao, 2001. Aerodynamic roughness of fixed sandy beds. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106(6): 11,001-11,011(SCI).

51. Yan Ping, Dong Zhibao, Dong Guangrong, Zhang Xinbao, 2001. Preliminary results of using Cs137 to study wind erosion in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of Arid Environments, 47(4): 443-452(SCI).

52. Duan Zhenghu,Xiao Honglong, Dong Zhibao, He Xindong, Wang Gang, 2001. Estimate of the CO2 output from desertified sandy land in China. Atmospheric Environment, 35(34): 5915-5921(SCI, EI).

53. Yan Ping, Dong Guangrong, Dong Zhibao, 2001. 137Cs tracing of lacustine sediments in the Dalian Lake, Qinghai Province, China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 46(Supp.): 83-87(SCI).


54. 董治寶,2002. 拜格諾的風沙物理學研究思想. 中國沙漠, 22(2): 101-105.


來自 北京師範大學 的圖片

55. 董治寶、王濤、屈建軍,2002. 風沙物理學學科建設的若干問題.中國沙漠,22(3):205-209.

56. 董治寶、劉小平、王洪濤,2002. 風沙流中沙粒衝擊速度的分布函數. 科學技術與工程,2(5):53-55.

57. 劉小平、董治寶,2002. 零平面位移高度Marquart的算法. 中國沙漠,22(3):233-236.

58. 劉小平、董治寶,2002. 直立植被粗糙度和阻力分解的風洞實驗研究. 中國沙漠,22(1):82-87.

59. 劉小平、董治寶,2002. 濕沙的風蝕起動風速實驗研究. 水土保持通報,22(2): 1-4.

60. 王訓明、董治寶、屈建軍,2002. 塔克拉瑪干沙漠簡單橫向沙丘的形態學矢量特徵. 蘭州大學學報(自然科學版),38(6):110-116.

61. 何興東、趙愛國、段爭虎、董治寶、李志剛、陳珩,2002. 塔里木沙漠公路灌木固沙帶的防護效應. 生態學雜誌,21(4):26-30.

62. Zhibao Dong, Xiaoping Liu, Xunming Wang, 2002. Aerodynamic roughness of gravel beds. Geomorphology, 43(1-2): 17-31(SCI).

63. Zhibao Dong, Hongtao Wang, Xiaoping Liu, Aiguo Zhao, 2002.Velocity profile of a sand cloud blowing over a gravel surface. Geomorphology, 45 (3-4): 277-289(SCI).

64. Zhibao Dong, Xiaoping Liu, Xunming Wang, 2002. Wind initiation threshold of the moistened sand. Geophysical Research Letters, 29(12): 1585, doi: 10.1029/2001GL013128(SCI, EI).

65. Zhibao Dong, Xiaoping Liu, Fang Li, Hongtao Wang, Aiguo Zhao, 2002. Impact/entrainment relationship in a saltating cloud. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 27(6): 641-658(SCI, EI).

66. DONG Zhibao, QU Jianjun, LIU Xiaoping, ZHANG Weiming, WANG Xunming, 2002. Experimental investigation of the drag coefficients of gobi surfaces. Science in China (Series D), 45(7): 609-615(SCI, EI).

67. Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Jiawu Zhang, Guangting Chen, 2002. Geomorphology of sand dunes in the Northeast Taklimakan Desert. Geomorphology, 42(3-4): 183-195(SCI).

68. Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Jiawu Zhang,Aiguo Zhao, 2002. Relations between particle size, sand flux, air flow on the transverse dunes in Taklimakan Sand Sea, China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 27(5): 515-526(SCI, EI).


69. 董治寶、王濤、屈建軍, 2003. 100a來沙漠科學的發展. 中國沙漠, 23: 1-5.

70. 董治寶、孫宏義、趙愛國,2003. WITSEG集沙儀:風洞用多路集沙儀. 中國沙漠, 23: 714-720.

71. 劉小平、董治寶,2003. 固定沙質床面空氣動力學粗糙度研究.中國沙漠,23: 111-117.

72. 劉小平、董治寶,2003. 礫質床面的空氣動力學粗糙度. 中國沙漠,23: 38-45.

73. 劉小平、董治寶,2003. 空氣動力學粗糙度的物理與實踐意義. 中國沙漠,23: 337-346.

74. 王訓明、董治寶、屈建軍,2003. 塔克拉瑪干沙漠簡單線形沙丘形態-動力學過程研究. 中國沙漠, 23: 257-262.

75. 韓致文、董治寶、王濤、陳廣庭、顏長珍、姚正毅,2003. 塔克拉瑪干沙漠風沙運動若干特徵觀測研究. 中國科學(D),33(3):255-263(SCI).

76. 王洪濤、董治寶、錢廣強、趙愛國,2003. 關於風沙流中風速廓線的進一步實驗研究. 中國沙漠, 23: 721-724.

77. 韓致文、王濤、孫慶偉、董治寶、王訓明,2003. 塔克拉瑪干沙漠公路風沙危害與防治. 地理學報,58(2):201-208.

78. Zhibao Dong, Xiaoping Liu, Hongtao Wang, Aiguo Zhao, Xunming Wang, 2003. The flux profile of a blowing sand cloud: a wind tunnel investigation. Geomorphology, 49(3-4): 219-230(SCI).

79. Zhibao Dong, Xiaoping Liu, Hongtao Wang, 2003. The aerodynamic roughness with a blowing sand boundary layer (BSBL): A redefinition of the Owen effect. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(2): 1047, doi: 10. 1029 / 2002GL016318(SCI, EI).

80.Zhibao Dong, Xiaoping Liu, Hongtao Wang, Xunming Wang, 2003. Aeolian sand transport: a wind tunnel model. Sedimentary Geology, 161(1-2): 71-83(SCI).

81. Zhibao Dong, Hongtao Wang, Xiaohang Zhang, Michael Ayrault, 2003. Height profile of particle concentration in an aeolian saltating cloud: A wind tunnel investigation by PIV MSD. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(19): 2004, doi: 10.1029/2003GL017915(SCI, EI).

82. Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Jiawu Zhang, Jianjun Qu and Aiguo Zhao, 2003. Grain size characteristics of dune sands in the central Taklimakan Sand Sea. Sedimentary Geology, 161(1-2): 1-14(SCI).


來自 美篇 的圖片

83. Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, jianjun Qu, Jiawu Zhang, Aiguo Zhao, 2003. Dynamic processes of a simple linear dune - a study in the Taklimakan Sand Sea, China. Geomorphology, 52(3-4): 233-241(SCI).

84. HAN Zhiwen, WANG Tao, SUN Qingwei, DONG Zhibao, WANG Xunming, 2003. Sand harm in Taklimakan Desert highway and sand control. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 13(1): 45-53.

85. Duan Zhenghu, Wang Gang, Xiao Honglang, Dong Zhibao, 2003. Abiotic soil crust formation on dunes in an extremely arid environment: a 43-year sequential study. Arid Land Research and Management, 17(1): 43-54(SCI).

86. Liu L-Y, Shi P-J, Li X-Y, Dong Z-B, Wang J-H, 2003. Wind tunnel measurements of adobe abrasion by blown sand: profile characteristics in relation to wind velocity and sand flux. Journal of Arid Environments, 53(3-4): 351-363(SCI).

87.Liu L.Y., Shi P.J., Zou X.Y., Gao S.Y., Erdon H., Yan P., Li X.Y., Dong Z.B., & Wang J.H., 2003. Short-term dynamics of wind erosion of three newly-cultivated grassland soils in Northern China. Geoderma, 115(1-2): 55-64(SCI).

88. Chunlai Zhang, Jirui Gong, Xueyong Zou, Guangrong Dong, Xinrong Li, Zhibao Dong and Zhi Qing, 2003. Estimates of soil movement in a study area in Gonghe Basin, north-east of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of Arid Environments, 53(3): 285-295(SCI).


89. 王洪濤、董治寶、張曉航,2004. 風沙流中沙粒濃度分布的實驗研究. 地球科學進展,19(5):37-40.

90. 呂萍、董治寶,2004. 風沙邊界層動力學研究現狀及面臨的問題.乾旱區研究,21(2):22-124.

91. 呂萍、董治寶,2004. 戈壁風蝕面與植被覆蓋面地表性質粗糙度長度的確定. 中國沙漠, 24: 279-285.

92. 嚴平、董治寶,2004. 從2002 年第五屆風沙國際會議( ICAR - 5) 看沙漠科學研究的發展趨勢.乾旱區地理, 27(3):451-454.

93. 王訓明、董治寶、趙愛國, 2004. 簡單橫向沙丘表面物質組成、氣流分布及其在動力學過程中的意義. 乾旱區資源與環境, 18(4):29-33.

94. 錢廣強、董治寶,2004. 大氣降塵收集方法及相關問題研究. 中國沙漠, 24 (6): 779-782.

95. 屈建軍、王 濤、董治寶、張偉民、劉玉璋,2004. 沙塵暴風洞模擬實驗的綜述. 乾旱區資源與環境, 18(1):109-115.

96. 孫宏義、徐增友、董治寶、李芳,2004. 黃土高原北部風沙區噴播植物護坡研究. 西安科技學院學報,24(1):86-89.

97. 韓致文、王濤、董治寶、張偉民、王雪芹,2004. 風沙危害防治的主要工程措施及其機理. 地理科學進展,23(1):13-21.

98. Zhibao Dong, Xiaoping Liu, Xunming Wang, Fang Li, Aiguo Zhao, 2004. Experimental investigation of the velocity of a sand cloud blowing over a sandy surface. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 29(3): 343-358(SCI, EI).

99. Zhibao Dong, Guangting Chen,Xingdong He,Zhiwen Han, Xunming Wang, 2004. Controlling the blown sand along the highway crossing the Taklimakan Desert. Journal of Arid Environments, 57(3): 329-344(SCI).

100. Zhibao Dong, Hongtao Wang, Xiaoping Liu, Xunming Wang, 2004. The blown sand flux over a sandy surface: a wind tunnel investigation on the fetch effect. Geomorphology, 57(1-2): 117-127(SCI).

101. Zhibao Dong, Hongyi Sun, Aiguo Zhao, 2004. WITSEG sampler: a segmented sand sampler for wind tunnel test. Geomorpholoy, 59(1-4): 119-129(SCI).

102. Zhibao Dong, Xunming Wang, 2004. Geomorphology of the megadunes in the Badain Jaran Desert. Geomorphology, 60:191-203(SCI).

103. Zhibao Dong, Hongtao Wang, Xiaoping Liu, Xunming Wang, 2004. A wind tunnel investigation of the influence of fetch length on the flux profile of a sand cloud blowing over a gravel surface. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 29(13): 1613-1626(SCI, EI).

104. Xiaoping Liu, Zhibao Dong, 2004. Experimental investigation of the concentration profile of a blowing sand cloud. Geomorphology, 60(3-4): 371-381(SCI).

105. Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Jiawu Zhang, Lichao Liu, 2004. Modern dust storms in China: An overview. Journal of Arid Environments, 58(4): 559-574(SCI).

106. Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Lichao Liu, Jianjun Qu, 2004. Sand sea activity and interactions with climatic patterens in the Taklimakan Sand Sea, China. Journal of Arid Environments, 57(2): 225-238(SCI).


來自 北京雷速科技有限公司 的圖片

107. Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Jiawu Zhang, Jianjun Qu, 2004. Formation of the complex linear dunes in the central Taklimakan sand Sea. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 29(6): 677-686(SCI, EI).

108. Zhenghu Duan, Honglang Xiao, Zhibao Dong, 2004. Combined effect of Nitrogen-Phosphorous-Potassium fertilizers and water on spring wheat yield in an arid desert region. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 35(1-2): 161-175(SCI).

109. Zhenghu Duan, Honglang Xiao, Xinrong Li, Zhibao Dong, Gang Wang, 2004. Evolution of soil properties on stabilized sands in the Tengger Desert, China. Geomorphology, 59(1-4): 237-246(SCI).

110. HAN Zhiwen, DONG, Zhibao, WANG Tao, CHEN Guangting, YAN Changzhen, YAO Zhengyi, 2004. Observations of several characteristics of aeolian sand movement in the Taklimakan Desert. Science in China (Series D-Earth Sciences), 47(1): 86-96(SCI, EI).


111.董治寶,2005. 風沙起動形式與起動假說. 乾旱氣象,23(2): 64-69.

112.董治寶,2005. 中國風沙物理研究50年(I). 中國沙漠,25(3):293-305.

113.董治寶、鄭曉靜,2005. 中國風沙物理研究50年(II). 中國沙漠,25(6):795-815.

114. 金昌寧、董治寶、李吉均、陳廣庭,2005. 高立式沙障處的風沙沉積及其表徵的風沙運動規律. 中國沙漠,25(5):652-657.

115. 金昌寧、董治寶、李吉均、陳廣庭,2005. 公路防沙設計中誇大沙害嚴重性原因分析. 中國沙漠,25(6):928-932.

116. 羅萬銀、董治寶,2005. 風蝕對土壤養分及碳循環影響的研究進展與展望. 地理科學進展,24(4):75-83.

117. 王濤、陳廣庭、董治寶、崔義、傅革志、幸廣昌,2005. 內蒙古巴林右旗沙漠化治理模式與效益分析. 中國沙漠,25(5):750-756.

118. 韓致文、王濤、董治寶、姚正毅,2005. 塔克拉瑪干沙漠公路沿線風沙活動的時空分布. 地理科學,25(4):455-460.

119. 孫宏義、李芳、楊新民、董治寶,2005. 保水劑處理土壤的抗風蝕性能研究. 中國沙漠,25(4):618-624.

120. 王 濤、吳 薇、趙哈林、董治寶、薛 嫻, 2005. 沙漠化過程中生物量損失的初步評估:以內蒙古科爾沁地區為例. 中國沙漠,25(4):453-456.

121. 屈建軍、黃寧、拓萬全、雷加強、董治寶、劉賢萬、薛嫻、俎瑞平、張克存,2005. 戈壁風沙流結構特性及其意義. 地球科學進展,20(1):19-23.

122. Zhibao Dong, Ning Huang, Xiaoping Liu, 2005. Simulation of the probability of mid-air inter-particle collisions in an aeolian saltating cloud. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110(D24): D24113, doi: 10. 1029/2005 JD006070 (SCI).

123. Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Ping Yan, Zuotao Yang, Zhixin Hu, 2005. Surface sample collection and dust source analysis in northern China. Catena, 59(1): 35-53(SCI).

124. Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Ping Yan, Jiawu Zhang, Guangqiang Qian, 2005. Wind energy environments and dunefield activity in the Chinese deserts. Geomorphology ,65(1-2): 33-48(SCI).

125. Xunming Wang, Fahu Chen, Zhibao Dong, Dunsheng Xia, 2005. Evolution of the southern Mu Us Desert in North China over the past 50 years: An analysis using proxies of huaman activity and climatic parameters. Land Degradation and Development, 16: 351-366(SCI).

126. Xunming Wang, Zijiang Zhou, Zhibao Dong, Fahu Chen, 2005. Do humans create mineral dust in northwest China? Environmental Geology, 48: 609-614.(SCI).

127. Tao Wang, Weimin Zhang, Zhibao Dong, Jianjun Qu, Zhefan Jing, Wanfu wang, 2005. The dynamic characteristics and migration of a pyramid dune. Sedimentology, 52: 429-440(SCI).


128. 呂 萍、董治寶、李 芳,2006. 三種不同床面近地層湍流輸送特徵. 乾旱區研究,23(1):98-103.

129. 張克存、屈建軍、董治寶、俎瑞平、方海燕,2006. 格狀沙障內風速波動特徵初步研究. 乾旱區研究,23(1):93-97.

130. Changning Jin, Zhibao Dong, Zhinong, Li., 2006. Construction techniques for the Taklamakan Desert Highway: research on construction materials and results of field tests. Environmental Geology, 49: 915-922. Doi: 10.1007/.

131.Xunming Wang, Fahu Chen, Zhibao Dong, 2006. The relative role of climatic and human factors in desertification in semi-arid China. Global Environmental Change, 16(1): 48-57 (SCI).

132. Li Xie, Zhibao Dong, Xiaojing Zhen, 2006. Experimental analysis of sand particles' lift-off and incident velocities in wind-blown sand flux. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 21: 564-573.

133. Xiaohang Zhang, Hongtao Wang, Zhibao Dong, Michel Ayrault, 2006. Experimental determination of the concentration probability density function for a saltating particle layer. Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 334:13-18 (SCI).

134. Xunming Wang, Tao Wang, Zhibao Dong, Xiaoping Liu, Guangqiang Qian, 2005. Nebkha development and its significance to wind erosion and land degradation in semi-arid northern China. Journal of Arid Environments, 65(1): 129-141 (SCI).

135. Xunming Wang, Zijiang Zhou, Zhibao Dong, 2006. Control of dust emissions by geomorphic conditions, wind environments and land use in northern China: An examination based on dust storm frequency from 1960 to 2003. Geomorphology (in press, corrected proof, available online 6 June 2006) (SCI).

136. Zhibao Dong, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, Hongtao Wang, 2006. Analysis of the mass flux profiles of aeolian saltating cloud. Journal of Geophysical Research (accepted, in press) (SCI).

137. Wanfu Wang, Zhibao Dong, Tao Wang, 2005.The equilibrium gravel coverage of the deflated gobi on top of the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang, China. Environmental Geology (accepted, in press) (SCI).

138. Ping Yang, Zhibao Dong, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, Hongtao Wang, 2006. Height profile of the mean velocity of an aeolian saltating cloud: wind tunnel measurements by Particle Image Velocimetry. Geomorphology (accepted, in press) (SCI).

139. Ping Lü, Zhibao Dong, 2006. Wind tunnel experiments on the turbulent transmission over the near surface layer of different surfaces. Environmental Geology (accepted, in press) (SCI).

140. Hongtao Wang, Xiaohang Zhang, Zhibao Dong, Michael Ayrault, 2006. Experimental determination of saltating glass particle dispersion in a turbulent boundary layer. Earth Surface processes and Landforms (accepted, in press) (SCI).

141. Zhibao Dong, Guangqiang Qian, 2006. Characterizing the height profile of the flux of wind-eroded sediment. Environmental Geology (accepted, in press) (SCI).

142. Zhibao Dong, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, Hongtao Wang, 2006. Threshold velocity for wind erosion: the effects of porous fences. Environmental Geology (accepted, in press) (SCI).

143. Zhibao Dong, Guangqian Qian, Wanyin Luo, Hongtao Wang, 2005. Measuring the velocity of blown sand particles: A review of several commonly used methods. Measurement (submitted, in review) (SCI).

144. Zhibao Dong, Hongtao Wang, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, 2005. Relative threshold wind velocity in the lee of two-dimensional transverse dune ridges. Journal of Sedimentary Research (submitted, in review) (SCI).

145. Zhibao Dong, Qingsong, Mu, Hongtao Wang, 2006. Wind velocity profiles with a blowing-sand boundary layer: Theoretical simulation and experimental validation. Journal of Geophysical Research (submitted, in review) (SCI).

146. Zhibao Dong, Xiaoping, Liu, 2006. Defining the threshold wind velocity for moistened sediments. Journal of Geophysical Research (submitted, in review) (SCI).

147. Zhibao Dong, 2006. Wind shear with a blowing-sand boundary layer. Geophysical Research Letters (submitted, in review) (SCI).


1.董治寶、趙愛國、孫宏義, 2000. 防沙風速廓線畢託管. 專利號:ZL 99 2 54581.1,證書號: 第401549號.

2.董治寶、拓萬全、趙愛國, 2001. 沙粒躍移捕獲儀. 專利號:ZL 01 2 02733.2,證書號: 第465719號.

3.董治寶、趙愛國、孫宏義, 2001. 多路方口集沙儀. 專利號:ZL 00 2 64454.1,證書號: 第454101號.

4.董治寶、趙愛國, 2002. 風洞室開啟蓋板裝置.專利號: ZL 01 2 20414.5,證書號: 第475602號.

5.趙愛國、董治寶、屈建軍, 2002. 集沙儀. 專利號:ZL 01 2 22214.3,證書號: 第480064號.

6.趙愛國、董治寶、王 濤、屈建軍、李宏、拓萬全,2003. 風洞沙塵土壤風蝕測量儀. 專利號:ZL 02 2 61920.8,證書號: 第553692號.

7. 趙愛國、董治寶,2003. 野外便攜式防沙風速廓線測量儀. ZL 02 2 61931.3,證書號: 第553816號.

8. 趙愛國、屈建軍、董治寶、王 濤,2003. 倒置式防沙風速傳感器. ZL 02 2 61977.1,證書號: 第578186號.

9. 董治寶、趙愛國、王 濤、鄧 簡,2004. 大氣微塵收集器. ZL 03 2 62576.6,證書號: 第635154號.

10. 趙愛國、何寶山、董治寶、王 濤、董 智,2004. 集雪量器. ZL 03 2 18567.7,證書號: 第600500號.
