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李永山,台湾铭传大学资讯管理学系专任教师,毕业于台湾大学管理学院。主要专长Big Data, Corporate Information Technology Strategy, (Mobile) Electronic Commerce。


论文名称 作者 期刊名称 发表日期
结合群集分析与关联规则于违章建筑管理之研究 李永山、李惠玲 资讯管理展望 2013.12
A Research of Applying Data Mining Techniques on Options Pricing Model: Case Study of TAIEX Options Yung-Sun Lee, Yu-Fung Chen, Jin-Chuan Huang, Jhao-Bi Lin, Chung-Hsin Wu Journal of Informatics and Electronics 2009.12
Using Modified Delphi Method to Explore the Competition Strategy for Software Companies of Taiwan Yung-Sun Lee, Jin-Chuan Huang, Yung-Sheng Hsu Journal of Informatics and Electronics 2008.09

