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原图链接中国科学院动物研究所:中国科学院动物研究所(Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences)的前身是1928年成立的静生生物调查所、1929年成立的北平研究院动物学研究所和1930年成立的中央研究院动物研究所;1950年,成立了中国科学院昆虫研究室和动物标本整理委员会;1962年,成立动物研究所。










Yang Yu, Jindao Wu, Yong Fan, Zhuo Lv, Xuejiang Guo, Chun Zhao, Rong Zhou, Zhuo Zhang, Fuqiang Wang, Min Xiao, Ling Chen, Hui Zhu, Wen Chen, Min Lin, Jiayin Liu, Zuomin Zhou, Liu Wang, Ran Huo, Qi Zhou*, Jiahao Sha. Evaluation of blastomere biopsy using mouse model indicates the potential high-risk of neurodegenerative disorders in the offspring. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2009 Mar 11. [Epub ahead of print]

Minyue Ma, Xuejiang Guo, Fuqiang Wang, Chun Zhao, Zichuan Liu, Zhonghua Shi, Yufeng Wang,Ping Zhang, Kemei Zhang, Ningling Wang, Min Lin, Zuomin Zhou, Jiayin Liu, Qingzhang Li, Liu Wang, Ran Huo, Jiahao Sha,and Qi Zhou*. Protein Expression Profile of the Mouse Metaphase-II Oocyte. J Proteome Res. 2008; 7(11): 4821-4830.

Qingyun Mai, Yang Yu, Tao Li, Liu Wang, Mei-jue Chen, Shu-zhen Huang, Canquan Zhou, Qi Zhou*. Derivation of human embryonic stem cell lines from parthenogenetic blastocysts. Cell Research. 2007; 17:1008-1019.

Yu Y, Ding C, Wang E, Chen X, Li X, Zhao C, Fan Y, Wang L, Beaujean N, Zhou Q, Jouneau A, Ji W. Piezo-assisted nuclear transfer affects cloning efficiency and may cause apoptosis. Reproduction. 2007 May;133(5):947-54.

Yang J, Yang S, Beaujean N, Niu Y, He X, Xie Y, Tang X, Wang L, Zhou Q*, Ji W*. Epigenetic marks in cloned rhesus monkey embryos: comparison with counterparts produced in vitro. Biol Reprod. 2007 76(1):36-42.

Zhao C, Yao R, Hao J, Ding C, Fan Y, Dai X, Li W, Hai T, Liu Z, Yu Y, Wang Y, Hou X, Ji W, Zhou Q, Jouneau A, Zeng F, Wang L*. Establishment of customized mouse stem cell lines by sequential nuclear transfer. Cell Res. 2007 Jan;17(1):80-7.

Wang ErYao, YU Yang, Li XueMei, JIAO LiHong, Wang Liu* Effects of different nuclear transfer and activation methods on the development of mouse somatic cell cloned embryos Chinese Science Bulletin. 2007, 52 (1) :1-6

Tianqing Li, Shufen Wang, Yunhua Xie, Yongqing Lu, Xiuzhen Zhang, Liu Wang, Shihua Yang, Don Wolf, Qi Zhou* and Weizhi Ji*,Transplantable neural progenitor populations derived from rhesus monkey embryonic stem cells.Stem Cells. 2005 Oct;23(9):1295-303. Epub 2005 Jul 28

Tianqing Li, Shufen Wang, Yunhua Xie, Yongqing Lu, Xiuzhen Zhang, Liu Wang, Shihua Yang, Don Wolf, Qi Zhou* and Weizhi Ji*, Homologous feeder cells support undifferentiated growth and pluripotency in monkey embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells. 2005 Sep;23(8):1192-9. Epub 2005 Jun 13

Wang L, Zheng A, Yi L, Xu C, Ding M, Deng H. Identification of potential nuclear reprogramming and differentiation factors by a novel selection method for cloning chromatin-binding proteins. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2004, 325(1): 302-7

L.Wang, G.Z.Tong, H.Q.Liu, Z.B.Yang, H.J.Qiu, X.G.Kong, M.Wang., Proviral Genomic Sequence Analysis of Chinese Donkey Leukocyte Attenuated Equine Infectious Anemia Virus Vaccine and its Parental Virus Strain Liaoning. Science in China. Series C-life sciences, 2002, 45(1): 57-67.[6]
