

事实揭露 揭密真相
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2021中国高技术产业统计年鉴》,作 者:国家统计局社会科技和文化产业统计司 编,定 价:280,出 版 社:中国统计出版社。

书籍对于人类原有很重大的意义,但,书籍不仅对那些不会读书的人是毫无用处,就是对那些机械地读完了书还不会从死的文字中引申活的思想[1]的人也是无用的。 —— 乌申斯基[2]






第一部分 生产经营情况

Statisties on Production and Management

1-1-1 按行业分高技术产业生产经营情况(2020年)

Statisties on Production and Manage ment in High-tech Industry by Industrial Sector (2020)

1-2-1 各地区高技术产业生产经营情况(2020年)

Statistics on Production and Management in High-tech Industry by Region (2020)

1-2-2 按地区和企业规模分高技术产业生产经营情况(2020年)

Sisticties an Prnduction and Manaeement in High-tech Industry by Region and Scale of Enterprises (2020)

1-2-3 按地区和赞正注册类型分高技术产业生产经营情况(2020年)

Statistics on Production and Management in High-tech Industry by Region and Registration Status (2020)

1-2-4 按地区和行业分高技术产业生产经营情况(2020年)

Statistics on Production and Management in High-tech Industry by Region and Industrial Sector (2020)

1-2-5 按地区分国有及国有控股企业高技术产业生产经营情况(2020年)

Statistics on Production and Management in High-tech Industry of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises by Region (2020)

1-3-1 按行业分高技术产业投资增长情况(2020年)

Girowth Rate of Total Investment in High-tech Industry by Industrial Sector (2020)

1-4-1 各地区高技术产业投资增长情况(2020年)

Growth Rate of Total Investment in High-tech Industry by Region (2020)

第二部分 R&D及相关活动情况

Statisties on R&D and Related Activities

2-1-1 按行业分高技术产业研发相关情况(2020年)

R&D Statistics on Hiugh-tech Industy by Industrial Sector(2020)

2-1-2 按行业分大型企业高技术产业研发却学棋0/2020年

R&D Statisthes on High-tech Industry of Large-size Enterprises by Industrial Sector(2020)

2-1-3 按行业分中型企业高技术产业研发相关情况(2020年)

R&D Statistics on High-tech Industry of Medium-sized Enterprises by Industral Sector (2020)

2-1-4 按行业分国有及国有控股企业高技术产业研发相关情况(2020年)

R&D Statisties on Hiuh-tech Industry of State_naned and State-controlled Enterprises by Industrial Sector (2020)

2-1-5 按行业分内资企业高技术产业研发相关情况(2020年)

R&D Srstisties on Hiah-tech Industry of Do mestic Funded Enterprises by Industral Sector (2020)

2-1-6 按行业分惕有企业高技术产业研发相关情况(2020年)

R&D Statistics on High-tech Industry of State-owned Enterpnses by Industrial Sector (2020)

2-1-7 按行业分港澳合投资企业高技术产业研发相关情况(2020年)

R&D Satistics on Higb-tech lndustry of Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong. Macau and Tarwan by Industrial Sector (2020)

2-1-8 按行业分外商投查合业高技术产业研分姐学桔P12020年)

R&D Statistics on High-tech Industry of Foreign Funded Enterprises by Industrial Sector (2020)

2-2-1 各地区高技术产业R&D人员情况(2020年)

R&D Personnel in High-fech Industry by Region (2020)

2-2-2 按地区和企业规模分高技术产业R&D人员情况(2020年)

R&D Personnel in High-tech Industry by Region and Industrial Sector(2020)

2-2-3 各地区国有及国有控股企业高技术产业R&D人员情况(2020年)

R&D Personnel in High-tech Industry of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises by Region (2020)

2-2-4 按地区和登记注册类型分高技术产业R&D人员情况(2020年)

R&D Personnel in High-tech Industry by Region and Registration Status(2020)

2-2-5 按地区和行业分高技术产业R&D人员情况(2020年)

R&D Personnel in High-tech Industry by Region and Industrial Sector(2020)

2-3-1 各地区高技术产业k&D经费情况(2020在)

R&D Expenditure in High-tech Industry by Regjon(2020)

2-3-2 按地区和企业规模分高技术产业R&D经费情况(2020年)

R&D Expenditure in High-tech Industry by Region and Industrial Sector (2020)

2-3-3 各地区国有及国有控段企业高技术产业R.&D经费情况(2020年)

R&D Expenditure in High-tech Industry of State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises by Region (2020)

2-3-4 按地区和和登记注册类型分高技术产业R&D经费情况(2020年)

R&D Expenditure in High-tech Industry by Region and Registration Status (2020)

2-3-5 按地区和行业分高技术产业R&D经费情况(2020年)



  1. 思想指导人生,豆丁网,2013-01-15
  2. 乌申斯基的教育思想,中公教育,2021-09-19