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帝亞吉歐公眾有限公司(Diageo plc)是英國跨國酒精飲料公司,總部位於倫敦。帝亞吉歐是世界最大的蒸餾酒出產商,亦是重要的啤酒葡萄酒生產商。[1][2]

帝亞吉歐旗下品牌包括:斯米諾(Smirnoff)(世界銷量第一的伏特加[3]在手动语言转换规则中检测到错误(Johnnie Walker)(世界銷量第一的調和式蘇格蘭威士忌[4]百利甜酒(Baileys)(世界銷量第一的利口酒[5]健力士(Guinness)(世界銷量第一的司陶特啤酒)。[6][7]帝亞吉歐的白酒品牌則包括水井坊。此外,帝亞吉歐擁有酩悅·軒尼詩34%的股權,後者旗下品牌包括酩悅香檳(Moët & Chandon)、凱歌香檳(Veuve Clicquot)及軒尼詩(Hennessy)。[8][9]帝亞吉歐的產品銷往世界180多個國家,在大約80個國家設有辦事處。[10][11]





  1. Thompson, James. Johnnie Walker popularity helps Diageo to toast profits. The Independent (UK). 27 August 2010 [29 August 2010]. 
  2. Categories. Diageo plc. [29 August 2010]. 
  3. Diageo says would look at Absolut if up for sale. Reuters. 14 March 2007 [23 October 2011]. 
  4. Diageo and the brands that make the global drinks giant. London: The Telegraph. 7 June 2011 [23 October 2011]. 
  5. Diageo's heady cocktail is best left on the shelf. London: The Independent. 10 July 2003 [23 October 2011]. 
  6. A round of applause. The Jakarta Post. 12 September 2009 [23 October 2011]. 
  7. Our Brands. Diageo plc. [21 June 2011]. 
  8. Wines. Diageo plc. [29 August 2010]. 
  9. Boyle, Catherine; Walsh, Dominic. LVMH denies talk of Diageo bid for Moët Hennessy. The Times (UK). 22 April 2009 [29 August 2010]. 
  10. About Us. Diageo plc. [29 August 2010]. 
  11. Famous Brewer Expands with National Launch of Guinness Black Lager. PR Newswire. 24 August 2011 [24 March 2012]. 
  12. FTSE All-Share Index Ranking. stockchallenge.co.uk. [7 May 2013]. 
  13. 13.0 13.1 Diageo Case Study. Wolff Olins. [6 June 2012]. (原始內容存檔於2013年7月15日). 
  14. Yates, Andrew. Guinness' new name gets shareholder thumbs down. The Independent. 27 November 1997 [6 June 2012].