亞歷山大·舒爾金 |
![]() 出生 1925年6月17日 逝世 2014年6月2日 尊稱 迷幻藥物教父 知名於 美國藥物化學家 專業領域 推進MDMA實用化,舒爾金評定量表 研究領域 化學、心理學、精神哲學、生物學 五個字題目 描述 |
亞歷山大·「薩沙」·西奧多·舒爾金(英語:Alexander "Sasha" Theodore Shulgin;1925年6月17日-2014年6月2日)美國藥物化學家、生物化學家、藥理學家、精神藥理學家、作家,曾於20世紀70年代末向心理學家推薦將MDMA用於治療精神疾病。舒爾金發現、合成、測定了多達230種的精神藥物,並對其在致幻或動情(entactogenic)作用方面的潛力進行評估。[1]
出生於加利福尼亞州伯克利郡[2] ,其父為俄羅斯移民Theodore Stevens Shulgin(1893–1978)[3],其母Henrietta D. (Aten) Shulgin(1894–1960)則出生於伊利諾伊州[4][5],二者均在阿拉米達縣的一所公立學校擔任教師[6]。
1991年,舒爾金與他的妻子安·舒爾金 共同出版了《PiHKAL:化學的愛情故事 》(PIHKAL: A Chemical Love Story)。1997年,又共同出版了《TiHKAL:延續 》(TIHKAL: The Continuation)。這兩本書廣泛描述了他們的研究工作和個人對精神藥物的真實體驗。舒爾金成功開創了對這類化合物的描述綜合推理。他有一些顯著的發現,包括了2C*族 化合物(例如2C-B)以及DOx族 化合物(例如DOM )。
從海軍退役後,舒爾金返回伯克利並於1954年被加利福尼亞州立大學伯克利分校授予生物化學博士學位。1950年代末,舒爾金在加利福尼亞州立大學舊金山分校完成了精神病學與藥理學領域的博士後研究。舒爾金曾先後為Bio-Rad 公司及陶氏化學(Dow Chemical Company)公司工作,最終以高級研究員身份就職於陶氏化學。
由於其個人的幻覺體驗,舒爾金的研究重心仍傾斜於精神藥學,但在此期間他無法做太多的自主研究。由於舒爾金發明了第一種可生物降解(biodegradable)的氨基甲酸酯類殺蟲劑茲克威 ,陶氏為回報這一潛在利潤極高的專利而予以他極大的自主性,令其得以進行更進一步的研究。 在此期間,舒爾金應陶氏要求發明了一系列專利藥物,並將他在其他藥物上的發現發表於自然(Nature)、有機化學期刊(Journal of Organic Chemistry)等刊物中。最終,陶氏要求舒爾金不得再以公司名義出版其作品。
1966年底,為了追求自己的興趣,舒爾金從陶氏化學辭職。在加州大學舊金山分校醫學院,舒爾金為一個諮詢項目工作了兩年兼修讀神經內科。他在其所擁有的土地上籌建了一個家庭實驗室(home-based lab)(即「農場」),並成為了一名私人顧問。與此同時,舒爾金還為當地大學及舊金山總醫院(San Francisco General Hospital)授課。通過藥品執法管理局(Drug Enforcement Administration,DEA)西部實驗室主管Bob Sager的引薦,舒爾金與DEA建立了聯繫,開始為DEA特工召開藥理學講座、向DEA提供各種化合物之樣品,偶爾也作為見證專家出席法庭。1988年,舒爾金針對管制藥物出版了一本簡明的執法參考用書[10],並因此獲得DEA所頒發的數個獎項 。
為了研究精神藥物,舒爾金從DEA取得了分析實驗室資格並因此得到藥物管制條例(Controlled Substances Act)的豁免許可,這允許他製備與持有任何並不違法的藥物。舒爾金在住所後面的一個小型建築物中建立了一個實驗室,憑藉職權合成並試驗了部分潛在精神藥物的效果。
1976年,一名曾受舒爾金推薦、就讀於舊金山州立大學藥用化學系的學生向舒爾金介紹了MDMA[11]。該化合物由默克藥廠於1912年合成並作為醫藥中間體取得專利藉以壓制競爭對手,但其自身作用未曾被探明。舒爾金為MDMA設計出了一條新的合成路線,並在1976年使加利福尼亞州奧克蘭市的一名心理學家Leo Zeff 得知此藥物。Leo Zeff將小劑量的MDMA用於談話療法的輔助治療,隨後向數以百計的心理學家及全國的業餘治療師推薦MDMA,其中包括舒爾金後來的配偶Ann Shulgin ——她與舒爾金於1979年相遇並在兩年後與他結婚[8]。
經過自我試驗後,舒爾金聚集起一個由自1960年後常試用其發明的友人組成的小型群體;他們發展出了一個通過以特定詞彙描述視覺、聽覺及觸覺感受來為各種藥物分級的系統化方案,即舒爾金評定量表 。舒爾金私下試驗了以苯乙胺(包括MDMA:即為台灣常見的稱呼「搖頭丸」或「快樂丸」)麥司卡林及2C*族 )類和色胺類(包括DMT、脫磷酸裸蓋菇素及LSD)為主的上百種藥物,通過些微的化學改變,它們似乎可以衍生出無數有著不同效果(包括令人愉快或不愉快)的共系物,具體表現取決於個人狀況、物質與情境——這些都被精心記載於舒爾金的實驗室記錄中[8]。
1994年,當PiHKAL 出版兩年後,DEA突擊了舒爾金的實驗室,並因其他方寄給他的不明物質而處以其金額為$25,000的罰款。則以違反協議為由要求舒爾金交還許可證。在PiHKAL出版前的15年中,兩次有計劃的公開搜查均未發現其存在任何違規之處[12]。
在於2010年出現健康問題前,舒爾金主要致力於N-二烯丙基色胺系列(包括5-MeO-DALT 與5-MeO-MALT)化合物的研究[13]。
——舒爾金研究所(Shulgin Research Institute),shulginresearch.org
舒爾金晚年多居住在位於加利福尼亞州拉斐特的農莊。2008年4月8日,82歲的舒爾金接受了一次主動脈瓣置換手術[14]。2010年11月16日,舒爾金中風復發[15]。2010年末,一次皮膚移植術使他的左腳免於截肢。不幸的是,在此期間,舒爾金開始表現出阿爾茨海默症的早期症狀且伴隨著嚴重的短期記憶障礙。隨著舒爾金病情惡化,其妻子Ann Shulgin自2010年後開始變賣他們的家產以支付愈加高昂的護理費用。
2014年4月17日,Ann Shulgin在網路社交平台Facebook報告其丈夫已患有晚期肝癌[16]。2014年6月2日,舒爾金在家人及朋友的簇擁下於家中死去,享年88歲[17]。
- with Manning, Tania &; Daley, Paul. The Shulgin Index Vol 1: Psychedelic Phenethylamines and Related Compounds. Berkeley: Transform Press. 2011. ISBN 978-0-9630096-3-0..
- with Perry, Wendy. The Simple Plant Isoquinolines. Berkeley: Transform Press. 2002. ISBN 0-9630096-2-1..
- with Shulgin, Ann. A New Vocabulary. (編) Forte, Robert. Entheogens and the Future of Religion. Berkeley: Council on Spiritual Practices. 1997. ISBN 1-889725-01-3..
- with Shulgin, Ann. TIHKAL: The Continuation. Berkeley: Transform Press. 1997. ISBN 0-9630096-9-9..
- with Shulgin, Ann. PIHKAL: A Chemical Love Story. Berkeley: Transform Press. 1991. ISBN 0-9630096-0-5..
- Controlled Substances: Chemical & Legal Guide to Federal Drug Laws. Berkeley: Ronin Publishing. 1988. ISBN 0-914171-50-X..
- 1960–1979. Lab notebooks of Dr. Shulgin
- 1963. "Psychotomimetic agents related to mescaline". Experientia 19: 127. 19
- 1963. "Composition of the myristicin fraction from oil of nutmeg". Nature 197: 379. 20
- 1963. "Concerning the pharmacology of nutmeg". Mind 1: 299-302. 23
- 1964. "3-methoxy-4,5-methylenedioxy amphetamine, a new psychotomimetic agent". Nature 201: 1120-1121. 29
- 1964. "Psychotomimetic amphetamines: methoxy 3,4-dialkoxyamphetamines". Experientia 20: 366. 30
- 1964. with H. O. Kerlinger. "Isolation of methoxyeugenol and trans-isoelemicin from oil of nutmeg". Naturwissenschaften 15: 360-361. 31
- 1965. "Synthesis of the trimethoxyphenylpropenes". Can. J. Chem. 43: 3437-3440. 43
- 1966. "Possible implication of myristicin as a psychotropic substance". Nature 210: 380-384. 45
- 1966. "The six trimethoxyphenylisopropylamines (trimethoxyamphetamines)". J. Med. Chem. 9: 445-446. 46
- 1966. with T. Sargent, and C. Naranjo. "Role of 3,4-Dimethoxyphenethylamine in schizophrenia". Nature 212: 1606-1607. 48[18]
- 1967. with T. Sargent, and C. Naranjo. "The chemistry and psychopharmacology of nutmeg and of several related phenylisopropylamines". In D. H. Efron [ed.]: Ethnopharmacologic search for psychoactive drugs. U. S. Dept. of H. E. W., Public Health Service Publication No. 1645. Pp. 202–214. Discussion: ibid. pp. 223–229. 49
- 1967. with T. Sargent. "Psychotropic phenylisopropylamines derived from apiole and dillapiole". Nature 215: 1494-1495. 50
- 1967. with Sargent, T. W., D. M. Israelstam, S. A. Landaw, and N. N. Finley. "A note concerning the fate of the 4-methoxyl group in 3,4-dimethoxyphenethylamine (DMPEA)". Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 29: 126-130. 52
- 1967. with Naranjo, C. and T. Sargent. "Evaluation of 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) as an adjunct to psychotherapy". Med. Pharmacol. Exp. 17: 359-364. 53
- 1968. "The ethyl homologs of 2,4,5-trimethoxyphenylisopropylamine". J. Med. Chem. 11: 186-187. 54
- 1969. with T. Sargent and C. Naranjo. "Structure activity relationships of one-ring psychotomimetics". Nature 221: 537-541. 57
- 1969. "Recent developments in cannabis chemistry". J. Psyched. Drugs 2: 15-29. 58
- 1969. "Psychotomimetic agents related to the catecholamines". J. Psyched. Drugs 2(2): 12-26. 59
- 1970. "Chemistry and structure-activity relationships of the psychotomimetics". In D. H. Efron [ed.]. "Psychotomimetic Drugs". Raven Press, New York. Pp. 21–41. 60
- 1970. "The mode of action of psychotomimetic drugs; some qualitative properties of the psychotomimetics". Neur. Res. Prog. Bull. 8: 72-78. 61
- 1970. "4-alkyl-dialkoxy-alpha-methyl-phenethylamines and their pharmacologically-acceptable salts". U. S. Patent 3,547,999, issued Dec. 15, 1970. 63
- 1971. with T. Sargent and C. Naranjo. "4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenylisopropylamine, a new centrally active amphetamine analog". Pharmacology 5: 103-107. 64
- 1971. "Chemistry and sources". In S. S. Epstein [ed]. "Drugs of abuse: their genetic and other chronic nonpsychiatric hazards". The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. Pp 3–26. 65
- 1971. "Preliminary studies of the synthesis of nitrogen analogs of Delta1-THC". Acta Pharm. Suec. 8: 680-681. 66
- 1972. "Hallucinogens, CNS stimulants, and cannabis. In S. J. Mulé and H. Brill [eds.]: Chemical and biological aspects of drug dependence". CRC Press, Cleveland, Ohio. Pp. 163–175. 67
- 1973. "Stereospecific requirements for hallucinogenesis". J. Pharm. Pharmac. 25: 271-272. 68
- 1973. "Mescaline: the chemistry and pharmacology of its analogs". Lloydia 36: 46-58. 69
- 1973. "The narcotic pepper - the chemistry and pharmacology of Piper methysticum and related species". Bull. Narc. 25: 59-1974. "Le poivre stupéfiant - chemie et pharmacologie du Piper methysticum et des espéces apparentées". Bull. Stupéfiants 25: 61-77. 70
- 1973. with T. Sargent and C. Naranjo. "Animal pharmacology and human psychopharmacology of 3-methoxy-4,5-methylenedioxyphenylisopropylamine (MMDA)". Pharmacology 10: 12-18. 71
- 1974. with Kalbhen, D. A., T. Sargent, G. Braun, H. Stauffer, N. Kusubov, and M. L. Nohr. "Human pharmacodynamics of the psychodysleptic 4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenylisopropylamine labelled with [82]Br". IRCS (Int. Res. Comm. Sys.) 2: 1091. 73
- 1975. with Sargent, T., D. A. Kalbhen, H. Stauffer, and N. Kusubov. "A potential new brain-scanning agent: 4-[77]Br-2,5-dimethoxyphenylisopropylamine (4-Br-DPIA)". J. Nucl. Med. 16: 243-245. 74
- 1975. with M. F. Carter. "Centrally active phenethylamines". Psychopharm. Commun. 1: 93-98. 75
- 1975. with Sargent, T., D. A. Kalbhen, G. Braun, H. Stauffer, and N. Kusubov. "In vivo human pharmacodynamics of the psychodysleptic 4-Br-2,5-dimethoxyphenylisopropylamine labelled with [82]Br or [77]Br". Neuropharmacology 14: 165-174. 76
- 1975. "The chemical catalysis of altered states of consciousness. Altered states of consciousness, current views and research problems". The drug abuse council, Washington, D. C. Pp. 123–134. 77
- 1975. "Drug use and anti-drug legislation". The PharmChem Newsletter 4 (#8). 79
- 1975. with D. C. Dyer. "Psychotomimetic phenylisopropylamines. 5. 4-alkyl-2,5-dimethoxyphenylisopropylamines". J. Med. Chem. 18: 1201-1204. 80
- 1975. with C. Helisten. "Differentiation of PCP, TCP, and a contaminating precursor PCC, by thin layer chromatography". Microgram 8: 171-172. 81
- 1975. with Helisten, C. "The detection of 1-piperidinodydlohexanecarbonitrile contamination in illicit preparations of 1-(1-phenylcyclohexyl)piperidine and 1-(1-(2-thienyl)cyclohexyl)piperidine". J. Chrom. 117: 232-235. 82
- 1976. "Psychotomimetic agents". In M. Gordon [ed.] "Psychopharmacological agents", Vol. 4. Academic Press, New York. Pp. 59–146. 83
- 1976. "Abuse of the term 'amphetamines'". Clin. Tox. 9: 351-352. 84
- 1976. "Profiles of psychedelic drugs. 1. DMT". J. Psychedelic Drugs 8: 167-168. 85
- 1976. "Profiles of psychedelic drugs. 2. TMA-2". J. Psychedelic Drugs 8: 169. 86
- 1976. with D. E. MacLean. "Illicit synthesis of phencyclidine (PCP) and several of its analogs". Clin. Tox. 9: 553-560. 87
- 1976. with Nichols, D. E. "Sulfur analogs of psychotomimetic amines". J. Pharm. Sci. 65: 1554-1556. 89
- 1976. with Sargent, T. and N. Kusubov. "Quantitative measurement of demethylation of [14]C-methoxyl labeled DMPEA and TMA-2 in rats". Psychopharm. Commun. 2: 199-206. 90
- 1976. with Standridge, R. T., H. G. Howell, J. A. Gylys, R. A. Partyka. "Phenylalkylamines with potential psychotherapeutic utility. 1. 2-amino-1-(2,5,-dimethoxy-4-methylphenyl)butane". J. Med. Chem. 19: 1400-1404. 91
- 1976. "Profiles of psychedelic drugs. 3. MMDA". J. Psychedelic Drugs 8: 331. 92
- 1977. "Profiles of psychedelic drugs. 4. Harmaline". J. Psychedelic Drugs 9: 79-80. 93
- 1977. "Profiles of psychedelic drugs. 5. STP". J. Psychedelic Drugs 9: 171-172. 94
- 1977. with Nichols, D. E., and D. C. Dyer. "Directional lipophilic character in a series of psychotomimetic phenethylamine derivatives". Life Sciences 21: 569-576. 95
- 1977. with Jacob, P. III, G. Anderson III, C. K. Meshul, and N. Castagnoli Jr. "Mononethylthio analogues of 1-(2,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)2-aminopropane". J. Med. Chem. 20: 1235-1239. 96
- ↑ 舒爾金被許多人稱為「狂喜教父」,醫藥基金會,1 August 2014
- ↑ Ancestry.com. California Birth Index, 1905-1995 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2005. Original data: State of California. California Birth Index, 1905-1995. Sacramento, CA, USA: State of California Department of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics.
- ↑ Ancestry.com. California Death Index, 1940-1997 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2000. Original data: State of California. California Death Index, 1940–1997. Sacramento, CA, USA: State of California Department of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics.
- ↑ Ancestry.com. California Death Index, 1940–1997 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2000. Original data: State of California. California Death Index, 1940–1997. Sacramento, CA, USA: State of California Department of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics.
- ↑ Authors Biographical Monthly Service by Alberta Chamberlain Lawrence published by Golden Syndicate Publishing Company, 1952. [2015-02-08]. (原始內容存檔於2015-02-08).
- ↑ Ancestry.com. 1930 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2002. Year: 1930; Census Place: Berkeley, Alameda, California; Roll 111; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 320; File: 1029.0.
- ↑ 與已故迷幻化學家 Sasha Shulgin 談論死亡,博客.科學美國人,4 June 2014
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Bennett, Drake. Dr. Ecstasy. New York Times Magazine (New York Times). 2005-01-30 [2006-07-08]. (原始內容存檔於2011-11-17).
- ↑ Romero, Dennis. Sasha Shulgin, Psychedelic Chemist. Los Angeles Times. 1995-09-05 [2006-07-08]. (原始內容存檔於2007-03-26).
- ↑ Shulgin, Alexander. Controlled Substances: Chemical & Legal Guide to Federal Drug Laws. Ronin Publishing. 1988. ISBN 0-914171-50-X.
- ↑ 3,4-亞甲二氧基甲基苯丙胺 -俗稱為搖頭丸或稱莫莉 ,美國衛生與公共服務部,更新於2021-08-22
- ↑ DEA Raid of Shulgin's Laboratory. Erowid. 2004-01-08 [2006-07-08]. (原始內容存檔於2007-03-26).
- ↑ Vice Magazine – The Last Interview With Alexander Shulgin. [2015-02-08]. (原始內容存檔於2015-03-05).
- ↑ MAPS News 6/19/2008. [2015-02-08]. (原始內容存檔於2012-03-02).
- ↑ Psychedelic Research - Sasha Shulgin. [2015-02-08]. (原始內容存檔於2015-02-22).
- ↑ 存檔副本. [2015-02-08]. (原始內容存檔於2015-11-17).
- ↑ 存檔副本. [2015-02-08]. (原始內容存檔於2015-02-08).
- ↑ 存檔副本. [2015-02-08]. (原始內容存檔於2015-02-02).
- Erowid's Alexander Shulgin Vault
- Ask Dr. Shulgin(an inactive Q&A blog)
- Sihkal: Shulgins I Have Known And Loved "The Last Interview With Alexander Shulgin" on vice.com
- Opendemocracy-亞歷山大·西奧多·舒爾金 (1925-2014) 傳奇化學家、迷幻冒險家和作家於2014年6月2日去世
- 衛報-亞歷山大·舒爾金逝世訃告