席文(Nathan Sivin,1931年5月11日),國際著名科學史家,美國賓夕法尼亞大學科學史與科學社會學系教授,美國文理科學院院士,國際科學史研究院院士,中國科學院自然科學史研究所榮譽研究員。是美國科技史學家。他和李約瑟一樣,以研究中國科技史著名。席文現為美國賓夕法尼亞大學教授,專業為中國科技史、中國醫學史、中國哲學和中國宗教。
中國科技史、中國煉丹術史、中國天文學史、傳統中醫學、中醫史、中國哲學及中國宗教、中國與希臘科學比較等。與李約瑟同為知名漢學家。 作為李約瑟之後「第二代」學者中的傑出人物,席文對中國科技史研究影響深遠。2008年第12屆國際東亞科學、技術與醫學史研討會上特設了「席文教授榮譽日」,以表達對他的敬意。
他以哈佛大學博士論文為基礎出版的《伏煉試探》(1968)是研究中國煉丹術的開山之作。 1969年發表《中國早期數理天文學中的宇宙和計算》,是首位西方學者對中國古代曆法數理部分的詳細研究。 1987年發表《當代中國的傳統醫學》,對中國醫學史的研究提出了全新的視角。
著有精選論文集《中國古代科學》(1995)和《中國古代的醫學、哲學和宗教》(1995)。 與英國著名希臘科學史學者勞埃德(G.E.R. Lloyd)合作,從比較的角度研究中國古代科學和古希臘科學,合著《道與名:早期中國和希臘的科學和醫學》(2002),其中提出「文化整體」(cultural manifold)概念,即把科學與當時具體的文化、社會、政治等因素,作為不可分割的整體來研究。
席文教授出版的《授時: 1280年中國的天文學改革》,是他對《授時曆》歷時40年研究的結晶。 2009年「竺可楨科學史講席」由中國科學院自然科學史研究所與北京大學哲學系聯合舉辦,4月13日至4月22日於北京大學舉行科學史系列講座。席文(Nathan Sivin)教授是本次邀請的講席教授,授課主題為「科學史方法論」。
- 1968. Chinese Alchemy: Preliminary Studies. Harvard Monographs in the History of Science, 1. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Chinese translation, Taipei: National Translation Bureau, 1973.
- 1969. Cosmos and Computation in Early Chinese Mathematical Astronomy. Leiden: E. J. Brill. Separate book version of 1969 essay (see below).
- 1973. Chinese Science: Explorations of an Ancient Tradition. MIT East Asian Science Series, 2. Edited by Shigeru Nakayama & N.S. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Includes an introduction and three articles by N.S., listed below.
- 1977. Science and Technology in East Asia. Articles from Isis, 1913–1975. Selected and edited by N.S. New York: Science History Publications. Includes an introduction and an article by N.S., listed below.
- 1979. Astronomy in Contemporary China. A Trip Report of the American Astronomy Delegation. By ten members of the Delegation. CSCPRC Reports, 7. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences. Includes several contributions by N.S., including a chapter on the history of astronomy.
- 1980. Science and Civilisation in China. Vol. 5, Part 4. Chemical Discovery. By Joseph Needham, Lu Gwei-djen, Ho Ping-yu, & N.S. Cambridge, England: At the University Press. Includes a section by N.S. on the theoretical background of laboratory alchemy.
- 1984. Chūgoku no Kopernikusu (Copernicus in China), trans. Nakayama Shigeru & Ushiyama Teruyo 牛山輝代. Selected essays by N.S., 1. Tokyo: Shisakusha.
- 1985. Chūgoku no renkinjutsu to ijutsu (Chinese alchemy and medicine), trans. Nakayama & Ushiyama. Idem, 2.
- 1987. Traditional Medicine in Contemporary China. A Partial Translation of Revised Outline of Chinese Medicine (1972) with an Introductory Study on Change in Present-day and Early Medicine. Science, Medicine and Technology in East Asia, 2. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Center for Chinese Studies.
- 1988. Contemporary Atlas of China. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Consulting Editor. German translation: Bildatlas China. München: Südwest, 1989.
- 1989. Science and Medicine in Twentieth-Century China: Research and Education, ed. John Z. Bowers, William J. Hess, & N.S. Science, Medicine, and Technology in East Asia, 3. Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan.
- 1995. Science in Ancient China. Researches and Reflections. Variorum Collected Studies Series. Aldershot, Hants: Variorum.
- 1995. Medicine, Philosophy and Religion in Ancient China. Researches and Reflections. Variorum Collected Studies Series. Idem.
- 1996. History of Humanity. Scientific and Cultural Development. Vol. III. From the Seventh Century BC to the Seventh Century AD, ed. J. Herrmann & E. Zürcher. Paris: UNESCO. Integrated contributions on science, medicine, and technology.
- 2000. Science and Civilisation in China. Vol. 6, pt. 6. Medicine. Edited and with an Introduction by N.S. Cambridge University Press.
- 2002. The Way and the Word. Science and Medicine in Early Greece and China (with Sir Geoffrey Lloyd). Yale University Press.