姚志通 |
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姚志通,男,漢族,1981年出生,山西運城人。博士、副教授,浙江省中青年學科帶頭人[1]、中國環境科學學會、中國環境管理學會會員。就職於杭州電子科技大學材料與環境工程學院,主要研究方向為固體廢物資源化、生物質能源化 ,3篇論文入選ESI Top1%高被引論文,1篇入選熱點論文,1篇Back Cover文章 。學術代表作:A comprehensive review on the applications of coal fly ash, A review of the alumina recovery from coal fly ash, with a focus in China, Recycling difficult-to-treat e-waste cathode-ray-tube glass as construction and building materials: A critical review.
民 族 ---- 漢族
國 籍 ---- 中國
職 業 ---- 教育科研工作者
1個人簡介 2教育背景 3工作經歷 4主要貢獻 5主要榮譽 6社會兼職
姚志通,博士、副教授。入選全球前2%頂尖科學家榜單、浙江省中青年學科帶頭人。現為國際燃燒學會中國分會會員、中國環境科學學會循環經濟分會委員、巴塞爾公約亞太區域中心化學品和廢物環境管理智庫專家、《Circular Economy 》期刊青年編委會成員、《鹽湖研究》期刊青年編委會成員。現就職於杭州電子科技大學材料與環境工程學院,4篇論文入選ESI Top1%高被引論文,1篇入選熱點論文,1篇Back Cover文章,單篇引用>2000次。
2007.09---2010.06 浙江大學 海洋學院 博士;
2005.09---2007.06 浙江大學 動科院 碩士;
2001.09---2005.07 山西農業大學 動科院 學士。
2018.09---2019.09:帝國理工學院 工學院 訪問學者;
2012.06---至今:杭州電子科技大學 材料與環境工程學院 副教授;
2010.07---2012.06:清華大學 環境學院 博士後。
ZT Yao, XS Ji, PK Sarker, et al. A comprehensive review on the applications of coal fly ash. Earth-Science Reviews, 2015, 141: 105–121. (ESI Top1%高被引論文和熱點論文,IF 7.885)
ZT Yao, MS Xia, PK Sarker. A review of the alumina recovery from coal fly ash, with a focus in China. Fuel 2014, 120: 74-85.(ESI Top1%高被引論文,IF 3.52)
ZT Yao, TC Ling, PK Sarker, et al. Recycling difficult-to-treat e-waste cathode-ray-tube glass as construction and building materials: A critical review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2018, 81: 595-604.(ESITop1%高被引論文,IF 8.050)
ZT Yao, WP Su, DD Wu, et al. A state-of-the-art review of biohydrogen producing from sewage sludge. International Journal of Energy Research, 2018, 42: 4301-4312.(Back Cover文章)
Yu S, Su W, Wu D, et al. Thermal treatment of flame retardant plastics: A case study on a waste TV plastic shell sample[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 675: 651-657.
WP Su, QP Sun, MS Xia, et al. The resource utilization of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes [Mart.] Solms) and its challenges. Resources, 2018, 7, 46: 1-9.
ZT Yao, LQ Ge, WY Yang, et al. Finite dilution inverse gas chromatography as a versatile tool to determine the surface properties of biofillers for plastic composite applications. Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87 (13): 6724–6729. (IF 5.636)
ZT Yao, DD Wu, J Liu, et al. Recycling of typical difficult-to-treat e-waste: Synthesize zeolites from waste cathode-ray-tube funnel glass. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016.(IF 4.836)
ZT Yao, T Chen, HY Li, et al. Mechanical and thermal properties of polypropylene (PP) composites filled with modified shell waste. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, 262: 212-217. (IF 4.331)
ZT Yao, MS Xia, Y Ye, et al. Synthesis of zeolite Li-ABW from fly ash by fusion method. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 170(2-3): 639-644. (IF 4.144)
ZT Yao, DD Wu, JYY Heng, et al. Comparative study of surface properties determination of colored pearl-oyster-shell-derived filler using inverse gas chromatography method and contact angle measurements. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2017, 78: 55-59. (IF 2.211)
ZT Yao, JYY Heng, Senentxu Lanceros-Méndez, et al. Surface free energy and mechanical performance of LDPE/CBF composites containing toxic-metal free filler. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2017, 77: 58-62. (IF 2.211)
ZT Yao, DD Wu, JYY Heng. Solids surface characterization using computational algorithms: A case study for talc fillers. Applied Clay Science, 2017, 141: 212-218. (IF 3.101)
LQ Dai, ZT Yao, WY Yang, et al. CRAB SHELL: A POTENTIAL HIGH-EFFICIENCY AND LOW-COST ADSORBENT FOR DYE WASTEWATER. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2017, 26: 4991-4998. (IF 0.425)
ZT Yao. Response to Letter to the Editor: Discussion of "A review of the alumina recovery from coal fly ash, with a focus in China". 2014, 134: 699. (IF 3.52)
PK Sarker, S Kelly, ZT Yao. Effect of fire exposure on cracking, spalling and residual strength of fly ash geopolymer concrete. Materials and Design, 2014, 63: 584-592.(IF 3.501)
ZT Yao, MS Xia, HY Li, et al. Bivalve shell: not an abundant useless waste but a functional and versatile biomaterial. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 2014, 44(22): 2502-2530. (IF 3.468)
JH Li, FF Sun, ZT Yao, et al. Remediation of 1,2,3-trichlorobenzene contaminated soil using a combined thermal desorption-molten salt oxidation reactor system. Chemosphere, 2014, 97: 125-129. (IF 3.34)
ZT Yao, JH Li, XY Zhao. Molten salt oxidation: a versatile and promising technology for the destruction of organic-containing wastes. Chemosphere, 2011, 84(9): 1167-1174. (IF 3.206)
ZT Yao, JH Li, XY Zhao. Destruction of decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) in a ternary carbonate molten salt reactor. Journal of Environmental Management, 2013, 127: 244-248. (IF 3.188)
ZT Yao, JYY Heng, S Lanceros-Mendez, et al. Study on the surface properties of colored talc filler (CTF) and mechanical performance of CTF/acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene composite. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016: 676: 513-520.(IF 3.014)
ZT Yao, LQ Ge, XS Ji, JH Tang, MS Xia, YQ Xi. Surface properties studies of bivalve shell waste by the IGC technique: probing its significant potential application in the polymer industry. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 621: 389-395.(IF 2.999)
M Li, ZT Yao, T Chen, et al. The antibacterial activity and mechanism of mussel shell waste derived material. Powder Technology, 2014, 264: 577-582. (IF 2.349)
ZT Yao, T Chen, HY Li, et al. Preparation, characterization and antibacterial activity of shell waste loaded with silver. Journal of Materials Science, 2013, 48(24): 8580-8587.(IF 2.305)
ZT Yao, DD Wu, JH Tang, et al. A novel colored talc filler: Preparation and surface property determination using two distinct methods. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2016, 155: 54-61.(IF 2.217) ZT Yao, XY Zhao, JH Li. Study on 1,2,3-trichlorobenzene destruction in a binary (Na,K)2CO3 molten salt oxidation system. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2014, 33(1): 65-69. (IF 1.403)
ZT Yao, SH Tan, MS Xia, et al. Synthesis, characterization and sintering behavior of indialite ceramic from fly ash. Waste Management & Research, 2011, 29(10): 1090-1097. (IF 1.308)
ZT Yao, Y Ye, MS Xia. Synthesis and characterization of lithium zeolites with ABW type from coal fly ash. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2013, 32(3): 790-796. (IF 1.271)
MS Xia, ZT Yao, LQ Ge, et al. A potential bio-filler: the substitution effect of furfural modified clam shell for carbonate calcium in polypropylene. Journal of Composite Materials, 2014, 49(7): 807-816. (IF 1.173)
WY Yuan, ZT Yao, QW Zhang, et al. Characterization of residue from leached cathode ray tube funnel glass: reutilization as white carbon black. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2014, 16: 629-634. (IF 0.95)
ZT Yao, MS Xia, LQ Ge, et al. Mechanical and thermal properties of polypropylene (PP) composites filled with CaCO3and shell waste derived bio-fillers. Fibers and Polymers, 2014, 15(6): 1278-1287.(IF 0.881)
ZT Yao, MS Xia, Y Ye, et al. Kaliophilite from fly ash: synthesis, characterization and stability. Bulletin of Materials Science, 2011, 34(7): 1671-1674.(IF 0.88)
ZT Yao, MS Xia, Y Ye. Dilithium dialuminium trisilicate crystalline phase prepared from coal fly ash. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2011, 21(6): 877-881.(IF 0.855)
ZT Yao, JH Li, HH Xie, et al. Review on remediation technologies of soil contaminated by heavy metals. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2012, 16: 722-729.(EI)
ZT Yao, WY Yuan, ZM Xie, JH Tang. A novel debromination of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) by hydrothermal treatment with reactive minerals. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2015, 768: 612-621.
ZT Yao, WY Yuan, ZM Xie, JH Tang. Non-metallic materials from waste printed circuit boards (PCBs): Characteristics, environmental risk and recycling. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2015, 768: 576-587.
ZT Yao, JH Li, HH Xie, et al. Review on remediation technologies of soil contaminated by heavy metals. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2012, 16: 722-729.
ZT Yao, JH Li, MS Xia, et al. Study on preparation and characterization of gamma-Al2O3from coal fly ash. 5th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology, 15-17 Dec, 2010, Beijing, China, pp 628-630.
ZT Yao, JH Li, MS Xia, et al. The preparation of silica white from fly ash and its characterization. 5th International Conference on Waste Management and Techonology, 15-17 Dec, 2010, Beijing, China, pp 638-641.
XY Zhao, ZT Yao, JH Li. Study on the Properties and applications of molten salts. 5th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology, 15-17 Dec, 2010, Beijing, China, pp 628-630.
姚志通, 夏枚生, 葉瑛. 碳酸鈉和氯化鈉助劑對粉煤灰鹼熔的影響. 中南大學學報(自然科學版), 2011, 42(5): 1220-1225.(EI)
姚志通, 夏枚生, 葉瑛. 化學包覆法製備TiO2/SiO2複合物. 粉末冶金材料科學與工程, 2010, 15(5): 474-478.(EI)
姚志通, 陸甜, 李海晏, 等. 電氣石/H2O2體系對Cu(Ⅱ)-乙二胺四乙酸廢水的降解及反應機理. 硅酸鹽學報, 2009, 37 (4): 543-547.(EI)
姚志通, 李海晏, 夏枚生, 等. 由粉煤灰水熱合成方鈉石及其表徵. 中國有色金屬學報, 2009, 19(2): 366-371.(EI)
陳濤, 姚志通,朱振宏, 等.貝殼粉體表面改性及其在聚丙烯中的應用. 粉末冶金材料科學與工程, 2014, 19(1): 130-137.(EI)
李秀悌, 姚志通, 孫杰, 等. 利用粉煤灰製備白炭黑及其表面改性研究. 功能材料, 2009, 41(6): 939-942, 947.(EI)
李金惠, 董慶銀, 姚志通, 等. 我國廢舊電冰箱聚氨酯泡沫塑料管理現狀及對策研究, 中國環境科學, 2013, 33(12): 2262-2267.(EI)
李海晏, 陳濤, 張海燕, 姚志通, 等. 珍珠貝殼生物填料的製備及表面特性. 硅酸鹽學報, 2012, 40(11): 1671-1679.(EI)
代銀平, 王雪瑩, 葉煒宗, 范博媛, 茹英, 夏枚生, 姚志通. 貝殼廢棄物的資源化利用研究, 資源開發與市場, 2017, 33(2): 203-208.
葉煒宗, 代銀平, 王雪瑩, 姚志通. 羥基磷灰石的製備及其吸附性能的研究進展. 環境污染與防治, 2016, 09: 1-8.
姚志通, 李金惠, 劉麗麗, 等. 黃金尾礦的處理及綜合利用. 中國礦業, 2011, 20(12): 60-63, 66.
姚志通, 張路, 夏枚生, 等. 電氣石/H2O2體系降解Cu(II)-EDTA廢水的研究. 礦物學報,2009, 29(4): 435-441.
姚志通, 夏枚生, 葉瑛, 等. 循環流化床鍋爐脫硫灰和普通粉煤灰的特性研究. 粉煤灰綜合利用, 2010, 1: 6-8, 12.
姚志通, 夏枚生, 葉瑛. 粉煤灰基礦聚物材料的研究進展. 粉煤灰, 2010, 2: 38-41.
一種處理染料廢水的方法. 申請號CN201210360151.9, 2012-09-25.
一種利用黃金尾礦製備蒸壓磚的方法. 申請號CN201210518805.6, 2012-12-06.
一種電路板非金屬材料增強地質聚合物的製備方法. 申請號CN201310197480.0, 2013-05-24.
一種以廢含鉛玻璃為原料製備琉璃的方法. 申請號CN201310197496.1, 2013-05-24.
一種低鉛玻璃基地質聚合物的製備方法. 申請號CN201310197482.X, 2013-05-24.
一種玻璃絕緣子材料. 申請號CN201310197469.4, 2013-05-24.
一種處理氧化態污染物的生物質填料厭氧濾池. 申請號CN201410149174.4, 2014-04-14.
一種含溴化阻燃劑材料熱處理尾氣的處理方法. 申請號CN201310150898, 2013-04-26.
一種明膠接枝丙烯酰胺陽離子高分子絮凝劑的製備方法. 申請號CN201310017199.4, 2013-01-17.
一種用於吸附廢水中鉻離子的茶葉包. 申請號CN201320774086.4, 2013-11-27.
一種濕法提取廢CRT錐玻璃中鉛的方法. 申請號CN201410084912.1, 2014-03-10 .
Yao ZT. Generation, characterization and extracting of silicon and aluminium from coal fly ash. In: Sarker PK.(ed.).Fly ash: sources, applications and potential environmental impacts,ISBN:978-1-62948-044-2. Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2014, pp 3-58.
Yao ZT. Shellfish: Human Consumption, Health Implications and Conservation Concerns. In: Hay RM.(ed.).Shellfish Waste: Its Generation, Characterization and Versatile Applications, with a Focus in Bactericidal Application and Polymer Industry,ISBN:978-1-63321-195-7. Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2014, pp 265-344.
Yao ZT. Combinational approaches for antimicrobial packaging: Bivalve shell waste-derived material and silver. In: Jorge Barros-Velazquez (ed.). Antimicrobial Food Packaging, ISBN: 978-0-12-800723-5, Elsevier, 2015, pp 619-632.
杭州電子科技大學第七屆"十佳教師" 提名獎;
作為客座主編Lead Guest Editor,在國際SCI期刊Advances in Polymer Technology組織"Functional Fillers and Advanced Polymer Composites"專刊 。
國際SCI期刊審稿人,包括Environmental Science & Technology、Environmental Science and Pollution Research、Waste Management Research、Water, Air, & Soil Pollution、Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering、Environmental Technology、Applied Energy、Fibers and Polymers、Hydrometallurgy、International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems、Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry、Journal of Soils and Sediments、Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers、Polymer Composites、Science of the Total Environment、The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering。