





IEEE/CCF高級會員。 2000年4月於北京科技大學博士畢業留校,從事教學和科研工作。從2002年起,歷任北京科技大學計算機科學與技術系副主任、信息工程學院副院長、計算機與通信工程學院副院長、北京科技大學順德研究生院院長等職。擔任中國計算機學會普及工委委員,中國計算機學會普適計算專委員會委員等學術兼職業,中國人工智能學會智慧醫療專委會常委等學術兼職,全球異構計算標準聯盟(HSA)成員,中國材料與試驗團體標準(CSTM)委員會委員。


計算機系統結構 無線傳感器網絡 芯片與集成電路設計人工智能與大數據技術 基因組學生物信息學 基於多計算平台的設計



[1] Wang R, Xu C, Wu H, Shi Y, Duan S, Zhang X*. Gaussian Condensation Filter Based on Cooperative Constrained Particle Flow[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023.

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[3] Gong H, Li M, Ji M, Zhang X*, et al. MINE is a method for detecting spatial density of regulatory chromatin interactions based on a MultI-modal NEtwork[J]. Cell Reports Methods, 2023: 100386.

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[5] Wang X, Wang P, Zhang X*, et al. Efficient and robust Levenberg–Marquardt Algorithm based on damping parameters for parameter inversion in underground metal target detection[J]. Computers & Geosciences, 2023, 176: 105354.

[6] Gong H, Li M, Ji M, Zhang X*, et al. Calculating the spatial density of regulatory chromatin interactions using multi-modal datasets from the same cell line[J]. STAR protocols, 2023, 4(2): 102188.

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[10] Xiu H., He J, Zhang X*, et al., HRC-mCNNs: A Hybrid Regression and Classification Multi-branch CNNs for Automatic Meter Reading with Smart Shell [J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022, 9(24): 25752-25766.

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[12] Gong H, Yang Y, Zhang X*, et al. CASPIAN: A method to identify chromatin topological associated domains based on spatial density cluster[J]. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 2022, 20: 4816-4824.

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[15] Gong H, Yang Y, Zhang X*, et al. NeRV-3D-DC: A Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Visualization Method for 3D Chromosome Structure Reconstruction with High Resolution Hi-C Data[C]//2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). IEEE, 2022: 422-429.

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[18] Gong H, Yang Y, Zhang S, Zhang X*,et al. Application of Hi-C and other omics data analysis in human cancer and cell differentiation research [J]. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 2021, 19: 2070-2083.

[19] Wan J, Xu C, Qiao Y, Zhang X*, et al. Error constraint enhanced particle filter using quantum particle swarm optimization[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021, 21(21): 24431-24439.

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[21] Zhang P, Liang T, Glossner J, Wang L, Shi S, Zhang X*. Dynamic Runtime Feature Map Pruning[C]. Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (PRCV). Springer, Cham, 2021: 411-422.

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[27] Xu C, He J, Zhang X*, et al. Recurrent transformation of prior knowledge based model for human motion recognition[J]. Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2018, 2018.

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[29] Luo Y, Sun G, Zhang X*, et al. Adaptive time-delay estimation based on normalized maximum correntropy criterion for near-field electromagnetic ranging[J]. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2018, 67: 404-414.

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