Eyes like yours(李宇春演唱歌曲)
中文名稱:Eyes like yours
歌曲原唱:Shakira( 夏奇拉)
所屬專輯:《Laundry Service》
Eyes Like Yours
music on~~
Oh, you know I have seen
a sky without sun / a men with no nation
saints captive in chains / a song with no name
for lack of imagination
Ya he ya he ya la he
and I have seen / darker than ebony
ya he ya he ya la he
you know it seems that I / without your eyes could never be
My one desire / all I aspire
is in your eyes / forever to live
travelled all over / crossed lands and oceans
there is nothing / that I wouldn』t give
Came from bahrein / got to beirut
looking for someone / comparing to you
tearing down / windows and doors
and I could not / find eyes like yours
fi ainaiha aralhayati
Rabboussamai fikarrajaii
ati ilaika min haza lkaaouni
arjouka labbi labbi nidai
Came from bahrein / got to beirut
looking for someone / comparing to you
tearing down / windows and doors
and I could not / find eyes like yours
Oh,a woman of means and rags / and begging for pleasure
crossed a river of salt / the specter I rode
the ship that sank / in the
Ya he ya he ya la he
and I have seen / darker than ebony
ya he ya he ya la he
you know it seems that I / without your eyes could never be
My one desire / all I aspire
is in your eyes / forever to live
travelled all over / crossed lands and oceans
there is nothing / that I wouldn』t give
Came from bahrein / got to beirut
looking for someone / comparing to you
tearing down / windows and doors
and I could not / find eyes like yours
Rabboussamai fikarrajaii
fi ainaiha aralhayati
ati ilaika min haza lkaaouni
arjouka labbi labbi nidai
Came from bahrein / got to beirut
looking for someone / comparing to you
tearing down / windows and doors
and I could not / find eyes like yours
music on~~
Eyes Like Yours
music on~~
Rabboussamai fikarrajaii
fi ainaiha aralhayati
ati ilaika min haza lkaaouni
arjouka labbi labbi nidai
Came from bahrein / got to beirut
looking for someone / comparing to you
tearing down / windows and doors
and I could not / find eyes like yours
My one desire / all I aspire
is in your eyes / forever to live
travelled all over / crossed lands and oceans
there is nothing / that I wouldn』t give
Came from bahrein / got to beirut
looking for someone / comparing to you
tearing down / windows and doors
and I could not / find eyes like yours
李宇春(Chris Lee),中國流行女歌手、詞曲創作人、演員。2005獲得「超級女聲」總冠軍,成為中國首位民選超級偶像。兩次登上美國《時代周刊》並獲評「亞洲英雄」和「中國流行文化代表」,素有「舞台皇后」之稱。
2006年推出首張個人專輯《皇后與夢想》,年終銷量137萬張。並創立了個人品牌演唱會「WhyMe」。2008年推出概念專輯《少年中國》,獲得MTV亞洲音樂大獎「中國最受歡迎歌手」獎。2009年發行原創專輯《李宇春》,成為杜莎夫人蠟像館首位受邀製作蠟像的中國大陸女歌手。2010年成立個人工作室。2011年推出專輯《會跳舞的文藝青年》。2012年舉行瘋狂世界巡演 。連續五年成為世界自然基金會WWF「地球一小時」中國區推廣大使。2013年憑原創作品《再不瘋狂我們就老了》獲得EMA歐洲音樂大獎「全球最佳藝人」獎。並受官方邀請出席第66屆與67屆戛納電影節,並於第67屆戛納電影節上擔任頒獎嘉賓。截至2014年,李宇春共發行6張內地冠軍銷量專輯。2014年,李宇春榮獲World Music Award(世界音樂大獎)」Best-selling Chinese Artist」(中華區最高銷量獎),成為此殊榮的第一個內地歌手。
05年李宇春《eyes like yours》, 與原唱夏奇拉完全不同的風格, 贊