

Love will keep us alive(李宇春演唱歌曲)


I was standing All alone against the world outside

You were searching for a place to hide

Lost and lonely Now you've given the will to survive

When we're hungry love will keep us alive

Don't you worry

Sometimes you've just gotta let it ride

The world is changing

Right before your eyes

Now I've found you

there's no more emptiness inside

When we're hungry love will keep us alive

I would die for you

Climb the highest mountain

baby, there's nothing I wouldn't do

Now I've found you

there's no more emptiness inside

When we're hungry love will keep us alive

I would die for you

Climb the highest mountain

baby, there's nothing I wouldn't do

I was standing

All alone against the world outside

You were searching For a place to hide

Lost and lonely

Now you've given the will to survive

when we're hungry love will keep us alive

when we're hungry love will keep us alive

when we're hungry love will keep us alive


李宇春(Chris Lee),中国流行女歌手、词曲创作人、演员。2005获得“超级女声”总冠军,成为中国首位民选超级偶像。两次登上美国《时代周刊》并获评“亚洲英雄”和“中国流行文化代表”,素有“舞台皇后”之称。

2006年推出首张个人专辑《皇后与梦想》,年终销量137万张。并创立了个人品牌演唱会“WhyMe”。2008年推出概念专辑《少年中国》,获得MTV亚洲音乐大奖“中国最受欢迎歌手”奖。2009年发行原创专辑《李宇春》,成为杜莎夫人蜡像馆首位受邀制作蜡像的中国大陆女歌手。2010年成立个人工作室。2011年推出专辑《会跳舞的文艺青年》。2012年举行疯狂世界巡演 。连续五年成为世界自然基金会WWF“地球一小时”中国区推广大使。2013年凭原创作品《再不疯狂我们就老了》获得EMA欧洲音乐大奖“全球最佳艺人”奖。并受官方邀请出席第66届与67届戛纳电影节,并于第67届戛纳电影节上担任颁奖嘉宾。截至2014年,李宇春共发行6张内地冠军销量专辑。2014年,李宇春荣获World Music Award(世界音乐大奖)”Best-selling Chinese Artist”(中华区最高销量奖),成为此殊荣的第一个内地歌手。



2006李宇春上海522不插电音乐会07—Love Will Keep Us Alive
